We have long heard about the "Facebook Police" of scientology. Their job is to tell people who they can and cannot be friends with. One of our faithful readers sent in this recent report and it is pretty remarkable. The PsychoTerrorCult tried to get a NON-SCIENTOLOGIST to remove friends because they are "undesirable" in the eyes of OSA. The FB Policewoman in this case is one Sabrina Scurto. She reportedly completed OT VIII in 2014. She seems to maintain a Facebook profile for the sole purpose of telling people who they should be in contact with. Don't forget, this is the … [Read more...]
Disconnection For All
Here is a new ad from WISE explaining the incredible value of "disconnection tech": The scientology "Admin Tech" people at the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises are hawking some more of Hubbard's "religious scripture" (which is what they call it in scientology) as "secular management technology" which is what they call the same thing at WISE. These 3 booklets contains the "secrets" to dealing with Suppressive Persons. Including disconnection. Like the scientology euphemism "confront and shatter" which is actually an admonition to "run and hide, sever all connection" with an … [Read more...]
Happy New Year
We have begun a new year, thank God. Though obviously January 1 is not really any different than December 31, it is traditionally a time to look forward to a new year, rather than back at the disaster that was. It is the day we consider what we hope to accomplish in the coming year and what we would like to see happen. For me, and a lot of people who come to this blog, it’s a pretty simple answer: end the abuses of scientology, including the barbaric family destruction that is brought about by the policy of disconnection. Of course, this is easier said than done. Scientology doesn’t ch … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving today in the United States. It is traditionally a day to spend with family (though in these Covid times everything is disrupted) and appreciate the good in your life. For many who read this they are reminded of the family and friends they are not sharing today with for another reason than Covid -- scientology's inhumane practice of disconnection. But even if you miss a loved one today because of disconnection, you can be thankful that you are not in the bubble, but have the freedom to think for yourself. Those who have disconnected themselves from you do not have that … [Read more...]
Disconnection — Scientology’s Nasty Secret
While Scientology spokespeople have routinely denied that “enforced disconnection exists”, anyone who is familiar with the Corporate Church of Scientology knows only too well about disconnection. Like so much else in the Corporate Scientology empire, its an ugly truth to be hidden from the “wog” world through a game of carefully worded deception of the same order as Bill Clinton’s infamous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” When you see a church spokespeople emphatically state “there is no policy of enforced disconnection” in Scientology, the language is carefully chosen. (Yo … [Read more...]
The Inhumanity of Scientology
Sadly, too many people pass away without the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones. Those who die in tragic accidents or without warning. Others in other cities or countries that make it logistically impossible for a final face-to-face meeting. Some are estranged for whatever reason and don’t reach out to them, even when they often regret it as they take their final breaths and it has become too late. Then there are those who have had their familial relationships sundered by their beliefs -- that it will be spiritually harmful to associate with “non-believers” or those who have bee … [Read more...]
Scientology “Father’s Day”
Scientology likes to portray itself as family friendly. This is never really true in scientology -- the organization ALWAYS takes precedence over the individual or family. Always. Scientology tries to tell the world that it is the great protector and builder of family relationships. Just look at these excerpts from scientology.org: But let's just focus on how this works out for scientology staff, SO Members or declared SP's. Scientology is decidedly NOT family friendly and Father’s Day is simply another “reason” to try to get suckers to visit the org so the regges can try to get their m … [Read more...]
Scientology Still on My Mind
Our old friend Terra Cognita is back with more insight. Sadly, I imagine many readers here can relate to these observations. I stopped writing regularly about Scientology after I’d said everything I thought I needed to say. I’d climbed out of the rabbit hole. Exorcised my demons. Laughed at the hypocrisy. And finally capped my pen when I felt it was time to move on. And yet, I still think about Scientology. Not as frequently as during the first couple of years after I’d left, but I still have occasional conversations in my mind with those I left behind—with those still trapped inside the b … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas
I want to wish everyone a wonderful day of peace, happiness and goodwill. Whether you are Christian or not, everyone can share in the holiday spirit. I hope each of you has the opportunity to spend a day with family and friends (especially children - for whom this is a magical day of excitement) as we will be. The only sour note note to be heard among the caroling is the fact that many readers here are cut off from some family members and friends because of the cruel scientology practice of disconnection. My wish is that you can enjoy and be thankful for what you DO have today and try … [Read more...]
Disconnection — Scientology’s Spin
Scientology has long attempted to defend the sordid abuses of disconnection by proclaiming it is a "personal choice" and an "individual right." Tad Reeves, a devout scientologist and OSA frontman is active on social media attempting to promote and also defend scientology from "attacks." He has a blog, and frankly, he seems like a decent guy caught in the distorted world of scientology-think. What is most interesting is that he goes into such detail about the subject of disconnection. His utterances on this subject are certainly coordinated/cleared with OSA before he posts them. This is the … [Read more...]