Chelsea Handler is coming to Clearwater as part of her comedy/book tour.
I do not believe it is accidental that Clearwater is included among the list of cities she is visiting — NY, LA, Houston, Miami, DC, Boston, Chicago, SFO, Seattle etc. All MAJOR markets and a couple of college towns (Madison WI, Durham NC) and then little old Clearwater…
What could possibly be the reason?
And at the Ruth Eckerd Hall, where earlier this month David Miscavige and Dan Sherman conducted the clapping seals for the annual L. Ron Hubbard Birthday Event as they have done every year since the 90’s…
Chelsea has been a vocal fan of Scientology and The Aftermath and has talked scientology a lot.
I suspect this show might ramp it up even further.
If you live in the Tampa Bay area, come join the fun. It’s a way you can show your support for her support. Aaron Smith-Levin and I (and our wives) have our tickets. David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and the remaining scientologists in Clearwater do not.
Not a fan of Chelsea It is cool that she is on the good side of the Cult but she is crass un funny and cannot accept the fact that her side lost an election. But if you like her go see her knock yourselves out because above all else freedom rules
Ha ha, ha! Scientologist clapping seals… brilliant description Mike.
What a horrible condition they suffer, being prisoners of their own minds. Witnessing these scientology “events” and the manufactured exuberance, one is both repelled and sympathetic at the same time… such sad victims.
Sadly Clearwater is a long way from Lancashire in the UK
So I will have to give it a miss 🙂
I was in a nightclub the other night. I was sitting at a table. There was a heavy gal who was dancing on the table next to mine. I looked up and said, “Nice legs!” She smiled and said, do you really think so? I replied, hell yes! That table should have calapsed a long time ago!
I woke up, it was a Chelsea morning
And the first thing that I knew
There was craving for more money
And a twisting of the truth
As the cob poured out his favorite Scotch
And beefed up his defenses
Oh, that’s the price you gotta pay
When you’ve lost all of your senses
Now that’s worth reading! Very well done, Mickey!
Time for a fundraiser to handle Handler as she’s a handful!
That just messed with my mind.
You’re welcome!
Only a comedian could explain scamology properly
And a coroner.
spit out my coffee I Yawn!
Hey! That would be me! I’ve been making fun of the cult for ages!
Hey there OSD,
I been looking for a good source from which I was hoping to extract some quotes to use in my attempts to write some comedic posts about Scamology.
I found a source that I think might be good and I’d be happy to share this with you.
I search this way “Rank famous quotes from King Lear” or “Rank famous quotes from Macbeth”
I hope you may find a use for the following. If you cannot find a way to use them in comedy, at least they may give this blog the appearance of being more erudite which fits one of my favourite guidelines, “Fake it till you make it!” Good luck OSD!
I searched some of Shakespeare’s most famous plays and found some really good quotes that can be used in many cases. For example:
King Lear (Act 1, Scene 1) – Nothing will come of nothing.
King Lear (Act 3, Scene 2) – Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, Blow this damn cult!
King Lear (Act 4, Scene 6) – When we are born, we cry that we are come to This Hole.
Lady Macbeth (ACT 5, SCENE 1) Out, damned spot! out, I say!
Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5) It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
I was thinking of “adjusting” Lady Macbeth’s quote to say something like:
“Out, damned cult! out, I say!” or maybe “Out, MissSavage! Out, I say!”
How about: King Lear (Act 3 Scene 2) – Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage and Blow this job!
It has always called for a Blow Job anyway.
Mikey, I’ll do my best for you!
BTW, I got caught peeing in a public pool. The lifeguard yelled at me so loud, I almost fell in.
Sounds like you were pissed off.
For sure OSD!
Lol! Perfect!!
I’d love to see this and hear her take on it all. Enjoy the show!
No doubt the Big Wig WHALES will be in attendance since they will be able to afford the price of these tickets.
The COS STAFF wont’ be there, most of them don’t have that kind of money from what I understand.
Yes but wouldn’t COB want to show her the best support by purchasing tickets to make sure the place is full?
I’ve always enjoyed Chelsea Handler. No matter your political bent (and she does get political), she’s funny! Sorry I will miss this; I would love to hear her have fun with the pink elephant in Clearwater.
Whoa! A pink elephant? It’s got be a female, right?
I think it’s been neutered, whatever it is.
“Aaron Smith-Levin and I (and our wives) have our tickets. David Miscavige, Tom Cruise and the remaining scientologists in Clearwater do not.”
ENJOY! BTW, how was the vacation? I missed the debriefing if there was one.