This front page article in tomorrow’s Los Angeles Times is the end of Miscavige as we know it.
Paying PI’s $10Gs a WEEK to spy on his own father.
And those PI’s according to THEM were told by David Miscavige to let his own father die and not call Emergency Services when they thought he was having a heart attack.
And many more sordid details.
This proves everything that has been said about how Miscavige and Co. “respond to critics” are lies. No private investigators. No spying. No intimidation tactics. No smears.
These are not “claims from bitter disgruntled apostates” who “have an axe to grind” or are “making money.” These are COURT documents from police interviewing the PI’s they caught spying on Ron Miscavige Snr while carrying silenced rifles, handguns and thousands of rounds of ammunition.
And even in the face of this Miscavige STILL lies and has his attorney mouthpieces claim he has no involvement.
The difference between him and his “critics” is that we may have lied on behalf of scientology in earlier times — he continues to lie on behalf of himself to this very second.
The church always claims “Where are the police reports?”
Here is the answer.
Even the most ardent koolaid drinker has to think twice about these facts being laid bare.
And to this day Ron Miscavige Snr has said NOTHING about his son or scientology publicly. So his sociopathic son cannot claim that he is a “church attacker” and “trying to destroy our religion.” No, it’s clear for all to see that David Miscavige is driven purely by fear and vindictiveness.
The shitstorm isnt over. It’s just beginning.
As one of my favorite critics would say, Tick tock Davey boy!
David Miscavige is asshole devil Worshiper and he will get it in the end.
At Golden Era Productions, one of the people guaranteed to lighten up the room was Ron Miscavige senior….you couldn’t meet a more congenial guy… and he was appreciated. To see that his SON is expending Church funds to pay for PIs to stalk him out for such massive sums for so long a time (not including the cost of the attorneys who are running them and reading their reports – you might as well double that 10g’s up to 20g’s minimum per week) then you are talking millions of funds wasted on an inurement project that satisfies the whim of the Dear Leader to keep his old man in check. It took about $1m to run the operations of their management organizations, including RTC, for one week – including 750 staff. This shows clearly that the individual staff member is not considered of much value, whereas spying on your dad to keep him in check is paramount, so he won’t blow the whistle. Well Davie, try justifying that one to the IRS agents!
Ive always considered sci a cult and a money grubbing scheme; after watching Leah Remini’s program, it made me literally hate David Miscarriage. Filthy lying man deserves all the trouble that will hopefully befall him in the future.
Tom cruise…what a shame to b involved in this cult..poor katie
I’ve read in some online publications that Tom is a pretty evil guy as well.
Haven’t allegations be made that Cruise participated in beatings of Sea Org. members? Is that a real thing?
Grand jury investigation in five, four, three, two…
It doesn’t look good for the dwarf.
If the LA Times and the Mail both run a story about the CoS, even when it’s becoming open season to do so, I doubt they would have done so without checking their facts. Excuse me for being so conservative on this but I don’t like to be fooled and it’s very easy to be fooled by the media and there are lots of people who would like to throw some of the brown stuff at the dwarf.
So I can’t see how it can’t be true that a P.I. was arrested and this is in the police record. It also seems very likely the P.I. said he was watching Ron Snr. It also seems very likely the police would have interviewed Ron about it. So it appears beyond doubt that the P.I. was watching Ron.
That much I can assume as fact. It also seems likely the L.A. Times got the story because it was leaked to them by the Wisconsin police. How else would they get the story and know about the police records?
The only question that could exonerate the dwarf is who was paying the P.I.s? There were two or three of them on the case. If the 10k per week is a fact then who would be willing to pay that?
It’s easy for us to believe it would be the dwarf but that wouldn’t be easy to believe for the K.A. drinkers inside the church. That’s why I ask you to forgive me for being so conservative in my thinking here. I want to see if the K.A. drinkers could logically deny the story.
So let’s assume it wasn’t the dwarf. Who else would have an interest and that much money to spend on it? Well many f the readers of this blog might arrange for the P.I. and for the story to break to make the dwarf look bad. But I doubt that would be planned and financed when we knew that Going Clear was coming up in 2015 along with other things such as the Hollywood theater play. Why spend that much money when a couple of us would be willing to do it in exchange for expenses?
What about Big Pharma or Big Psychiatry? I guess the K.A. drinkers might swallow that but I can’t see it in a million years. The church doesn’t have enough of a credible reputation for these to be plotting to destroy the church.
What about the government? I don’t think they need an excuse like this in order to act. They already have a ton of credible reports from ex members to open an investigation if they wanted to to that.
I can’t think of anyone else. If you can please comment below. It just has to be the dwarf himself.
Which makes this a hugely significant story considering the target of the P.I.s
Miscavige can never make an unscripted public statement. He must be carefully muzzled and reading from a teleprompter because he shows his hand when he speaks extemporaneously. Remember his statement to the Clearwater police during the Lisa McPherson investigation? “She died. People die.” In an unguarded moment he actually tells a PI to let his own father die. And now the light of his antisocial personality shines brightly from the pages of the LA Times and the internet. Thank you Karma.
Just saw a commercial during Ellen Degeneres show about Hubbard and what a great dude he is. It looks rushed and glib.
“Who would let his father die like that?”
That’s a good question asked by Daniel Powell, 21 and the son of the hired PI Dwayne Powell.
Daniel Powell shows more humanity and common sense that the Supreme Leader of Scientology, David Miscavige, who wishes his father DEAD.
Ancient Voo Doo Prayer.
“Never conjure UP more demons than you can conjure DOWN”
Belated advice for the COB.
My heart goes out to Ron Miscavige Sr that he has had to undergo this and especially him finding out that his son directed that he be allowed to die. Ron Sr should have the respect that he deserves. As well, I don’t know if Becky Miscavige is still with Ron Sr but I wish the best for her as well.
It touched my heart to see that Jenna was now talking to her “grandpa” …
Her book was THE most difficult for me to read. I had to put it down often and go back to it every few days. I knew it to be true although I had never been in the Int Base because I was there at CCLA I knew exactly what Spanky spoke of in the film – the filth of the cadet org and could only imagine what the neglect at Hemet must have been like and using youngsters a slave labor.
I watched Going Clear in a theater in NYC with 2 never-in friends. And have been getting calls from never-in friends almost every day who have watched on HBO with comments like … I’m so sorry you were involved … I understand your lack of trust so much better … or now I get how quickly you might react to anything that seems cult-like …
And my family — also never-ins … who are hopeful that perhaps as I “decompress” more and more and seek whatever workable form of therapy for myself … that this nearly lifelong mistake will come to pass.
A work in progress. Immeasurably grateful to everyone who has come forward to expose first the current abuses and then digging deeper to show just how we were cleverly, disruptively, inhumanly deceived and controlled.
It still boggles my mind as I shake free from the shakles. First to see them, then to break them and then to heal the deep trenches left on my wrists and my mind.
Ouch … luckily what has never left is a profound sense of the absurd and humor so almost every day I can laugh at my folly … whew
BTW — watching Going Clear in Spanish is rather hysterical in itself as I don’t speak spanish …
Welcome back, Windhorse, welcome back. Glad you made it out. I hope from this point on your life is filled with much love, joy & happiness. You certainly deserve it…
Thanks OSD but where did I go? 🙂
I’ve been posting since 2009 on Marty’s blog, often on Mike’s and reading Tony’s the whole time from VV to Underground …
I expect that from this point in my life it will be filled with a great deal of love, joy and happiness and probably a fair share of heartbreak … that being the nature of life. Heartbreak as we lose those we love whether they are 4 legged loves or family or friends etc.
What I can be sure of is that I will never stop seeking — it’s been a way of life for me since I first realized I was alive …
Again — thanks for your kind wishes — were you staff in LA or Flag?
I postulate
David Miscavige in handcuffs and an orange jump suit.
I meant to add how fascinating it is that the PI’s actual weapen arsenal in his car has now backfired into ammunition against DM thus shattering DM’s PR mask of ‘benevolent cherch leader’.
Now it will be so much easier to connect his inhumane reaction towards his father with all of the beatings
etc. in the Co$.
Brilliant, just brilliant that this data is coming now, keeping the ball rolling after the HBO bomb.
Oh, and while on this subject I just found out this morning that the HBO documentary is known about and being discussed in prison!
One question keeps rolling around in my mind:
With the PI incident involving Ron M.Sr happening in 2013 did the L.A. Times do their own digging to find this black pearl or did they get some help from you or someone in our field?
Let my Dad Die
David Miscaviage: The world’s bitch. Sucks being you, dwarf boy.
Yes, DM is a little shit. He has “Napoleon’s Complex”, a.k.a. “little man’s complex”. LOL!!!
NBC’s report from this morning:
The timing on this could not be better. First Going Clear and now this police report that Totally backs up the Documentary in terms of proven harassment etc. JT and TC can no longer sit back and say “hearsay”
It’s very scary that these PIs were armed to the teeth. Is this normal for PIs hired by Scientology or are they
just gun nuts? Is the even scarier scenario that they use their weapons against the SPs if so instructed?
I think they are just “gun nuts” and I think it was an unfortunate coincidence he got caught.
Except maybe it was fortunate if it produced the testimony it did.
Surely fortunate for the rest of the world. Not so good for Dwayne Powell and David Miscavige.
No matter how crazy I figure it was, something comes along to make me revise my opinion to increase the cray cray. It’s hard to credit these things if you haven’t seen it for yourself. The “ecclesiastical leader” spent the equivalent of the entire sum I was paid for 11 years of massive labor EVERY WEEK to have his own dad tailed and left to die. It boggles my mind.
Wooaaa on-line media news regarding Miscavige and his father has gone berzerk… the ship is sinking, let’s see if it can go as low as Miscavige’s humanness.
This story has made it onto the sky news website and app in the UK. My wife has it on her phone and showed me a picture of DM and asked if I recognised him?
Does anyone know if this was on the front page of the actual paper newspaper or the internet version?
Today when I went out to my driveway to pick up my L.A. Times, the story was on the FRONT PAGE! You can’t get for fronty than that!
