Happened to see this tweet from Freedom magazine on my Twitter feed this weekend. I thought it was a new campaign they were starting.
Turns out, it’s just a rehash of the last Freedom mag of any note — released in 2019. They are still playing that same old song “we are good citizens of your fair city and we just want to get along.” It’s a big lie. Ws then, remains so today.
I wrote about it at that time: Scientology BS Grows Deeper
Scientology wants only one thing for Clearwater. What is good for scientology. They have made their intentions clear — Clearwater is supposed to become the “First Scientology City” and they are playing the long game to accomplish that.
The premise of this entire magazine is that scientology is a boon to the community. This is based on an even older piece of news, a phony “study” scientology paid for (and provided all the information for) in 2014 that I wrote about here: Scientology Takes Clearwater for Suckers
The scientology leopard will never change its spots.
It can’t. The spots were dictated by L. Ron Hubbard, and nobody can change what Hubbard said. To scientologists, his word was and still is, the word of God.
Mindless cult propaganda designed as psychological warfare.
Hey Mike, O.T. but look at this vid from Nasty Nathanial at CC Nashville. They actually let him in to video the main lobby and such. Fluke (with staff member soon to be RPF’ed) or someone rented some IQ at OSA vis-a-vis handling “wogs”? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNM5OM3O7xM
Whole lot of bustling activity in that ideal org!!!!
I looked closely at the external wooded window frames and some are literally rotting away. No money for a small can of trim paint. smh
That was the org I did my staff contract at in 2009-2011. This is where I collided into David Miscavige and he treated me like I was stupid. Empty back then and empty today.
Wow, what amazes me is that a worker driving by recognizes Nathaniel from his videos, is something of a fan and stops to chat him up. I see from his channel that Nathanial does audits on other organizations besides Scientology, but still, he’s probably better recognized that the Scientology org itself!
Don’t know why but every time I read something put out by this “church” I Think……..”Hay. processed through the bowels of a male bovine.”
I don’t know why, but I do.
Separate subject, but I just heard Paul Haggis was arrested in Italy for sexual assault. I know you and Leah thought the four accusations in the US (three of them anonymous) were classic cult ops, and I tended to agree. Do you think the same goes for this one? I know Scientology has organizations in Italy. Curious for your thoughts.
I think that’s a distinct possibility – but there is not much available information to form a real conclusion yet.
A judge in southern Italy on Monday ordered the film director Paul Haggis released from detention at his hotel.
Thanks. I had not seen this. My response now becomes that this being a set up seems like a probability rather than a possibility.
Re: “It chaps Miscavige big time that his largest event was in 1993 and he has not been able to gather a crowd even near that size since.” (From the 2019 blog)
Poor David Miscavige. Poor poor Davie Boy.
The ONLY time I ever had the displeasure of going to an event in which Miscavige played a key role occurred in 1986 at the Hollywood Palladium at which Sea Org members learned of the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.
When I heard about that upcoming event, I wondered what it all would be about. Had Hubbard died as the grapevine had been suggesting?
Bullshit must have been flying high the night of the event because I caught some of it. By this I mean that I felt an unspoken undercurrent flowing through the auditorium.
As Miscavige delivered his message and Hubbard’s eulogy, I “knew” that nothing would ever be the same in Scientology. I had been a dedicated follower of Hubbard since 1977. Something told me that this would be the last Scientology event I would ever attend. I stayed true to the decision, and never attended another event, even though I wouldn’t leave Scientology until 2014.
Why did I make such a decision? I can’t tell you exactly. Did Hubbard’s death ARCX or upset me? No, not particularly. I can tell you that too much was left unsaid at that event. We had to accept what had happened without question or doubt. I didn’t doubt that Hubbard had died, but I knew that the event only scratched the surface. Without L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology wouldn’t exist, not really.
Every time I head about another grand achievement by the grandest of them all, COB RTC David Miscavige, I knew it was more of that same bullshit message that I had picked up on the night of that event in 1986. (Later, after leaving Scientology and learning just how much Miscavige had f*cked everything up, it didn’t surprise me, as he had wrangled himself into the COB RTC position, a position of power, so as to cause all the damage he wanted to without being challenged.)
The more Miscavige spoke of all the work he did to “safeguard” and to “protect” Scientology technology, the more I did not trust him. His growing and continuous BS firmed up my decision to avoid Scientology events at all costs. The louder Scientology applauded its fearless leader, the more I distrusted him.
From 1986 to 2001, I worked dutifully at Sterling Management Systems, OSA US, the Freewinds, among other places. I became an IAS member, did two of the Ship-only courses, among others. But my passion for Scientology turned sour when the thousands of dollars worth of training awards that I had earned or had been gifted at FLAG, the Freewinds, AOLA and ASHO were all cancelled. (A policy had been issued cancelling all training awards if not used by a certain date.)
And now, with pleasure, I have a front row seat wear I can watch David Miscavige BS himself into oblivion.
Correction: The 1986 event at the Palladium welcomed Sea Org members as well as Scientology public.
I would never characterize $cientology as a ‘leopard’. I see the clampire as more of an anteater. Just vacuuming up whatever arthropods that wander around and digesting them.
There’s an old joke…wait a minute, everyone knows the joke.