Today, the NOI are in an arranged marriage with scientology.
But in the 70’s they had other ideas. This was sent in by a former member who found it in a publication.
It is less than complimentary to say the least.
It really highlights the point that scientology and the NOI are very much opposite in their ideologies. How are they bedfellows today?
The only explanation is money. Because it is certainly not their beliefs. From a scientology perspective, the NOI are very aberrated “wogs” who only have value once they have learned scientology “technology” and how to use the “electronic devices and other modern gadgets” that “whites have ‘faith’ in.”
How are scn and NOI bedfellows??
money, of course.
Louis Farrakhan on Scientology.
Louis Farrakhan on Dianetics
“From a scientology perspective, the NOI are very aberrated “wogs” […}”
There is a terrible irony in this sentence. The term ‘wog’ is a British racist epithet applied principally to black people.
Hubbard seems to have picked up this up when he lived here, in Saint Hill, and it amused him to manipulate people who didn’t know it’s true meaning into using it.
And no – it did not mean ‘Westernised Oriental Gentlemen’ or any such thing. That was the cover story of the bigots who used it.
The Scientology / NOI ‘alliance’ is surely one of the strangest partnerships in all of fringe belief – both founded by a racist, supremicist guru but mirror images of each other. Whatever holds them together, it isn’t their respective ‘philosophies’.
I’m betting money is involved.
Scicrit, Ron lumped such into the “cannibal” pigeonhole; If you clear one, all you get is a cleared cannibal.”
Scicrit observed:”I’m betting money is involved.”
I won’t bet against you.
Yes, everyone on Earth use electronic devices in the 21st century. Who alive isn’t walking around with a smartphone, which by the way Nikola Tesla predicted in 1926? The faith part, not so much.
Integrating them into religion was being done long before Scientology. In the 1800s, the transcendental movement and other mystics used the new technology of ‘photography’ to film spiritual ectoplasm. In the 1900s, Radionics was the electronic version of snake oil. Today, in addition to the e-meter of Scientology, we also have the electro-gadgetry of Reflexology. Penn & Teller did a nice job debunking Reflexology on their show *Bullshit* many years ago. I would have liked them to cover the e-meter too, but unfortunately they have not; however, the label still applies. I can tell you though from speaking with an EO, the average Scientologist has no understanding of how this thing works electrically (EO told a lie saying the electricity goes into your mind to read the mental image *as-if*). So yes, it is a pure faith item that does absolutely nothing electronically (except for the spy microphones and spy cams they added into it after another poster on this blog so thoughtfully educated us on).
The way I heard about this unpublished article for the Muhammud News is classified.
Sekrit NOI Tallishmud Scribblings
Some 632,447 years, 3 months and 13 days ago Homo Erectmore magically appeared in north east Africa. They were small, lightly boned and dark of skin. They began agriculture in central Etheropia along the rivers and low lands. They skipped ‘religion’ completely and were directly spiritual and grounded in the earth herself. They had only the ‘natural’ drives of nourishment and nurturing.
Since they lived multi-centuries the population pressure eventually forced some of them northwards into the ‘slums’ of Europe. The further north they moved the less they needed melanin to protect their skins from the suns ultraviolence rays.
Thus came about the pale faces of the north and, without the melanin protection, they became war-like and an altogether violent race. This violent nature brought about the development of tools of war, which led to toolmaking and then industries with their infernal machines. They declared themselves Homo Saps and invented God, and gods, to satisfy their lack of spirituality, and to obtain sanctions from their gods to make war.
Everything is the white devils fault. But we must learn their ways to eventually sub-plant them in the north forty acres.
FUNNY, Jim! Sadly. it’s a pretty accurate statement of their cosmology.
Thanks. What is sad is that I emailed this joke to 8 friends— 3 of them replied back in a way that reflected that they took it as something I DID get off the web. Social media has so corrupted communication on the web that something as absurd as this is commonplace and almost expected. Not good.
In the ages of civilization the period of peace and calm ( 1960-1999) have come to an end.
Jim coined “ultraviolence rays”
Good one!
I was on Staff when NOI was recruited. We were ordered to never Regge NOI.
If you couldn’t reg NOI, HOW did they pay for anything?
I am ex NOI & Scientology and left both cults a few years ago. . I have been researching mind controlling cults since.
Scientology got in bed with NOI because it was bodies in the shop that eventually lead to slave labor of NOI and draining their bank accounts.
That’s the goal of Scientology.
It was someone’s Stat at the time of recruitment.
LF agreed to do it cuz he loves power. He thought he would get more power with Scientology. It will destroy him and NOI, IMO.
Cult members are already under “undue influence” and are easy to scam.
They have been implanted with worshipping others and doing what they are told by both cults.
NOI fits Scientology like a glove.
Scientology now controls NOI and NOI has no clue.