Tony, it was on the front page of both. In the photo of the print edition that someone posted at Tony O’s, the story seemed to be just below the fold. Online, when I checked this a.m., it was the top story.
Tony Tiger !!!!
Tony, it was on the front page, bottom left column. I have the newspaper in front of me.
Botom half of front page, right.
newseum link, might only work today:
Archived link, should always be good.
apparently this incident is like two years old. so why would it get leaked now? seems like the doc and buzz is producing reactions. one crack leads to another…….maybe it will all go away tomorrow dave, just order one of OT8s to postulate it gone.
bumper sticker of the day: “Postulate me gone”
Davy Dickwad’s first coming out appearance gave me the creeps. He needs to get rid of all those BTs that are causing his face to be so distorted. Maybe he could get some auditing or at least a good beating from some ex prisoners.
It’s nice to know that during a hard day’s slog at work, I can turn to this blog with my man-sized sippie cup of warm java and find out that:
1) Mike is grandmaster-level at eviscerating trolls.
2) I’m a better troll than any of them.
3) Milestone Two is now officially riding the short bus (if that’s the real Formost).
I’ll have to wait for Thursday Funnies, but this is definitely a wonderful amuse-bouche. It’s truly a circus out there, what with the Midget Clown acting out his Oedipus Complex and the trained chimps in the comment section. The only problem is, how do you top this?
Oh, wait, this is Scientology. They’ll find a way. They always do. They’re the lulzcows that never run dry.
I’m not sure what “Formost” ‘s relationship is to Milestone Two, or if this is the “real” Formost, but I never felt he represented M2 anyway. I personally enjoy reading M2 because they seem to consistently select the most positive and constructive sections of the scientology teachings and use them in therapeutic ways. Unlike what the “church” has been doing.
Going forward why doesn’t everyone being stalked by this bastard file police reports? For extreme cases like what you’ve been through, isn’t there a way to file a protection order and have PI’s arrested who violate it? Women who are stalked have been able to do this – why haven’t stalked scientologists? I myself have long wondered why we don’t hear more about police reports and restraining orders.
I can’t answer for the present, but can answer for the past, having been fighting $cn for 20 years..The short answer is RELIGIOUS CLOAKING… Up until recently, with the degree of public awareness, who would believe that a “CHURCH” would do such things? Further some of the weird stuff they do is done with the intent that when the victim tries to report it, the officer taking the report starts to believe the person must be crazy… See Also google Paulette Cooper + OPERATION FREAKOUT < which I know is still being used today. Regards Arnie Lerma
“If a fraction of what they said about me was true — a fraction — I wouldn’t be here. I’ve not only not been convicted of anything; I’ve never been indicted for anything. Now I think that’s where you finally have to look at the, quote, critics and say, “Hey. Put up or shut up. Let’s see some evidence.” David Miscavige (1998?)
Alright Dave, you had your say, but you should be very concerned that there is an awful lot of people working overtime to provide evidence. Guns, Payoffs, PI’s, Lawyers, and Police are not good signs-Very often when you see all these together very often an indictment is just around the corner. If not a legal indictment certainly one in the court of public opinion.
Courtesy of a commentator at The Bunker, a short video of an interview with the CEO of HBO re: Going Clear.
This guy puts DM ‘in the shade’!
Wow Thanks Aurora.
I am so glad I got out when I did (2001) and stopped supporting this sociopath, even though it hurt at the time. I could tell things were horribly wrong and not getting better. I had no idea just how bad things were, though. As staff, I was paid less than $10K for 11 years of laboring, often day and night, so DM could use the fruits of my labor to tail his own dad (PIs paid almost my 11 year wages weekly), while forcing women to have abortions. It’s hard to fathom, even having lived through it and seeing it daily.
Oh Gene! You missed the “best” part! It got even better after he became BFF with Tom Cruise. Then the church of David Miscavige got abusive to his parishioners as well.
Tony posted this on his blog. From David’s niece, Jenna:
“:I heard about this when it was happening, but didn’t talk about it at the request of my family. When people leave the church it often takes time to organize their thoughts and reexamine their lives and everything they have been through. The Church has an uncanny knack for antagonizing people who just want to live in peace… Years ago when I first spoke out, I couldn’t speak to my grandpa, my in-laws were being forced to disconnect from us, and stories that I spent hours recounting to reporters would rarely be heard.
Years later things have completely changed. I can now call my Grandpa whenever I feel like it, I have a wonderful relationship with my in-laws, 1.7 million viewers just watched Going Clear on HBO and my own book is on the New York Times bestseller list this week.”
Speculating that these folks have had just about enough of dave’s crap. They are all talking. They have reexamined their lives.
Wondering if this isn’t just the first of many installments showing the world even more about what an ass david miscavige is?
Hoping this is the case.
It warms my heart to think (and I hope this is true) that David Miscavige is becoming aware of how the public at large views him, a cruel, sociopathic type such as Sadaam Hussein (actually said to me by a never-in).
I’ve actually thought about that analogy…….to Saddam’s credit, he took care of his family. His crazy sons both lived like kings, his wives, his mothwr , extended family…….they all lived very well. Miscavige is a unique dictator (IMO). He doesn’t share the wealth with his family.
Which makes his psychological profile even more disturbing. What is he attempting to gain with his psychotic behavior? Extreme wealth for one man? His own private army of kool aid drinkers? TC and JT word be wise to see the writing which is not only on the wall, but over the entire house!
Is there any warm blood in this man’s cold-chrome-stream?
Long answer: NO!
See This is BEST BOOK I have ever read about the psychology of $cientology as an organization…
Just Googled “David Miscavige denies”. About 148,000 results (0.30 seconds)
Dear Dave,
I live in Chicago, which is a mere 90 minutes from West Allis, Wisconsin. In fact, I spend time each summer in Wisconsin, which is why I am able to offer you this spectacular deal……..I will stalk your father for $8000 per week! That is a savings of $2000 per week!
In one month’s time you will have saves enough to buy a new suit or two paira of John Lobb shoes (lifts included).
I will blend into suburbia much smoother than your PI who apparently traveled with the ammo of a small police department. No one is going to suspect me, driving along in my minivan, with my Wiggles CDs. I’ll also make sure to put a child’s car seat into the back and maybe throw some soccer cleats and soccer balls into the mix.
For 8G a week, I am a BARGAIN!
Now, when can we meet to work out the details? Should I just contact your members directly for payment since that is where their money goes? They may as well get to see what their ‘donations’ buy! Send me Tom Cruise’s number………..he may have some spy music I can use (Mission Impossible theme I am thinking) as I tail your 79 year old father home from Walmart
Dr. Dave,
I live in Dunedin, which is a mere 9 minutes from Palm Harbor…
🙂 Comment of the day!
🙂 🙂 🙂
It took me several minutes to get this. I live in Dunedin, also. Palm Hbr? What? Oh…..
Very funny!
Rest in peace Geoffrey Lewis…..a good man.
I posted this at Tony’s yesterday. (It kind of got lost in the shuffle there). I cried HARD that he died.
The last time I saw Geoff, his daughter, Juliette was 5 years old. Therefore, some people would be amazed that his death hit me like a ton of bricks.
However, my distance from Geoff was not a chosen distance, rather an enforced distance. The hidden disconnection policy that people speak of is that you not only lose your family, but you also lose all your friends when you escape Scientology.
Geoff was a dear man. His eyes saw into your soul, but they never saw the bad, always the good. Amazingly, given the propensity of his daughter to be so outspoken, he was never pushy. He was a quiet, calm caring genuine person.
Over the years I have thought of him often and several times have almost been brave enough to pick up the phone to see if he would dare talk to me. I now wish I had had the courage to do so.
My heart hurts today. I can only imagine what his family must feel. As obnoxious as Juliette can be, her Instagram post showed that she truly loved her father. No one is ever old enough to lose their daddy.
he was one of those actors i was sad to hear was in because i enjoyed his work.
now’s the time to let the grieving have their peace.
He was a very talented guy and great actor and story teller,we will miss him.
He was one of the funniest people I ever met. I didn’t know him well, and I hadn’t seen him in over 20 years, but I was shocked and sad to read the news. Yes, we will miss him. He brought us a lot of sunshine.
“When faced with malicious gossip I take a moment to experience the loss of the person who I thought was my friend and then I say……Fuck em… :)” Kristie Alley
Ok Kristie, you tweeted this in July 2013. Do you still stand by this today or are you opening the door to the idea that Leah Remini had it right from the beginning?
Kirstie Alley has no doors to open. She is locked in her prison with no door.
With a mountain of ding-dongs.
And dung heaps!
Although there are many urban dictionary definitions for it, the term “screwed, blued and tattooed” is an old phrase my dad used, and it fits here. Scientology is screwed, blued and tattooed. Why? You ask. Well, here’s my take.
My husband has been actively avoiding my obsession, he does the eye roll, and the puff of air through the lips when I bring up scientology.
Last night he showed me the article about David Miscavige following his dad. Yes, HE showed ME the article about DM following his dad. Since my husband’s dad is currently dying of kidney failure, my husband was especially appalled about the whole DM’s dad clutching his chest portion where the PI was told “if it’s his time to go, it’s his time.” He wanted to know what kind of a person would do that.
I then showed him the Jenny at LAX video. His first reaction was “she looks horrible”. I said – “she’s probably dressed up for the occasion” (some people aren’t used to the just released from the hole chic look) he watched it 3 times saying things like “no one cares? she can’t leave him alone, what the hell does she mean?” then said. “I’m so glad you didn’t stay in, that chick is batshit crazy.” then “What were they trying to accomplish?”
He then read the full page attack ad in the New York Times and said “ok, I’m ready” put on his headphones, logged into HBO Now and watched “Going Clear”.
I was asleep and woke up to find him logged onto Amazon with a pile of books in his cart (BFG, Scientology Warrior, etc.), I gave him my iPad and said, save yourself a few hundred bucks, they’re all on here.
