This letter was recently received by one of our readers in Australia.
They have entered the stratosphere and are building a whole new world of stability and command over the environment using the most powerful tech in the Universe. No hype here at all…
Apparently they have “come up through” the Golden Age of Knowledge, the Golden Age of Tech II and the Ideal Org Strategy? Those things didnt “do it” but it is going to happen now. Not sure how they came “through” the Ideal Org Strategy when there are still 3 orgs that are NOT ideal and Sydney, Melbourne and Perth are ideal orgs that are empty and failing.
Accompanying the letter was this flier — apparently they are “gearing up” for massive expansion (I got the impression from the letter that this had already occurred).
By getting you to join staff.
Under the subsphere is more like it.
deep in the bubble are they. fully deluded.
We’re gearing up for unprecedented expansion!
Join staff, and we’ll assign you a stat and make it your problem.
And if the expansion doesn’t occur (again), it’s all your fault.
Goodness me, Churlya Wuerful is still kicking the ball!!! Now that’s the definition in living form of, “drawing a long bow.” I knew her way back in the 80s… (she had some $ back then too let me tell you). Phew, makes my cheeks go tight! If it hasn’t worked by now Churlya, please smell the coffee or at least notice the elephant in the room making it.
That’s over 30 years I know of they have gone backwards and backwards and backwards.
It always seems horrible beyond words to me, that the rhetoric bouncing around between a Scientologist’s ears is always the same, decade after decade. It’s always the future and the future trained up team will get better and better and get us all, humanity included, across the line. Soon we’ll all achieve a dead man’s aims.
Even to quote Hubbard – show us your stat graph and assign yourself a condition. Go on, be a devil, has a squiz at the Data Series – dare ya! Or just to keep it simpler, have a serious look at the first question of the Debug Checklist. Therein lies the answers you seek. Yet, you ask no questions, just obeying is your preferred operating basis.
Fear and loathing of looking at present time is alive and well in the hallways of Scientology. They much prefer selective amnesia.
Scientology expansion will soon hit the (low) ceiling of an indoor pig sty,
with the basic doctrines of L. Ron Hubbard, being:
1. “Life is a game of overwhelming others.”
You eventually run out of people who want to be overwhelmed by him…
2. To boost the ability of his adepts, to “overwhelm others” and thus to “win,”
Hubbard devised a nifty “universal process” of therapy, he called “Process S2:”
“From where could you communicate to a victim?” (as a repetitive command, till some of the “ability to make victims,” is (re)gained)
3. To put this in some perspective, Hubbard decided that there is neither Good nor Evil, but that it is entirely a matter of taste, to decide what is good and what is evil.
The same about Ugliness (of which Hubbard radiates a massive quantity), and about Beauty (which is not native to himself, but which he takes from others).
4. “In order to make something persist, you MUST lie about it.” This of course holds true only for crime, which he wants to persist – by indeed tremendous, totally unimaginable lies, which he writes and tells ‘with a very, very straight face.’ ‘Fundamentals of Thought,’ ‘The Philadelphia Doctorate Course,’ ‘A History of Man,’ not to mention the horrific lies he tells all his ‘Sea Org’ members.
It is all very Satanic, covered in a wonderful sauce to make people Unaware and swallow it, and to make them “add to it and reinforce it.”
And no matter how many “policies” and “bulletins” Hubbard writes, and lectures he records – about “how he is the greatest and wisest” – the basis of his nature, his soul, stays the same.
He can get as many “Way To Happiness” rules for life, printed and distributed, but they will all “smell” very Ugly, that is, his spiritual stench is inseparably connected to everything he does or gets others to do.
What you see in real Scientology life: It must be insinuated into any Scientology customer, at the earliest opportunity, that “one is a Scientologist” and “one must be dominated by whatever Hubbard writes.”
Like it is insinuated already with an introductory course, with the title being “Hubbard Apprentice Scientology Course” (though it is actually a simple, but – if you do want to achieve that – a highly effective Communication Course [it is based on the Hindu ‘Godhead’ meditation], that you can complete in a day or two).
The simplest sentence for its Expansion:
It “expands” into Satanism or Total Domination.
Some people like that – or else they are spiritually trapped in it – but that can never be many.
correction: “Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist Course”
So Hubbard, in the little quote there about going Clear and then clearing off! Says you wouldn’t make it on your own, you need a whole Org of staff and admin!
Yet, in the first book, Dianetics, all it took to go Clear was one other person and a copy of the book! Hubbard continually states as facts how fast and easy this “science” all is! Hubbard even states he had made around 275 Clears as his test subjects! All lies of course. Yet, Scientologists ignore these lies. I don’t see how. Hubbard lied from the start and lied right until the very end. Nothing worked so he had to come up with the reasons no one was getting the results!
