If this situation is so dire, why isn’t the IAS stepping in to spend ten thousand dollars to buy some generators/batteries?
The IAS has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the past based on Freedom Medal winners who “brought LRH tech to the government of Ukraine and thus brought sanity to an entire nation.” They have used the Ukrainian Freedom Medal winners to do fundraising events. They have explained how important it is to “bring the tech” to this nation. But now in their hour of need, the IAS is nowhere to be seen, instead it’s a Facebook pitch to keep the mission bringing the tech to this nation (well, 130 people at least) in such desperate need.
The IAS throws this amount of money away each week handing out food to get people to show up for their fundraising events.
No doubt, at some event in the near future, some “accomplishment” will be touted in Ukraine (it’s a hot topic) to support the notion that scientology is “winning” and more people should give more money to keep the “incredible momentum” going.
The IAS, as Debbie Cook noted in her famous email, is a blatant violation of Hubbard policy — but more significantly it is probably the single biggest scam foisted off on scientologists since Hubbard proclaimed he could make Clears and OTs if you had the money to pay fot it.
IAS raises around 5 million $$$ annually on membership fees alone therefore 10k of that is minuscule. When you consider how much money they have incoming and the lack of concern to spend it on their members it really does make them seem a cold disingenuous bunch.
** 5 million was my estimate only which is roughly 16.5k members X $300. Mike or anyone else in the know is welcome to correct me if I am mistaken.
John Sweeney and his orange beanie are back in Kyiv, maybe he could pop round and help them come up with some good fundraising ideas. Exploding tomatoes with Putin’s face on perhaps. Perhaps COB will finally give him that interview he was trying to get if he sees that John’s trying to get Kyiv mission to go ideal…
I think the answer is obvious. The IAS has no desire to commit funds or staff to a hot war zone. Hurricanes. earthquakes, and poverty are one thing. But gunfire, explosions, and the threat of nuclear radiation is where they probably draw the line.
I totally agree. By now the meaning of the Russian Ukrainian conflict has changed in the minds of Europeans. IAS, New Era o scn in general can’t ask for money from Russians, but even less from Europeans. So, what can scn really do in Ukraine? A ridiculous WTH campaign? They have no plans. So, actually a beautiful nothing, and then they wont do anything.
Someone should submit a request through CSW (Complete Staff Work) to the IAS for these funds. The CSW will ultimately be reviewed by DM since it affects his SO Reserves. The CSW must include the situation, data, and information, and finally the proposed solution. This solution should never be ‘release the money’ (otherwise the person will be released in some lost hole for eternity), but it must explain how this will generate more money in return, not just help a mission in Kiev without power.
I suspect anyone will think too much before making such a request.
It is obvious that someone should be responding on these message boards saying exactly what Mike has posted above. Were is the IAS or SCN in general with its billions? They could sort this in a matter of minutes. Does anyone post the comments that everyone is thinking when they come across requests like this? I would love to see the response when they did. Maybe COB could see a pair of shoes to fund it.
That really puts this in perspective.
To think david Caligula “Little Boots” miscavige will not give up one designer suit or custom-made shoes or some Scotch to fund this org is showing his real self.