My husband is a man of simple tastes. Grandkids, garden, groceries, guns, and his dog he’s happy. People mistake this to mean he is a simple man. He is not. He could take me in any argument with his mind tied behind his back. He is the most well-read man I know and knows more about politics and current affairs than most newsmen and politicians.
If he’s on the anti-scientology bandwagon, scientology is screwed, blued and tattooed.
Wonderful news Val. This is a great microcosm of what is happening all over the world….
“some people aren’t used to the just released from the hole chic look”
Ha.ha…….Beautiful Valerie!
Even the Joker in the deck is now backpeddling, waffling, and flip-floppiing (again) about the bold assertion that taking out Miscavige is an obsessive waste of time and effort.
Valerie … love your post. Your husband sounds like mine. 😉
Your husband is a very wise man! look who he married!
” I gave him my iPad and said, save yourself a few hundred bucks, they’re all on here.”
LOL!! That is really funny!!
Loved hearing that your husband has taken up the cause and how intelligent he is. Way to go Valerie! And as Mike said, this is what is happening all over the world now.
Valerie, This comment is awesome on so many levels. The same thing is happening around me. People who used to roll their eyes at my $cientology fascination are asking me for the latest news. People are coming to me to say they watched Going Clear, or they read something or heard something and did I know this… EVERYONE is talking about the SNL video, and when I played “We Stand Small” for the ones who didn’t know about the connection, they started sharing both videos together on Facebook.
TICK-TOCK Davey. Alarm clock’s about to ring, and it’s connecting to a fuckton of dynamite.
It is great news Valerie. I would like to add that one of my kids called me last night and she said that she’s getting calls from other second generation Scientologists who are in a tizzy over “Going Clear”. Several watched it and had two main questions for her, knowing that she is not a Scientologist but grew up in it:
1. Did you already know about any of this stuff?
2. Do your parents know about any of this?
She told me that one guy who was never interested in doing Scn before had just started his SRD and said that now he “doesn’t know what to think”. She encouraged him to do his research.
Word IS getting out there and it won’t be stopped.
Dave!. what goes around comes around. Look at that sign post up ahead,it says infinity of shit! Mike VWD!!!
Hey Dave, the fallout is pretty thick. We may need to switch gears here. Did I mention for 15K a week I can offer “On the lam” assistance? Safe houses, transporting suitcases full of cash and that sort of thing?
Please sign ans Share this Petition to Revoke Scientology’s Tax Exempt Status Thank You
Signed and I made an easy short link to it:
Easy to remember and share. Case matters, only uppercase letter is the S.
Short links reveal your IP address so don’t use them unless you trust the ORIGINATOR. I created that link and Mike knows my real name and location. I talked to Zana on the phone when I was in LA but various issues prevented us from meeting in person 🙁 and she knows my particulars as well.
I’m a never-in who dabbled with a lite copycat ripoff version of Scientology. Having watched that group implode, watching the heavy-handed tactics of Co$ and its slow collapse is addictive. The mental montage soundtrack is switching between “We Stand Small” and “Always Believe.”
Xenu, I am loving this shitstorm. Was reading and tweeting all through last night. @EncinoC
My WH petition link needed a prefix:
Sorry about that, some sites don’t require the prefix to hotlink.
So Tom, what do you have to say now? John, do you want to weigh in on this? Kristy,how about you? Jenna, anything?
“The shitstorm isnt over. It’s just beginning.”
Yep. As I stated the day after the movie release, MANY major journalists said they were going after the story now. Going Clear brought Scn scam to the forefront of their mind nation wide.
Whole track psychopath flees the scene leaving sociopaths to run the show.
What I love the most is the way that the LA Times headline is phrased means that a LOT of LA area Scientologists will probably read the story – or at least a good bit of it. From the headline alone it’s not clear who hired these PI’s, you just see a big photo of Dear Leader because it’s his father they are referring to. The koolaid drinkers will think “Right, here’s evidence of the SP’s and bitter apostates harassing our Dear Leader’s poor father because of all their hatred!” Then they will read the story and it will slowly dawn on them that the hateful SP is actually David Miscavige. Love it!!
SunnyV, I like that too!!
Davey boy, OSA, Trolls! Get on your wet suits and scuba tanks. The shit tsunmai is coming! And like all tusnamis you can see it coming but you can never stop it!
And FRONT PAGE! Means they can purposely NOT purchase it. LOL
Oh… it will be fun to talk to the next Co$-er who calls asking me to come to an org for a “briefing”… er…”fleecing.” Now I get to casually tell her about what I read in the L.A. Times.
Very plausible someone thought ahead to set these PIs up for this frame-job in the event that __________ for counter PR purposes … long shot, but not completely improbable. (If he wasn’t in on it too.)
You are serious aren’t you? You are soon to have the distinction of being the only person blocked from commenting.
I pray that my son is not as far gone as your are, Formost.
Let he/she/IT go a little longer Mike. It’s been awhile since we have had a chance to bone up on our trolling skills.
But Forleast is a bit too easy. We need some sharper trolls in this fray.
Yo Dave,
Wanna take a shot here good buddy?
“It seems like something that could turn into a really big problem for DM.”
Well I suspect LIFE is a really big problem for you these days. Gotta handle everything your self and all. Why not give Megan Kelly a call and set the record straight for gawds sake. DO IT DAVE!
My hunch is that as DMs surroundings become less stable and he has less reliable people around him to handle stuff like this that things are just getting messy. It’s probably a difficult task to find reliable PI’s to do this type of work. He’s just getting sloppy and it’s becoming harder to hold it together with all the attacks. This guy was not a good hire. He was an amateur that one of the attorneys hired and it’s just sloppy work is all. The “PI” was a hack and he ratted out Miscavige under pressure from the cops. It’s a sign that Miscavige is in big trouble I think.
Please don’t block Formost, Mike!
1. His comments are (unintentionally) hilarious;
2. The comments are an insight into the mindset of the Co$ and I think they are eye opening for us never-ins;
3. The comments are a direct measurement as to how upset DM must be; and
4. Did I mention how hilarious they are?
Oh I also forgot to mention, sadly COB’s karmic wheel isn’t going too smoothly. Looks like more of the same in the next life. His BT’s must be the size of dinosaurs. Perhaps JT could send some joy his way.
Ha! Too funny!
I’m not sure what kind of legal problems something like this could cause for the COS. But it seems like even when they win or get off in court of law, they are losing in the court of public opinion. The longer they go sidestepping justice in the courts the more thoroughly they are being exposed publicly, the more pressure is mounting on the celebrities, the less likelihood of any kind of reform saving the church. Maybe that is as it should be.
From a never in, would this police report not start to convince the IR S that this is not a charitable deduction and that an audit of the rulebook would show that the parishioners donations just really go to ONE big pocket? I filed a fraud complaint to the IR S and also wrote to the U.S. Attorney General. I am willing to do anything to help you folks. Just let me know where I can add my voice. After all did a lot of picketing and writing back in the day. Peace and love……
Thanks Peggy. Write to your US Congressman and Senator. This is the most effective thing to do (assuming you live in the US).
Did that 2 months ago. The org here in Michigan is always sending me junk and I never was in this, although I did read Diabetics in college, let’s see, 1970 era. Besides been a Catholic all my life.
David Miscavige’s crimes are being investigated. Noisily.
Why is this just coming out now? It must be connected to some other data. It reminds me of politics where one side has info and holds it until the right moment and then leaks it to the press. Either that or someone is going to speak out? The PI or Ron Miscavige SR? Interesting. It seems like something that could turn into a really big problem for DM.
I think it came out a while ago in the TBTimes. Am I wrong?
Oh, it has been out for a while and it’s getting more coverage now that Scientology is in the spotlight?
Your comment is very interesting! Yes… it is perfect timing… especially since it happened a year and a half ago.
Yes! People are paying attention!
The LA Times may have been empowered by “Going Clear” and see that nothing is going to happen to you when you write about Scientology anymore. Possibly their legal department gave clearance. This story is a direct hit on David Miscavige and they may have had back-off before.
Today’s news, is tomorrows butt paper.
Give it a week and no one in LA will even remember reading this story.
Miscaivage will ride this wave like all the others, as there is no actual hard evidence that will stand up in court.
One mans word against a ton of Lawyers. My money’s on the Chiurch Lawyers as always.
You are clearly a troll: “there is no actual hard evidence that will stand up in court.”
The “hard” evidence COMES from court where the PI was being prosecuted.
I did notice that the “church” lawyers are the “C Team” — Gary Soter and Michael Hertzberg? Seriously?
Tells you a LOT about what a shitstorm this is that not a single one of the high profile, megadollar lawyers and willing to even associate their name with this sordid story.
Well Mike,
I’d say you really struck a nerve !!!! Judging from the troll count you must have scored a TKO!
The aft section of the Titanic is heading for the bottom today! Congratulations on that and also on your impeccable timing to follow JTs ‘beautiful church’ comment with this posting!!!!!!
I’m about ready to head to OSD’s house to get ready for the party.
I would think that even the megadollar lawyers in Century City and (wherever else they might reside) will find themselves to be compromised with this new information… along with whatever else is coming out next. A great friend of mine, someone I have known, loved and trusted for over 30 years, is a top film attorney and friend of one of the megadollar lawyers for Co$. I told my friend to go check out these blogs and gave him a brief enough overview to whet his interest. Didn’t want to hurt his relationship with his friend….even so…I’ll bet my friend is thinking differently of his megadollar Co$ attorney friend now.
Definitely noticed that, too. At 65 years old, Miscavige’s “personal lawyer” Monique Yingling will retire soon. Hey, Monique … aren’t you sick to death of that asshole?
Truth Teller, I’m sure your money is on the Church’s Lawyers. How much of your “donated” money have you paid the Church’s Lawyers anyway? Sad. I hope someday you can escape and stop paying for DM to harrass his own father and pay to have him defended while doing so.
Truth Teller, I’m just glad you said, “Chiurch.”
You’re getting there.
You know it’s going to be a good day when it starts with news like this.