But a big, expensive, fancy looking building is of course the real reason no one is going clear! So join staff!
Follow the “science!” Lmfao.
What exactly have you come up with to help others pal?
Like all the rest NOTHING. People like you cannot run an engram as you have a solid sheet of charge.
That is evident by the language you use, like most people you cannot undertstand Scientology and probably could not write out the axioms of the subject, as you have never studied it
I am so glad I left the Org and worked with well trained specialists, not moaning admin types like you
How do you know that Cayden has done nothing to help others? You don’t, Jaffy 43, “pal”… About the only skill I have noticed Scientologists gaining for their many thousands of dollars paid to the organization is a very “reactive” judgement of anyone who thinks critically at all about Scientology; a judgement often appended with lies about the person that I assume are rationalized as being for the “greater good”. Maybe I need to actually meet a Scientologist to find out that I’m wrong. With all the unprecedented expansion I’ve seen crowed about in Scientology literature for decades, I guess the chances are extremely high that one or two of you guys will cross my path any day now. I’m still waiting…
He did tell the truth right at the end — that he’d failed.
At the risk of invoking Godwins Law, I’ve been watching a show called “The Abyss: Rise and Fall of the Nazis” and this sort of thinking pretty much tracks with that of the German people in the final days of the war when they still fervently believed that Final Victory was just around the corner and that they just needed to stay strong and their Dear Leader would lead them to the Promised Land. We all know how that ended for them.
The Kult here has been on its knees since around 2012-2013 when we “smashed their brand” as someone told me in a phone call then. It’s been nothing since but an ever-decreasingly irrelevant fringe group ignored by the rest of the peeps until yet another atrocity makes headlines.
But the OSAbots, just like the Gestapo, have kept dissent to a minimum and somehow they stumble along, the whole group caught up in the delusion that the new super-weapons and the same old leadership WILL bring about Planetary Clearing.
Sad really. But also still capable of inflicting pain and suffering on those who are “collateral damage” in the way of Getting The Job Done.
The scn organization masquerading as a religion for financial and legal benefit has been on its knees since Book one, WELL before 2012. Being based on lies upon lies, it could never deliver on any of its promises.
“They have entered the stratosphere and…”
When you think about it 30.8 centimetres (1 foot) above the ground would be the stratoshpere for the ants that are $camatology.
Who still uses the paragraph indent? Scientology’s writing style is as dated as the DC-8 references in the Xenu story.
Erlanz is married to Briar, a Sea Org Member who was once a star of the Ideal Org missionaire unit and then was busted during the Chase Wave along with every other missionaire. After months on the decks doing hard labor and ethics, she was sent to Columbus to be staff there since there weren’t enough public to recruit so that this new “Ideal Org” could be opened. Her and Erlanz are husband and wife who have been separated for MANY years. She has been trying to get transferred to the continental office in Australia for quite some time but no one cares since she messed up as a missionaire.
??? They were *busted* for bringing in MORE MONEY? unbelievable. That’s what their remit was, wasn’t it?
I think that Miscavige, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus got together with Kronos, King Arthur, and all the other mythological figures to go convince LRH to leave Target PinksAndGreys and come back to make up new tech. Ask John Mappin. He must be in contact with King Arthur still, or maybe it’s with Merlin. At any rate, someone who is certainly real will know all about it.
“I thought John the Baptist was to come first …….’ Charley Brown circa 1967
How can they possibly think this will convince people to join staff? The old saying “preaching to the choir” springs to mind here and attempting to goad members of a failing org to join staff for “unprecedented expansion” just reeks of desperation. The few active members left in ANZO are well aware of Scientology’s eventual demise and joining staff at a tiny org will not change its downward trajectory.
Is there ANYTHING of MustSavage’s tiny little fiefdom that doesn’t reek? Desperation is just the surface level of the corruption assaulting the air.
One line says; Chairman of the bored “rolled out new technical releases for this coming year”?
WTF? Blubbard has been dead for many decades. How can there be new tech? Are these dolts so stupid that they believe all that spews from Missy Cabbage’s mouth???
Wake up, see the truth and walk away before the cult causes you more personal and financial harm.
My friend, it’s called releasing a Golden Age. DM can’t invent new tech as that would violate LRH as source. So he takes existing tech and repackages it as newer and better. These are the ‘technical advances’ being referred to.
Miss Cabbage just whips some BS he knows to be false and CALLS it a “New age” of something-or-other to sell it to the clams who he browbeats into swallowing it whole.
Right. Exactly.
Probably the only posts available on staff will be as IAS regges.
More money for Mr. Misckiewickz!
Stratosphere? Is that the place of Target 2?
Can he describe more of the troubles of yesteryear?
(I thought that there has always been an unprecedented expansion?)