Glad you found your way out Ex NOI. Seems like you are someone who can think for your self..
I always thought LF (and maybe others) was/is the FSM for NOI members who want to do COS courses.
So LF gets the money, which might (just might, lol) be his reason to advise the NOI members to do COS courses.
TrevAnon, FOLLOW THE MONEY! It’s always about the money, sometimes disguised as power.
What do the NOI get out of $cientology? Better programmed minions is what they get. The NOI have the same problem with keeping minions as $cientology does. Lots of people join up with the NOI and they get away.
I have no idea where the ‘commissions’ from NOI training go, but I just know that it is funneled back to Farraacon and his cohorts.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the NOI when Farracon goes to the Mothership. I expect a knock down, drag out fight for control.
The screenshot posted by Mike is of the story “Scientology – Primitive Mysticism” published in the.September 17, 1971 issue of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper.
The story was recently posted to the Nation of Islam Historical Archives Online at:
The story states:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
WHITES IN USA, South Africa, Britain, Sweden, West Germany, and other countries of this sort are fleeing Christianity into other spookist religions such as Scientology. Rev. A. Maren (left) and Rev. K. J. Whiteman of New York are spreading the religion which continues belief in ghosts, witches, spirits and demons but conceals this primitive mysticism behind pseudo – science of astrological sort. Electronic devices and other modern gadgets are used because these are felt to be objects whites have ‘faith’ in today.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I have been informed that the Rev. A. Maren referred to in the story is Arte Maren.
On 8/16/20, I created a thread about the story on ESMBR. The first post in that thread has a more complete screenshot of the story, including the referenced photo.
Wikipedia explains the importance of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper, the source of the story:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Muhammad Speaks was one of the most widely read newspapers ever produced by an African-American organization.[1] It was the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam from 1960 to 1975, founded by a group of Elijah Muhammad’s ministers, including Malcolm X.[2]
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
I knew a White woman, a few years ago, who was at Flag traing to be an auditor for Atalanta Org. She said the other 6 auditors in training for Atlanta were Black, and from The NOI . They made it clear to her that they were only there for the NOI,and had no interest in furthering Scientology.
How could the six NOI members in training at Flag to be Auditors at the Ideal Church of Scientology of Atlanta possibly believe that they were not furthering Scientology?
Did they not understand that the money their Preclears paid for auditing would go to the Ideal Church of Scientology of Atlanta, and not to their local Nation of Islam mosque?
Did they not understand that any money NOI members paid to the COS for auditing and to go up the Bridge could not be contributed to the NOI for new buildings and programs? That it was a zero sum game?
I always found it fascinating that NOI Minister Tony Muhammad helped raise money for Scientology Ideal Orgs. I don’t recall Scientologists raising money for NOI mosques.
You know the money never makes it to the buildings in Scientology?
It’s amazing how powerful that first ammendment is because you know that Steve Bannon of Trump fame is being brought up on felony charges for the exact same reason. His non-profit claimed Build the Wall money was going 100% to the border wall with Mexico. Some of it was paid to volunteers instead, so now that is a crime and being prosecuted. Yet Scientologists get away with the same crime all that time without similar prosecution by claiming funder raiser money is going towards buildings. Subjective enforcement of the law degrades the legitimacy and authority of the Department of Justice, who should be the one enforcing both the constitution and laws fairly. I don’t think the first amendment protects Sea Org members from commiting a crime by falsifying claims as to where building project money will be used. I doubt less than 10% of the Superpower building funds even made it to Florida.
As to the NOI helping to fund raise for Scientology, I feel sorry for those who think they are helping while in reality all the buildings and all of the courses are paid by Scientologists directly (ref. Albuquerque Ideal Org ongoing donation solicitation) . They don’t need money from NOI for anything, and if they are handing out humanitarian statuses for NOI, why would you want to build a status with a different group outside of NOI? Makes no sense, and on the streets they would call that hustler money. (It’s just going into pockets to fund psyops against former members and against lawyers who work against Scientology aims and goals worldwide)
This is why I have stayed away from Mike Rinders blog, because of all the anti Trump comments. Later.
If that qualifies as an “anti-Trump” comment, I wonder how you get through your day. Making the perfectly valid point that Bannon and Co are being prosecuted for raising funds to build a wall that they did not spend it on and wondering why there is such a double standard for religions is hardly “anti-Trump.” It’s the current administration’s US attorney doing the prosecuting. If this offends your sensibilities so terribly, it makes me wonder how you get through the day.