I didn’t read through, hope I’m not repeating what someone else said. Wen I was reading the article and got to this part:
“Please be advised that Mr. Miscavige does not know Mr. Powell, has never heard of Mr. Powell, has never met Mr. Powell, has never spoken to Mr. Powell, never hired Mr. Powell and never directed any investigations by Mr. Powell,” Michael Lee Hertzberg, Miscavige’s attorney, said in an email to The Times.
For a moment I thought I read that DM was being quoted as saying, I don’t know Mr Miscavige, never heard of mr miscavige …
That’s what happened for me!! 🙂 I had to read it again. LOL. It was late last night when I read it. Right on. At least I’m not the only one.
Why am I not surprised…
🙂 Do you want me to answer that Kevin? LOL
While I share in the delight of yet another breaking news story, I don’t know if this is the “end of the road” for David Miscavige (we can always hope).
In many ways this isn’t much different than the Pat Broeker 25 year Surveillance story that broke last year. This latest story shows a clear pattern of behaviour, and offers new insight into the twisted mind of Dave “Let Him Die” Miscavige.
But is it enough to shut him down? I don’t know. I wouldn’t think so. Clearly the man has no shame. And since he feels he is above the law, I wouldn’t think he has a motivation to step down. I think he will beat up some staff, send some folks to the RPF, and wait for this one to blow over.
Any reason to think this one won’t blow over?
This is his father. And there are court documents. And the stage has been set by Going Clear paving the way to make it safe for the media, law enforcement and politicians to tackle the church…
YES!!!I love your work with Leah Remini on Scientology & the Aftrmath-3 seasons. Wow! Great job!!! Blessings, Linda
It smells different. Also, it’s an interesting story with the guns, silencer and all that. It feels like something that when you pull the string it uncovers other crimes. It also keeps Miscavige in the spotlight of Going Clear. This is a well played blow. I’m left waiting for the other shoe will drop.
The IRS might be behind the scenes with this one. This is hard evidence they can use and act on to start investigating how the Church money is being used and whether it is being used exclusively for religious purposes. Obviously not in this case and although it is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, just this one small thing is enough for them to lose their tax-exempt status. I think the IRS are about to make a major move.
I think this story takes a while to sink in. Maybe after being in Scn for 30 years and seeing/experiencing some pretty weird shit, you build up a certain tolerance. But, viewing this story from the outside, it’s pretty extraordinary.
Here is the ecclesiastic leader, the Pope of Scientology, spending hundreds of thousands of parishioner’s money to hire a couple of gun-toting gumshoes to tail his 70 year old father. You just can’t make this shit up.
And the bit about letting the old man die, well, what can you say? It pretty much says it all. DM is rapidly becoming despicable in the media and in the public eyes. This kind of revelation makes the Black Heart comment made by his attorney seem rather mild.
What is also remarkable is the ease with which the media is fling the shit at DM and the church. And no respectable response from the church (other than text book “deny deny deny, liar, liar, pants on fire” defense). No threats of libel or slander, no, nothing really. It’s starting to feel like Open Season on Scientology. 🙂
It’s been asked before…How in the hell can DM and the church possibly recover from such devastating revelations?
Yes. And no one from the church will go in front of a camera and explain exactly what the lies are and confront the “bitter, defrocked apostates.” The longer they keep silent and “unseen” (Hiding on the Tone Scale) then the worse of it gets for them.
Oh, Mike… you are doing a stellar job out here!! Wow!! Thank you.
The “good” thing about this is it doesn’t matter what the intentions of David Miscavige were when it comes to losing tax-exempt status. He might dearly love the man and have hired these detectives or the law firm or whoever to look after his father’s well-being. It does not matter. If this was Church funds used for non-religious purposes then it is a violation and the IRS can revoke their tax-exempt status. Assuming this detective work and Church funding can be linked and proven then the Church lawyers have to argue that what these funds were used for were purely religious purposes. If they fail to do this convincingly, then the tax-exempt status can be revoked.
This is explosive … you don’t disappoint 🙂
And to think it was you, Mike, who was threatened with being watched 24/7. Seems Dave himself is the subject of 24/7 interest. How delightful.
I hope someone has the good sense to have DM under surveillance at this point: it must be tempting for him to want to get out of Dodge. Hopefully, if he decides to leave town, he’ll wear the Hermes sweater he wore in the video of “We Stand Tall”. That ridiculous sweater would make him so easy to spot.
My heart goes out to those who’ve stood beside DM and the current state of scientology. I hope today’s news will awaken them all.
It wasn’t a Hermes sweater. It was a Hermes blouse
Hasn’t David Miscavige paid, or is paying his father an allowance, maybe monthly, which is why his father still keeps silent? Bearing in mind that his father would have had almost nothing in the bank when he left after so many years earning a pittance whilst still “in”. It would be wonderful if his father spoke up rather than protecting D M and possibly his own income stream, if it is in fact true.
That is speculation and it is not true.
You have no idea what is happening with him.
Instead of focusing on what the victim here is or isnt doing, focus on what the perp did.
Thanks for clearing that up Mike. It was a rumour that I had heard and will certainly squash it from now on.
Dear Sunshine Disinfects,
Trolls get to post in Mike’s blog. They also get to be attacked in Mike’s blog. I hear that there’s a rape trial going on somewhere where you can suggest that the woman was wearing a short dress and that’s why she was raped. Sunshine disinfects is really a sickening name when it is used to infect.
You are on a roll today Valerie and I like it. You rock girl!!! Kudos too.
You are some awesome gal, Valerie! I really like your style!
This is fantastic news. Miscavige has finally made the front page for all the right reasons.
The truth is an interesting thing. I just sat through a viewing of Going Clear today with someone who knows nothing about Scientology. My report was censored/rejected, my friend certainly doesn’t like Scientology now, he truly thinks it’s bat shit crazy but got quite bored with Tom Cruise being the central attraction – he’s an actor and pretends for a living doesn’t he – not my words but it makes sense.
I would think DM is now loading up the plane, with passport, disguise and bag of money in hand. First stop, pick up OJ in Nevada.
I want to tell everyone that I saw a SO from CC watching some entertainment news in the cafe at Glesons formerly Mayfair Market!! He looked a little missed withholdy to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m not going to out his name. Wish I’d had a ex-seaorg business card to give out but maybe it’s better I pretended not to notice, I could have spooked the poor guy. I Am hoping that it’s another bubblier letting go of their anchors and floating up to take a truly free breath and experience the warmth of the sun.
Only Scientologists would know that these are quotes from L. Ron Hubbard, KFrancis, so I thought that I would add the source.
What happens WHEN little fella Miscavige is thrown on jail? Who is number two now? Will his replacement be taken out of “The Hole” ?
Let’s just say that succession planning is not a big thing in Admin Tech. There is no number two. All potential successors are swiftly identified and gelded.
Micheal, don’t get ahead of yourself. While I wish it were so, there is nothing that has come out that will land DM anywhere near a jail cell. He is still a dangerous menace and the pressure must be maintained.
This is the BEST shitstorm ever !!
Oh gawd Steph! Isn’t it great! The hits just keep on coming…. And THERE’s MORE!!
Let me catch my breath.
Heh, ‘what your IAS donations buy’, this really takes the cake Dave.
Oh Mike What is happening to you? You’ve been living on the fringes of the internet for way too long and it’s gone to your head. I never believed the story about how Pope Pompous the First would send his wife to prison and have sexual relationships with his right hand instead, contrary to all the teachings of COS.. Now you are asking me to believe that, loving son that he is, he is spying on his father and offering medical advice in the event that Ron has a heart attack to let him drop his meat body in a parking lot.
What are you and your fringers smoking to be able to make this stuff up?
For verification I tried Karen Pouw’s number but some drunk guy answered the phone and drawled about needing another scotch.
The end days indeed.
Did anyone post a link to this story about it in the Daily Mail yet?
The article says the P.I. was told to go through Miscavige’s fathers garbage, and I immediately thought “that’s the same thing that happened to Mike Rinder”! That was enough to convince me it was true.
Awesome T.J. The Daily Mail has a MUCH bigger audience (even in the U.S.) than the L.A. Times.
Dave, You there? Listen buddy, I’ve been thinking about it. The rental on the house across the street plus those three guys has got to be an unGodly expense. And with one of them tripping all around the hood, he is, I mean, a lose cannon. Very likely to go loose lips if you know what I mean.
How about you tell me what you can spend to send your guys in and hook up my home on the inside, to watch me 24/7? Every room Dave. I promise not to disappoint! I think, 5K a week for starters could be such a deal for you. And listen, you big hunk of dynamite you, I understand completely your need to get what you pay for and run the show.
For additional bonus’, and I know how generous you can be, I will send you my email addy, and you can share me with me, what exactly it is you have been hoping to see. What it is you really want to see. I mean, you can share this with me if you get my drift, and get fully at cause with scripting and directing and producing. You know, I could even let you tap the phone and listen in on some very interesting conversations. For a bump up on the retainer.
I know how frustrating it must be for you. The Rathbuns haven’t bought it to the table, the Rinders haven’t bought it to the table, Daddy putz’s about the shopping malls. You need a big bang for your buck.
You know, the cameras are vias. For the right price, you could just come on in yourself and watch. Bring your checkbook Superman. Let’s do a “wants handled” for real O.K.?
Hey Davey, after you answer Oracle, you mind sending the PI’s back my way?? I didn’t get the message with those dead rats, and even kinda appreciated the thoughtfulness as it helped my rat infestation at the time.
I think I may get shuddered into silence if you leave a few dead raccoons, and it would help my current infestation. Greatest good across the dynamics, see?
Careful in not jumping to conclusions. The data thus far presented is not yet conclusive.
Until we hear from Ron Sr. to the contrary it could be claimed DM had looked out for his well-being protecting him from abductions, death threats and what have you not.
Seriously? Worst troll ever. Obviously if this had been for his “protection” he would have known about it.
More testimony of what little you actually do know, Mike.
It’s very usual in cases where possible prosecution is sought for the protection/safeguard of another to not inform the individual being spied on to eliminate possibilities of corroboration which might complicate a case. (Might as well refer to the Security company I called this morning as trolls too.) Unless you were involved in such as case, you’d be in no position to comment on it. Different legal situations call for different approaches often directed by lawyers.
