Scientology attempts to position itself as defenders of Human Rights. They put out a constant flow of propaganda intended to create that image through their front groups, photo ops, slickly produced videos and booklet handouts. They try as often as possible to hitch their PR wagon to legitimate organizations and individuals as they are doing in this event. I wonder if Harry Cohen, Hillsborough County Commissioner has any idea what he is endorsing? Or Jeannette Matta or Rainey Nave for that matter….
And you have to question whether the Children’s Board Board members have any idea this is going on?
The truth about scientology’s human rights record is something none of these people would want to be associated with. They are being duped.
Scientology is engaged in a systematic campaign of destroying human rights. This is not a complete list, but it is an accurate one:
Scientology Sea Org members are victims of human trafficking. Many of them, right there in Tampa Bay, are brought in from Latin American or Eastern European nations with promises of a home and a job. They come in on visas the church obtains for them, often calling them “religious workers,” hand over their passports, are paid $50 a week for 16 hour a day indentured servant style labor (doing “religious work” housekeeping or gardening), have no access to news or information outside the scientology bubble, and have their communication monitored. They have no way of getting home.
Scientology protects child abusers and sexual predators by refusing to report them to law enforcement when they become aware of their crimes, and then covering up evidence and hiding witnesses to avoid “PR flaps.”
Scientology believes they have a duty to destroy their “enemies” — anyone who says things they don’t like or exposes their abuses. This is “scripture” of scientology. Rather than protecting freedom of speech, they actively seek to crush people for speaking out if the topic of their speech is the abuses of scientology.
Scientology causes the destruction of families with their policy of Disconnection.
People often ask what they can do to curtail the abuses of scientology.
Here is something anyone can do. Reach out to these people who are inadvertently supporting scientology and provide them with the truth.
Hi, I had an academic question about Scientology I have been unable to answer. I live in an Asian country, visited by many missionaries from Christian denominations who often become fluent in the language in order to proselytize. My country has a Scientology org in the capital city. I have read that Scientologists devote thousands of hours to study of LRH’s philosophy. I was wondering if Mike or any of you know if Sea Org members attempt second language acquisition in order to proselytize more effectively? I am just curious what methods they use or if they rely exclusively on converted members who were already bilingual before they joined the Sea Org? Thank you.
Shocking to say the least. With there forced abortions and child labor abused. No to say the way the children are controlled 24/6.5 and housed. They make the Catholic Church look like choir boys.
Add to the abuse list financial annihilation for the person connected to most activities in Scientology (IAS, ideal orgs, going up The Bridge). The bankruptcies, the ridiculous “loans” arranged between by church members (often by staff or Sea Org) that cannot be paid back (as the other parishioner never qualified for the debt in the first place), the mental trauma, emotional depression, lawsuits and harassment (from banks, credit unions, collection agencies), psychological introversion, real-world destruction of credit standing and other vital assets.
No human rights advocate would knowingly support these outcomes.
I created a playlist of Videos on the Rehabilitation Project Form, the punishment division of the cult
where all human rights are taken away and contact with anyone outside of the RPF, even within the Sea Org is forbidden
including any spousal contact. No sex whatsoever is permitting in the RPF.
An assignment to the RPF goes on for YEARS.
Even though it is blatantly obvious that the program does not work, it continues on an on.
Research was actually done demonstrating that a HUGE percentage of blown and escaped and departees of the Sea Org, left
during, after or because of an RPF assignment.
I am a bit confused about who should be contacted regarding scientology’s evilness. Never being involved with the cult has me at a disadvantage (in this instance only).
Please help, I DO NOT want to inadvertently contact anyone in scientology.
Thank you so much.
Hi Linda, perhaps try clicking on “contact me” at the top of this page and that way Mike might be able to assist or redirect you. Hope this helps.
Just click on the (blue) links which Mike Rinder has provided in the text (which are: “Harry Cohen, Hillsborough County Commissioner” and “Children’s Board Board members”). It goes right to their site.
Thanks so much.
I see it as a redefinition – rights for them, but no responsibility to others. As Scientology does with other things, they’re not using the term as generally understood, but instead an extreme variation, a self- and ego-centered one similar to Ayn Rand’s objectivism or other radical libertarianism, and even might-makes-right, as in one is entitled to anything they can wrest from others.
That can be seen by looking under the hood of even their propaganda and PR, which disingenuously avoid saying anything meaningful if anything at all about issues that are awkward for them like human trafficking, and then reviewing Hubbard’s history of statements and policies back to the infamous Affirmations. Not to mention the actions of individual members including prominent financial “whales” who are landing in court with increasing frequency lately, on top of the record of the CofS as cited.
I am shocked. SHOCKED I tells you, to discover that United for Human Rights is really a front group for $camalotofmoneyology. Next thing you know someone will tell me that the six people in the flier are all $crewsyourbrainandtakesyourmoneyologists. The shock will be too much and I’ll have to have a cup of coffee to settle down.
Why would scientology CARE about human rights? they’re only wogs, don’cha know.
Jere, you’ll notice that they frame it in terms of “their inalienable rights” – which in the perverse Hubbardian worldview (influenced in part by Aleister Crowley, and in turn by Nietzsche, with not inconsequential ties to historic Nazism) is actually about the individual manifesting their will to power and taking whatever they can, including at the expense of the weaker and those deemed less worthy.
When the patient is at the last stage , as a last attempt , no stone left in turn.
Looks like Front Group overwhelm is the latest OP. Are you certain that the children’s group isn’t also a front?
The Children’s Board has a long presence in our community. A former boss of mine was among its founders. They were only asked to offer space because if the summit was held at Scientology’s cavernous, empty Ideal Org, literally a few blocks away from the Children’s Board offices, no onewould attend.
Apparently these guest speakers have not heard of Google.
What’s that ‘google’ thing you talk about?
Hiding by using others.
The brethren read and believe.
Only the people that know the truth see this for what it is.
And more ignorant guest speakers. All they had to do was search, maybe they did and they don’t care?
And the funniest part : Seating is limited.