Actually, political or anti-Trump comments are pretty rare here and I agree with Mike in that this one is just stating the allegations we know thus far in this case. I’m not gonna get my knickers in a knot over it. I prefer not to read anything political here because generally it doesn’t belong here, which is another reason why I love it here. I am able to read and enjoy the comments on this blog all the more because of the lack of people dragging politics and anti-Trump digs into the discussions or as OT comments like they do elsewhere. I’m not able to read every single comment, but IME it is pretty uncommon. I respect Mike for keeping this blog a-political, friendly, and welcoming. Honestly I don’t know if it is because Mike has asked it of everyone before I came along in 2012, or because that’s just how it is here, but it means everything to be able to come to a place where folks are respectful to each other and there isn’t a bunch of political jabbing – where I can just learn more about why the cult I came out of affects me certain ways and the latest news concerning it/its slow demise, etc. There’s a sense of peace and calm here. I am very thankful for this little spot on the interwebs.
the auditors could just leave (after the end of their staff contracts, if they chose to do it by the book) and never come back, leaving the Co$ with nothing and gaining the NOI an army of mind-fuckers?
We keep saying “it’s the money.” Either that means that existing NOI victims will be drawn into paying money to the Co$ (but how come the NOI didn’t feel confident that it could empty the pockets of its victims on its own?), or it means that new victims will be recruited, but then they will most obviously be recruited to the Co$ (and in that case, a commision could go to the NOI, in some form).
I honestly don’t get it, but it’s fascinating. Not nice, but fascinating.
Wow! That is an interesting article even without the reference to “whites” but the “whites” word gives it a whole new perspective. Of course, david miscavige and other scientologists would say the church has changed and is welcoming to all races. Basically they are begging for people to join and give them money and help keep them afloat or at least help it look alive – til dave dies. Then the lawyers can have it – do with it what they will. Huh dave?
Pretty sure Dave believes that if he amasses enough money and power and kicks enough butts, he won’t die. He’s in for a surprise –
I interviewed a young man from NOI selling newspapers at an intersection a few months ago. He told me that NOI accepts only Hubbard’s science of the mind. I said “Dianetics?” He said yes, “We do not accept the religion only the science of mind.”
Yeah, they buy the bs. It’s why they have people doing Grades and even OT levels!
The claim that the NOI only accept Dianetics is probably a form of “shore story” for the rank-and-file members. They might be spooked by the spookist elements of the super-secret upper levels.
No matter how they get someone started, it all ends up in the demonic realm eventually.
They tell WISE companies it is all about efficiency and the bottom line. They tell drug addicts it is all about chemicals trapped in fatty tissues. They tell teachers it is all about superior teaching techniques. They tell celebrities it is all about the connections you can make to climb the “star-making machinery behind the popular song” (thanks Joni Mitchell). They tell star-struck hippies that it is all about saving the world. They tell NOI it is all about white oppression.
They’ll tell anyone any lies (“acceptable truths!”) they think will rope them in. But once you have thoroughly taken the bait, they switch to the spooky stuff. It is literally all they’ve got.
Hubbard tried literally everything he could think of in his quest for personal perfection and finally came to the conclusion that he was infested by space cooties. No other way to explain his many failures. The name of his personal nemesis was “Legion”. (Luke 8:26-38)
Then he failed to exorcise his space cooties. Maybe a cross and some garlic could have done the trick? R2-45 with a silver bullet? We’ll never know.
Nobody will ever follow him up the end of the “Bridge to Total Freedom” because he never got there. All they can do is waste endless hours and piles of cash trying.
George, the Nation of Islam member you interviewed might want to discuss this with:
(1) NOI Brother Alexander Ofori-Muhammad, who is OT 4 and a Class 5 Auditor at the Church of Scientology of London;
(2) NOI Minister Tony Muhammad, who went Clear on the original route to Clear. (That is, he did not go Clear on New Era Dianetics (NED), but instead audited himself to Clear on the Clearing Course.) At the time, he was the twelfth member of the NOI to attain the Scientology religious State of Clear. He is also a Class 4 Auditor and he completed Super Power;
(3) NOI Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad, who is Clear, a Super Power Completion, a Cause Resurgence Rundown Completion, and a PTS/SP Course Graduate;
(4) NOI Sister Charlene Muhammad, the National Correspondent for The Final Call Newspaper, who is a Classed (i.e.. E-Meter) Auditor-in-Training. She has completed the Method 1 Co-Audit Course and the Professional Metering Course, at the very least;
— among others.
If being a Classed (i.e.. E-Meter) Auditor doesn’t make one a Scientologist, what would? Indeed, policy states that a requirement for Permanent Certification as a Classed Auditor is Ordination as a Scientology Minister.
If being Clear via Scientology (not Dianetics), doing Super Power, doing the Cause Resurgence Rundown, or even being OT 4 doesn’t make one a Scientologist, what would?
Thanks, I do remember this NOI guy and I will look for him.
What is NOI?
Nation of Islam
Ah,Ah, Ah…… AH chew!
We have to admit though that whites do have faith in electronic devices and other modern gadgets (once white folks discovered the electric can opener, it was “Katy, bar the door” … from that point on, Siri was inevitable …)
Good one Joe 🙂