What we do know at this point (since the time elapsed between when I originally posted and you let the post through) Sr. stated he was surprised he was being spied on. Although we do more at this point, it’s still inclusive since DM denied he ever spoke to the PIs on the phone.
Statements from authorized officers of the the supposed contracted security firm, lawyers for the church, if any, incl. CO$ involvement has not yet been made. As it sits, it’s DM’s word against the PI & his son’s word. We can safely assume if some sort of plausible explanation is not forthcoming within a reasonable span of time, dirty dealings are likely at play. Until then it’s inclusive to me. But you can “believe” anything you like.
Yeah, sorry, I have had enough of your idiocy. You seems to think you know a great deal from a long way away from the events. I am not even going to bother correcting you. Bye.
When it comes to determining what to believe, we can apply Occam’s Razor. Stated simply, it means the simplest explanation is usually the one that makes the most sense and is therefore more true. Compare the cock and bull mystery you’re suggesting to the news report. One is simple and the other complicated. Sorry Occam’s Razor says you’re full of baloney.
Formost, consider this: In Sept, 2014, Ron Miscavige told the police he is still being followed and the reason was because DM doesn’t want him talking about the dirty things he saw going on under DM’s reign in Scn while Ron was in. That is for the record from the police reports. Even though Ron is not talking right now, the police reports have his statement from Sept, several months ago. There’s your proof. But I like Mike’s decision to just say “bye bye” to you.
“…death threats and what have you NOT.” Mr. Troll, what the fuck is “…and what have you NOT.” That doesn’t make any sense! Did you start drinking early today? OR, were you ordered to post on this site by the clown dwarf coward? Ok, so I guess you did your duty. You can leave now…
Riiiiiiiight Formost,
DM protected his father from death threats by telling the PI to let him die when he was clutching his chest.
I know that you OSA people are not allowed to read the article you’re commenting on, but it sure makes for an interesting faux pas when you make comments about protecting them from death threats when the article states that DM told the PI to let his father die — why would he do that if he was protecting him from death? Go ask Dave how you’re supposed to answer that and get back with me please.
Really just a matter of spotting another pack-mentality bubble you are finding yourself in.
+100 Valerie!
And Formost,
Better drop for ten and follow it with 50 laps and a BIG DEEP BREATH!
Brilliant, Valerie. I notice Formost’s response to your points was a specious non-answer cooked up out of OSA’s TR-L drill.
Formost, there is much that could be explained to you right now about the doomed cult you are doing your best to defend, but for brevity;s sake, just get this concept: “Tick, Tock”.
ROTFL!!! You NAILED it Valerie! LOL!!!
Formost, Formost, you’re glib.
There is a funny sound in the background. Am I the only one who can hear it ?
It goes splat – splat – splat… And it’s starting to stink too.
Perhaps it is time to leave the ship, guys.
I love your thought process Formost. With the right size hammer I’m sure you could spend all day fitting round pegs in square holes. Many of my cartoon characters dabble in bent logic but you are a true artist.
Formost – So you don’t believe in police reports where two people sit down to a Q&A? I guess that Dwayne and Daniel Powell are “liars”. Typical response from the bubble.
Formost…..what do you mean when you say it’s ‘inclusive’ for you? Did you mean inconclusive?
These are lovely times.
Well, DM might be driven by his voyeurism addiction. This may be a disease. He does spend thousands of dollars a week in voyeuristic indulgences. Let’s keep an open mind about this potential disease. He may need to check into rehab.
And for 10K a week, Dave, I’ll move in with Ron senior and keep an eye on him 24/7. I’ll take the offer across the street and hand it to the guy who is watching me so you have it in writing. By the way did you know he has a drug problem? Last week he was hallucinating and trying to get into other people’s homes. I gave him a locational and tucked him in for you.
Another bitch slap for junior. Can’t wait for him to be hauled off to the big house.
Go out and buy a copy tomorrow if it’s in your area. Send the message that you that the truth about Scientology SELLS!
Wow, How does someone live with himself when every moment of everyday his only intention it to control and crush another human being? David Miscavige you are done.
“Beautiful”, to quote JT.
Mike, this is so funny.
Tonite at about 8 I finished my work, headed straight over for my daily RinderFix.
Amazed, saw that there was no article for today!
By way of handling the withdrawal symptoms, I read and re-read yesterday’s article and wrote some more comments myself, all the while thinking:
“Get over it! So there’s no article today! Stop being so silly! For crying out loud, he’s been posting an article every single day for the past 2 years and 18 days. Every day! That’s a lot of work! Maybe he just needs a little break. Its a lot of work doing this blog along with the other stuff he has to do. Gee, I hope nothing’s wrong and he’s allright. Don’t be silly, he just took a break, get over it!”
Then I got a message from a friend tipping me off that you had just posted an article which had to be read immediately, so I came back, and lo and behold, this stupendous news. Not only were you not “taking a break”, you gave us the story of the year, a hard news cult bombshell.
Mike Rinder, there’s plenty I could say, but I’ll sum it up: You DELIVER!
Thanks so much, and btw, if you ever do decide to take a break, I’m much better prepared now 🙂
Good to know I’m not the only one with a Rinder jones.
statpush, we’d ALL have to go to rehab to get our Rinder jones fixed. I, however, never intend to do so! So, Say it Loud, I’m addicted and Proud! Wow! I feel much better now…
not the only one by a long shot. I Checked several times for a new post .
I hear ya, OSD, it’s hopeless.
Loved your post Aquamarine. So funny. I feel the same way. Might as well know it, I’m addicted to Mike! And proud of it! You rock, Mike and you deliver! I don’t even hold it against you for all the coffee spewed on my computer from laughing at your great humor.
Cindy / Aqua
On such rich days as this one –> splurge to the max! 🙂
Oh my goodness… Real police reports?? Please let it be so, dated, signed and verified.
Oh the HBO on utube just got taken off in Australia – something to do with Canadian copyright infringement.
I saw it and will be interested to see what non-scientologists think of it. Seems a little too “out there” to hold their attention for too long. My non-scio friend got bored very quickly, didn’t have any reality at all except “they are all bat shit crazy.”
“The inurement restriction is absolute: An organization that violates this prohibition will not qualify (or will cease to qualify) for tax exemption regardless of whether it otherwise meets the appropriate statutory requirements for exemption”
Uh-oh. I sure hope the surveillance was worth it for David — and perhaps it was, the man sure does seem to love having an ax to grind. If he knew better, then he could not be vulnerable to deposition in the Monique Rathbun case right now. David does not know how to walk away, and I am sure the only reason his father was watched was because he wanted it. I mean, how many others left around the same time who were not DM’s father, and were not subject to such costly surveillance? Sounds like “personal benefit for one in a position of power”, if you ask me. The IRS really needs to clarify this for taxpaying Americans who are troubled by this apparent failure to enforce federal laws.
Again, another example of how the sheeple are fleeced. Hundreds of thousands of dollars (millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? Let’s get Dave on one of the meters that is 50,000 times more accurate for this meter drill) extorted from parishioners (yes, I can hear Bridget right now – “I’m asking you to do what you don’t think you can do – to decide that helping us save this entire planet is more important than a credit card bill or any mest you might want ………” yeah, right, so that the asshole can spend the money I need to survive on on whatever the fuck whim he has as the potentate of the scientology religion ….). What your fees buy, indeed. Yes, I know I’m currently on holiday in Spain right now spending my “not Scientology money”, but I’m talking about the poor saps who are still in.
But … but … how is this the end of Miscavige? Y’all expect Scientologists to even KNOW about this? And if they know about it, not to not-is it? You’re kidding, right? What evidence is there that current members of the CoS have even a freaking SHRED of self-determinism or cause left?
I don’t expect a sociopath like Miscavige to run because of his overts. The ONLY chance of his downfall as COB would be if some “young Turks” decide to remove him for the future good of Scientology. Ha ha ha ha ha. Does anyone REALLY think there are such individuals in the “church” of Scientology?
Yeah, I know that that last line I wrote kinda makes me look like I actually AM a bitter defrocked apostate! Well …. I guess if the shoes fits. Ha ha (is it possible to be bitter and happy about the way things turned out at the same time? Yes, I think it is!) By the way, I’m not REALLY bitter, sort of enjoying life this morning, flying to Lisbon later today.
Great idea, to have DM audited on one of his super-duper e-meters that are 50,000 times more powerful than the last one. Only thing is… when he was auditing a PC he reached across the desk and clobbered them… what would happen to the poor auditor who tried to audit him? Yikes. Who would want to be in the same room with an insane, wild animal being cornered?
This is also his own doing, he has gotten rid of every single exec, international spokesman, directors, captains, and on and on. It ended on him handling it all alone 24/7 just because everybody is/was about ‘to get him’ plus everybody was worthless; he sang and sang how hard he worked 24/7…blah, blah blah.
Now, with no friends whatsoever, with a few cowed and terrified minions following his tirades, he has lost control. You can not handle an organization just with threats and abuses; sooner or later (as it is happening now) it gets to the point of not controlling the media, the PR, Narconos, real dissemination, marketing and the other details that take to build something hones.
He is also following LRH’s steps – hiding, running away afraid of being caught, sued and taken to court. If he was in afraid before, he is now on the grip of terror of being discovered and caught.
No; he definitely has lost control and is no way back. As we have asked before, what is the use of trillion dollars if you have to hide all the time and have no one single friend with whom to share your shattered world?
I love DM’s attorney’s over-denial. DM might as well be looking into the camera with his fake face saying “I did not … have sex … with that woman!”
His plausible deniability is dwarfed by the pile of HCOPLs he blindly and rigidly pretends to follow to Keep Scientology (Not) Working.
Take ownership? Transcend? Evolve? Learn? Adapt? Quit committing crimes? LRH made sure such survival mechanisms were purged from the DNA of the church so only one person would ever be glorified: LRH.
In my few and encounters with Ron Miscavige Senior in the early 80’s I can tell you (at the risk of my life and maybe his), that he is a real stand up guy. Smart, talented and self determined. This is no “oblivious koolaide drinker” here. Ha! (Wake up John Travolta!)
If Ron Snr. got a jail sentence like into the “Hole” or RPF (like Dianna Hubbard or the Cherch president Heber Jentzsch got) I believe Ron would NEVER give in like they did. Instead, he would just say “bugger off” and “bust out” of that jail no matter who tried to imprison him. Including you know who…his son..
Anyway, let’s see what happens here. I am on the edge of my seat. As I recollect, Ron Snr is a force to be reckoned with… he is no wall-flower. That’s for sure.
I wouldn’t be so quick to call the end of the road for David Miscavige.
He is following the pattern of a tin-pot dictator, who usually hold on to the bitter end, often dying violently and as destructively as possible. I see him trying to hold on until he actually has a warrant or an unavoidable deposition.
But he won’t go Waco or Jonestown. He’ll be fleeing to some area that has no extradition treaties with the U.S., where he can “oversee the unprecedented expansion of scientology from a location with less distractions created by the psychs and pharmaceutical companies.”
Mike, You Nailed It !!
This is an amazing break that’s now out in the open in this long running, DM disaster movie.
These hidden happenings had to be going on given the SP (Sociopath) involved.
The same thing will happen to Davey that happened to Caesar, Calugula, Hitler and that tends to happen to all the rest of the unaddressed SP’s floating round. Once found and proven >= game being eventually over.
Just a shame that it takes so long for the exposure process to occur – 35+ years in this Case. (And an outlandish Case it is that DM is Dramatizing for all to view).
Thanks to the big 3 (Rinder, Ortega, Rathbun), the HBO crew, all Indies, “Outs” and “Under-the-Radars” for applying what is essentially the KSW reference to a Sociopathic, Scientology “Management”.
The reference we know as “KSW” (“Keeping Scientology Working”) was never really applied by anyone in Scientology management, or by its Founder it seems, and hence this mess we are witnessing.
There’s always a first time for everything 🙂
DM’s one-boy town just got revealed more deeply to the world – the Indie-Posse is en route.
The Anti-Social Personality
6. The antisocial personality habitually selects the wrong target
The Basic Reason
“The basic reason the antisocial personality behaves as he or she does lies in a hidden terror of others. Such a person has no trust to a point of terror. This is usually masked and unrevealed.”
“But the bulk of such people exhibit no outward signs of insanity. They appear quite rational. They can be very convincing.”
LRH, A breath of fresh air in this sick, twisted world in and out of Scientology.
The trolls are out in force…
TruthTeller, let me point out that Adolph Hitler’s housekeeper thought he was a breath of fresh air. She said he was a kind and generous man. She considered only her own experience and was unmindful of the experiences of others.
TruthTeller, this is not a breath of fresh air for Dave. This is an absolute indictment of David Miscavige by LRH himself.
” In families which are breaking up, we commonly find one or the other of the persons involved to have such a personality.” (Anti-Social)….. LRH
TTeller the whole of the Miscaviage family is in scattered pieces. Jena Miscaviage has a story today at Tony Ortega’s today and the press is pushing for a statement from Mr Ron Miscavige.
David Miscaviage is a home-wrecker, including the one he was raised in.
Let’s see, the body count on DM’s family: wife missing and not seen for years, has a guard who is hired to make sure she doesn’t escape, per the guard’s own statement, niece escaped Scn and published a book against him, father left Scn and was threatened to keep him quiet and has round the clock surveillance on him to make sure he doesn’t talk, sister is a drug addict with scrapes with the law. Yep, that fits LRH’s description of what an SP’s family becomes.
LRH’s family dynamic is not so far from Dave’s
One has PI’s following his dad. And destroys families.
One wrote the instruction how to destroy families and enemies.
One Son commits suicide, one wife gets thrown under this bus and goes to jail, one baby is kidnapped, one wife is slugged in the head with a 45 while sleeping, one women is threatened with suicide if they don’t marry Ron, Ron was screwing around behind Mary Sue, Nibs tried to expose daddy, daddy tried to destroy Nibs. Daddy rejects Quentin for being gay.
It is the Internet that is allowing us to see the behavior of others so quickly.
Both of these leaders of Scientology live in the Narcissistic world of me me me.
Very similar, if not exactly the same dynamic of betraying close relations. We know more of Dave because of the Internet. And he is more bat shit looney.
Ron is source.
Oh shit. About fucking time.
It,s late tonight but I have to put in my two cents. This guy is the most depraved piece of shit I’ve ever had the misfortune to know about. I have trouble letting it sink in that he told the PI’s to let HIS OWN FATHER DIE! I only hope that will be on the paper tomorrow. Anybody who’s still in the “church” and reads this who doesn’t wake up from the jolt tomorrow is beyond hope and deserves all that he’s been doing to them.
I can’t wait to see this bastard when they take him away in handcuffs to go live with a nice big guy named Buba. Sorry Tommy, your girlfriend has to go away. Miss Kabitch is history.
LOL!! lets hope Buba is really big and affectionate 🙂
I would love to see David’s father run to sing about everything he knows about the Scientology crime syndicate to Federal prosecutors and DAs offices. If these human rights crimes against him committed by his own violently insane sociopath father isn’t enough to get him to demand Federal protection in favor of spilling his guts about the massive financial frauds, human trafficking, and human rights atrocities, nothing will.
“committed by his own violently insane sociopath son” I think you mean…
And yes 🙂
David Miscavige is a psychopath.
“Psychopaths, in general, have a hard time forming real emotional attachments with others. Instead, they form artificial, shallow relationships designed to be manipulated in a way that most benefits the psychopath. People are seen as pawns to be used to forward the psychopath’s goals. Psychopaths rarely feel guilt regarding any of their behaviors, no matter how much they hurt others.”
What goes around comes around. it is time for Wavy Davy to pay the piper.
“In their paper, “Construct Validity of Psychopathy in a Community Sample… Salekin, Trobst, and Krioukova write “Psychopathy as originally conceived by Cleckley (1941) is not limited to engagement in illegal activities, but rather encompasses such personality characteristics as manipulativeness, insincerity, egocentricity , and lack of guilt – characteristics clearly present in criminals but also in spouses, parents, bosses, attorneys and politicians, and CEOs, to name but a few. (bursten. 1973; Stewart, 1991)…As such. psychopathy may be characterized…as involving a tendency towards dominance and coldness. Wiggens (1995) in summarizing numerous previous findings..indicates such persons are prone to anger and irritation and are willing to exploit others. They are arrogant, manipulative, cynical, exhibitionistic, sensation-seeking, Machiavellian, vindictive and out for their own gain. With respect to their patterns of social exchange (Foa & Foa, 1974), they attribute love and status to themselves, seeing themselves as highly worthy and important, but prescribe neither love nor status to others, seeing them as unworthy and insignificant. ” Page 89, Political Ponerology, footnote
Describes DM to a tee.
Oh my. Be still my heart.
David Miscavige. More and more and more are seeing you for who you really are. Your own flock will have a hard time trying to figure out what compartment to put this information in. Member by member will start jumping ship.
…and there’s more!
I’m going to go get a good night sleep and dream about seeing my son again.
You were blindsided by SNL, now the LA Times. Shouldn’t you take off your blinders, even if you are still in your bubble?
Mary, I’m going to dream with you re your son. It’s getting closer and closer every single day. We will all celebrate with you when that happens! A reunited family! That’s my wish for you.
Thank you OSD! You and the many that could have just moved on with their lives, coupled with so many with broken families will have one hell of a party.
A round on me; I’ll pick up the tab!
Honey, as an old Scotsman, I’ll take you up on that! Since we’re the cheapest SOBs in the world, I always liked the words: Open Bar. The only way it could get better is if they PAID me to drink their booze…
I’ll get the second one!
I”ll take the third one.
I’ll right, I’ll right. Sheesh! Can’t a cheap Scotsman drink in peace? I’ll get the third one.
Who’s going to get the 4th, 5th, 6th……………….crap, I’m about to pass out.
The PI made a major mistake. Because he brought SIX firearms with him and a homemade suppressor,to an out of state job he ran a risk of having broken local firearm laws. Normally onealso needs a federal license to own a suppressor. So because he wanted to play “cop” and pack heavy metal, when survailing an elderly man who posed no physical threat to him, he left himself legally exposed. Then instead of simply taking the arrest for obstruction he talked. For the money he was being paid, he should have simply indicated he was doing survailance for a client and shut up.
Davy’s PI JV PR investigators are not so nearly as good as the ones who followed Pat Broker around for two decades.
Since there was no ongoing or even threated litigation, and this activity was totally unrelated to deliving what we WOGs consider church services, this expense may be argued to be inurment(spelling error)
Or the PI could just make up a cover story about being there to protect the father of the pope of a very religious church. Instead, he owned up to spying using more or less legal means (a GPS tracker? Photographing computer screens without the victim knowing it?!?) and to accept a direct order from Captain David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige to non-assist in case Ron Sr was having a heart attack. (Oh, and that’s a crime in some places, see )
Brilliant, just brilliant.
I agree totally. Hard to imagine how it couldn’t be worse for Miscavige with these shocking facts being known right after the documentary. And his own father !
I hope this pathological evil narcissist gets what he deserves soon
Bombshell, Mike!
Thanks for keeping up the pressure on this creep.
This sociopath.
This fox in the hen house.
Eventually, something like this was bound to come out. The only trouble with hiring self-centered, spiritually dead thugs is that they are, well, self-centered thugs. They are going to be looking out for “number one”. There are sure to be many more characters like this who are or have been in DMs employ coming out of the woodwork as the legal pressure mounts, and when the cops come they too are going to be looking out for “number one”.
As it says in Dianetics, the common denominator of all Life is… Survive! And to people of this ilk, “Survive” means ONLY the survival of themselves as individuals.
As they begin watching out for “number one”, Miscavige had better start watching out for “number two”. : -)
“Even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have to stand naked.”
— Bob Dylan
This story is yet another vindication of those who speak out against David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology. Why does any “Church” need two PI’s, one of whom has a silencer, to follow the father of the leader? This is dark and twisted and yet, when it all falls apart, we will see much worse.
Yes! I can’t wait!!!
Exactly, J. Swift.
Why would a PI be carrying a silencer? And of course Dwayne Powell, the hired PI is going to deny any knowledge of a “hit” being taken out on Ron Miscavige. He was probably scared s-less in that interrogation room with the detective and was afraid that if he did come clean, what the ramifications were going to be going up against the CoS = Miscavige, not to mention legal woes for himself and his son.
Ron Miscavige must have been afraid to have been reporting to the police that he was being followed. He’s a 79 year old man who should be living his later years in peace.
Obvilously theirs reason for them to follow him Known only to DM and his hetch men.It just shows how much this has got so corrupted and for this to be happening to his father . For what ever reason He DM the PI’s must report if he makes a wrong move. Even for that to hapepn DM must be scared to have to get down to do this to his own family Hadley
David Miscavige is becoming a household name and not for the reasons he would like. (lol little tiny one) The LA Times article is absolutely delicious.
Love the headline! At LEAST, there will be a lot more people who walk away quietly, dragging their big bank accounts with them.
I’m thinking you’re right on the money about this one! Let the quiet run to the exit doors begin…
Instead of his own father making a break for freedom (blowing the SO) from the base in Hemet, David Miscavige could have easily quietly excused his father from the Sea Org, given him a few hundred thou and let him slip quietly away. The fact that Ronnie Sr. actually escaped from the Gold Base alone is an indictment of the tyrant that is his son.
Agreed Doug. But that is not Dave’s way. He treats everyone as if they are unworthy of his time and attention, until they indicate to him they are no longer buying his bs, at which point he turns on them and cannot restrain himself from trying to destroy them. Then he becomes obsessed.
Interesting. Off topic but one day then I’d like to hear your take on the scene of Tommy Davis and Jessica leaving. Dave’s idea? With a stipend?
That is child-like behavior. It’s as if he is a little kid who has been caught doing something bad. Once caught, the kid goes nuts.
I know someone very much like this………once he was exposed to the community as the person he really was (a liar and a cheat) he went crazy and starting retaliating against anyone who dared to call him out. This person even hired PIs to follow people and to search garbage cans. These sociopaths are all alike. The similarities between Wee Dave and my local sociopath are amazing.
It’s wonderful that the information about his father ESCAPING from Int Base comes out this way. 🙂 Let the whole world know in one fell swoop that everything in Going Clear is correct. 🙂 Ahhh….this soap opera has take over my life. I ignored the OJ trials… and any of the other big soap operas that went through the public media… however I canNOT ignore this. I wake up to it and go to bed to it. 🙂 Cool!! It gets better and better.
I LOVE this aspect of the story. Bubbleheads will get a ding dong vibration going on with that one.
Hey Dave,
What next? Your picture on the cover of “The Rolling Stone”? Rock star that you are, NOT.
The Avenging Angel has a date with David Miscavige. Or is it the Exterminating Angel?
Roger, I’m fairly positive it’s the latter. Even Angels can only take so much before they really let loose the shit storm. On a list of the 100 most despised individuals on planet Earth , where would the clown dwarf coward be? Posters, let me know.
And the scientology lawyer admits: “Gary Soter, an attorney for the church, said Scientology lawyers hire private investigators “in matters related to litigation”
Now there is no excuse whatsoever for John T, Tom C, and the other Celebs to LOOK how come all this is coming up? Like you said, Black Heart can not brainwash them into the belief that this is the product of apostates.
This is also a prefect time for FBI to jump into the wagon.
If they want witnesses or more factual stories they can interview many, many, many more ex-Sea Orgs and ex-scientologists alike. I am sure the evidence is overwhelming.
Lets keep talking and exposing; this character has to go-PERIOD.
Thank you Mike, really thank you.
Oh yeah, David spend another $15K to have a PI parked in my street last year. All very well and of course charitable spending. The IRS has to wake up.
Thanks for posting this, I concluded that in additional to all the other weird and strange things that have occurred over the years, that $cn rented the house across the street from me for 3 or 4 years, when I owned my home at 6045 N 26th Rd, in Arlington VA, and *I* was in denial that this weird little rat of a man was survieling me, even though I had a distinct feeling because he wouldn’t talk to any of the neighbors and we all knew each other, all except that little man…… Then he moved out around 2006, and I looked in HIS dumpster, which is called doing a D-Line by $cientology’s OSA and found a pile of expensive DVR’s, DVD writers, camera controllers, all rendered useless, torn apart, with hard drives and memory gone… $cientology, at the end of RTC vs Lerma when they were trying to bankrupt me with attorney fees, the judge awarded them ZERO, though they submitted documentation of having spent $1,740,000 on me.
Before that case, RTC vs LERMA, they described the OTIII stuff that would appear anonymously on the net as a FORGERY. I knew it was real cause I was Clear #3502, it would have been #3500 but they gave that clear number to some big shot, and I’d done OTIII in the Sea Org and recognized it as the real deal…
They even for the Judges Opinion sealed (for a few days) because in her opinion she wrote:
“Scientologists believe that most human problems can be traced to lingering spirits of an extraterrestrial people massacred by their ruler, Xenu, over 75 million years ago. These spirits attach themselves by “clusters” to individuals in the contemporary world, causing spiritual harm and negatively influencing the lives of their hosts ” USDJ Leonie Brinkema
Arnie Lerma (Before Ortega’s Blog there was
PS: Mr. Rinder, when this “let him die” storm passes, we need to have a little chat, for a week or two and pick up from where we left off in the hallway of the courthouse in Alexandria, just before $cn lost all it’s trade secret claims and you said “We can make all this go away, what will it take” and I said to you “$cientology will have to stop the harassment and ruining lives” (or something like that) You replied “We will never do that”…So I said, “Then let”s goto Court.” No hard feelings Mike, cause I once believed in “Ron” myself… to be continued… your move Mr Rinder.
The attorney stuck his foot in his mouth on that one. There is no evidence that Ron Miscavige has been involved with any litigation with the Church.
Shit storm indeed! This could not have happened to a nicer guy. (David Miscavige I mean) All my interactions with Ronnie Sr as a fellow musician while on the Freewinds were usually positive. Hope he’s doing alright, glad he’s out.
“Even the most ardent koolaid drinker has to think twice …”
It’s either think twice or drink twice. John Travolta will be drinking it through a beer bong.
In a first statement John Travolta commented: “Nothing but brilliant.” 🙂
It is about time that David’s father comes out with a book about what he knows and has experienced with regards to his son David Miscavige.
Kaboom! Now is the time! Let’s have Ron, Sr.
You and me both, Dean. “Let him die” will circle the planet. Hey! I’ve got an idea! We should start calling the cult, “Church of Let Him Die.” When it gets to the point of letting your own father die because of what he knows, you know you’ve got another Hitler on your hands…
“… the antisocial personality really and covertly wants others to succumb.” LRH
If this means you let your father die face down on the dirty asphalt of a parking lot then so be it.
“David Let Him Die Miscavige” . It rolls off the tongue easily doesn’t it?
OMG!!! Roger, I wish I had thought of that! You silver tongue devil, you! Now that’s some funny shit! Nice post!
This is going to virile, I expect.
About an hour ago I was checking out Drudge Report for my weekly fix of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. I just happened to see a small headline on the Co$, so I checked it out. (That’s when I sent you that email). Both you and Tony were waaaaay ahead of me.
So this has already hit the Drudge Report.
For the record. In all the conversations Anita and I have had with Ron Senior all he said about David is that he wasn’t such a bad kid, and that Ron Sr. had no idea what happened to him.
Ron senior was very concerned that all the bad news about David and the church would poison people against the tech, which Ron still held in high regard.
David Miscavige is without a doubt a true blue sociopath.
I truly hope that Ron Sr. is encouraged by this to write his story, in full. I also wish him well, he’s a good guy.
I hope the IRS and the FBI are getting poised to freeze all of David’s many bank accounts. I do believe that boy might just be getting ready to take the money and run.
Good observations, Les.
Ron Miscavige Sr. sounds like a good person. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to discover that a child who you raised turned out to be a sociopath. It would be nearly unconfrontable for a parent who gave love to their child. From what I have heard, Ron other son, Ron Jr. (who also left the COS), does not exhibit this sort of behavior.
A message to Ron: If you are thinking that it is your fault …IT AIN’T ! And Love given is never wasted. Let the chips fall where they may. The Tech will be OK. I hope that you pick up your trumpet once in a while and just PLAY!
About a year ago I read a book that Ron Sr wrote called “True Confessions of a Kid”. It is a simple, heartwarming story of his childhood. He’s also written a couple of other books. I don’t think that any of them mention Scientology directly. I don’t think that many people know about his books. I would like to suggest that people on this blog might want to do a nice thing and promote them to our friends, and if possible buy a book ourselves.
Viral ,,, virile is something different.
Either one works in this context, though. I hope this story goes viral, and is virile enough to spawn many, many more stories. And may each of those stories be as toxic to despicable maggot as he has been to his victims.
I seem to have lost my observational detachment somewhere…
Oh, heck no, Grace! Your observational detachment is 20/20 from my view. Keep it up!
There is no excuse for the authorities to not act, at this point. The possibility of a Jonestown-like tragedy increases with each disclosure and each passing day.
The cognitive dissonance within the organization has never before approached this level.
There is no data here for law enforcement to act on. This PR disaster WILL keep people from joining the cult and help some leave. THAT is the primary benefit. And it is good.
” The possibility of a Jonestown-like tragedy increases with each disclosure ….”
W Churchill,
I think you make a very key point here. If there were anything we could reference which might help government act it would be to let our concerns be known that we want enough oversight to keep another Jonestown from happening.
Two years ago I would have said ‘No Way’ to that thought. My current observations of the behavior of my own kids and close family members demonstrates that it is within the realm of possibilty, especially when backed into a corner. It is truly a scary situation and I have no doubt Dave has the sociopathic tendencies to carry something like that out.
Look at how much he cared for his own father! This is some unbelievable stuff folks! I think it is time for me to schedule a personal visit to my government representatives.
Coop, you know I rarely disagree with you, but David Miscavige is a fucking coward. He isn’t going to kill himself or anyone else. He’s going to take the money and run. Of course, this is only my non-professional, “internet-certified lawyer” opinion. 😀 As for what the others may do, that I do worry about a little. I am hoping for many ‘WTF’ moments to start happening for these folks.
Know that you and your family are in my thoughts.
As for you Dave, well, lets just say “you pulled it in” and it’s not going to stop coming in. Might want to have Lou sandbag your office.
revoking tax status removes their cloak in court which means they could be monitored and held accountable and charging miscavige with at least tax fraud and evasion is enough for me. after that the rest works itself out. in other words that’s when i would consider the war over and the damage can begin to be tallied and reparations made.
it’s so plain to see that although the internet really hurt scientology but without miscavige being such a lout and bungler they would still be in so much better shape. i’m no fan of hubbard but even he would have managed things much better.
the last and only shrewd thing miscavige ever did was caving the irs, after that he’s picked the worst choice for every real problem he’s had and has still managed to last 30 years. imagine if he had a brain.
I think this will end David Miscavige.
Somehow I doubt it. But it will make a dent in his trophy-plated psyche.
It’s starting to resemble a destruction derby! Every crash leaves a mark ………… eventually all that remains is a smoking hulk. Except in Dave’s case ………….. just had a Regraded Being flash ……..looking over the mangled hood with steam and smoke rising …………. peering in through the shattered windshield ………… to find a hairdo in search of a brain leaning on the steering wheel with the horn blaring!
Yo Dave,
Think TOAST Dave, blackened TOAST!
Karma is a bitch.
Tonight someone needs to change their soiled junior size Fruit of the Loom’s.
This is the proof we’ve all been waiting for. This is huge. Sorry Dave, it’s either black and grey stripes or orange. And they might not have a jumper in your size so long gone are the days of the tailored-to-fit Hermes.
They will probably have to get his jumpsuit from juvenile hall so it will fit right.
Let’s hope so, John Peeler. The government institutions seem so reluctant to act. Perhaps, they need a bit more of this sort of thing to get them going.
I don’t see government agencies doing anything. Why should they spend the money on this group when they have the court of public opinion bringing it down. It’s story after story after story.
” The government institutions seem so reluctant to act.”
No more so than the rest of us have been from time to time. Don’t expect government to do it for us…………we need to be the change we wish to see.
The Cult is ending because folks are willing to take a stand and say “NO!” Congrats to everyone here who is doing that. And all you others who lurk and agree …………. keep up the intention to bring an end to the madness called $cientology. When you are ready to step out of the shadows we welcome your decision to do so.
Meanwhile …………… there remains work to be done.
Yo Dave,
We are comin for ya bro. We are kickin some ass and we are not taking names. How was your toast this morning? Burnt black as usual? I know, it’s tough to find good help these days. Not to worry, it will only get worse for you.
Howz Maidan Voyeur shaping up this year?
Public opinion will be enough. Let’s not encourage government to redefine the 1st amendment.
$10K/week = $500+K/year or 1/2 million. Subsidized by the taxpayers because the evil criminal cult of $cientology pretends to be a religion to steal even more money.
Shit storm ‘a brewing.
Ronn, remember the movie “The Perfect Storm” and the giant wave at the end that capsizes the fishing boat? This shit storm is going to dwarf that wave. This SHIT STORM is going to make that giant wave look like ripples in a pool. Hand on your hats everyone, this ride is going to be epic!
When the shit hits the fan, his ex-fans could be queuing up to hit that little shit.
I’ve got my bat ready.
You get first swing!
Let’s put him up in a carnival dunking machine. We all get three tries to throw the ball and have him dropped in ice cold water. He’ll be so worried about “shrinkage” that he’ll then have a stroke. Let’s see, should we call the medics when we see him doubled over having a stroke? Nah, it was his time to go. So long, good buddy!
Hey Cindy! I like what you have in mind! But, can i add just one thing? Piranhas in the water! I mean, that would certainly make a it lot more interesting. And since they’ll be “shrinkage” he won’t really lose much.
We’ll be knockin’ some Daveshit out of the park in this series!!!
Why does this not surprize me?
This has to be so gratifying to see come around, based on where you’ve been!
It does make me kind of giddy … Just the idea of David barely recovering from His last bit of bad news and then this hits the LA Times.
I can hearing him yelling at his minions now.
“CIMFCS! It’s 3 to 10 days! 10! 10! 10!!!!! I need the full 10 days before you tell me another story!!!!!
Brings a ‘hole’ new meaning to Daveshit! I’d say He is up to his eyes in it now.
No Coop…It’s gone past his eyes and has swallowed him ‘hole.’
That party has got to be getting close OSD! I’ll bring a poster of a pile of Daveshit with a hairdo on top!
Regraded Being is going to have a whopper over this one!
And, as always my friend, I will offer up my home for the party.
Just what are they gonna do with all the idle APPLEBOXES! No one to use them.
Thank you Mike for this information.
By the way David Miscavige there’s still time to get your very needed cases of Astro Glide.. They are on sale if you must know; incase cash on hand has been a little challenging lately.
I forwarded this article to Bronco in “C” block so he can arrange to get the party laid out and started for you! I know how you like things prepared in advance of your arrival.
We will take care of Shelly. No worries.
Nice know’n ya!
– Jackson
I put nothing past DM and company. They sincerely care only for themselves. One dynamic. Just them. That’s it. While pretending to be for all mankind and compassionate. They are ruthless, cold and calculatedly diabolical.
For all of us out here who are fighting the good fight, who lived through it and are still forging ahead making the best of the rest of our lives and moving past our stolen time this is for you!
Lovely song and most apt!
Wow, paranoid much? DM is a complete sociopath.
… And beyond. The worst.
You are beind spied on by everyone who has left your bubble.
Do you think this story will penetrate the Bubble Heads?
Amen to that!
Ha! I’m really enjoying seeing the headlines as of late. And this is just further showing what a disturbed person Miss Cabbage truly is. Is this police information enough to get him in court? Doubtful,but we can hope it happens soon.I’ll have my popcorn ready to watch him shake in his little shoes.
I don’t see how this story has any “legal” effect on David Miscavige.
I can see Him having a stroke over it but not hauled into court.
You are right Mary. The value of this is PR. And especially the fact that it disproves everything he has kept denying over the years is what is most valuable. His lies in response to this, when the testimony and statements are FROM THE “WOGS” HE HIRED TO THE POLICE highlights how all the other denials are bs too.
He has claimed EVERYONE was a liar who EVER said anything negative about him.
He propped up his assertions by:
Claiming they were just “bitter defrocked apostates”
Claiming they were doing it for money
Claiming there were “no police reports”
I removed them from their position for malfeasance
They have no current information about anything
Claiming it was a big conspiracy
Claiming everyone is a bigot and hater
He can’t use any of these here.
So, he is now stripped down to his essence: “They are liars. I don’t know them. I never hired them.”
Sgt Schulz Miscavige.
I don’t know that non-profit churches can spend millions on covert surveillance, but hey, what do I know, I’m not the IRS.
Great article, the Going Clear documentary has finally made an impact.
It’s the drip drip drip effect of so many years of abuse and people trying to expose this church. Going Clear was a bucket full but I think it’s the impact of many. Let’s keep up the dog piling on this horrible shit of a man ’til he no longer has any effect.
10G’s a week from all those tax free donations!!
10 G’s a week indeed! How many weeks or months did this spying go on? Let’s get a total figure on what your donations buy. This article coming out with proof from the police file from the Private Eyes’ own mouths…. this is just huge. This is, as Dan Sherman would say, a watershed moment! Mike thank you for getting this to us. OMG this is so huge. Thank you Mike.
The $10K/week that Miscavige, through his lawyers, paid the Private Investigators stands in sharp contrast to the $40/week that Sea Org members receive and tells the whole story of Miscavige’s REAL priorities.
Let’s do some quick and dirty math: Ron, Sr. got out 2 years ago. I think it is safe to say that little pencil dick David Miscavige didn’t start surveilling his father last week. That little twat has been doing it this whole time. $10K/week x 104 weeks makes $1,040,000.00. Converted to IAS donations, that’s about 21 Patron plaques, or, about one Patron Excretius Annulus Momentus trophy!
10G’s a week from parishioners who are living week to week, hand to mouth because they have charged their credit cards to the max to finance Miscavige’s “War Chest.”
And with whom is Miscavige at war? Himself, his BTs and his own shadow.
I know Ron M. He wasn’t planning to write a book about his son. I hope he will now.
According to the article, the Pi’s were paid for a year and a half. That is 78 weeks. 78 weeks times ten thousand dollars a week equals seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars. That is for one and a half years work. a nice chunk of change for anyone, and judging from the guys who were the Pi’s, a really nice chunk of change for them. Plus this is probably the total budget used to feed Sea Org members for 10 years, and that is 2500 people, 3 meals a day, 7 days a week.
Thanks for the breakdown, Safe Web. I hope that Ron Miscavige starts writing his memoirs right away. He has seen it all and knows where the bodies are buried. If he disappears or dies a suspicious death, the memoir will point the way. Please write it now, Ron! Don’t hold back.
Don’t forget that the lawyers took a slice before the PIs got theirs. Maybw, what? 30%?
Incredible! Absolutely incredible! Were it April 1st I would have doubted this story (April fools and all). But it is not April 1st. The shit is about to hit the fan indeed. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, indeed! Can’t wait for all the next “instalments”. Hallelujah!
Will we have to look at your mug shot while waiting in the check-out line at the grocery store next week?
What other ‘smoking guns’ are you hiding in your closet?
BTW, as a fellow Catholic, the Pope may offer to hear your Confession.
As a fellow Catholic, What would be say for penance? Let’s see, 1000 Hail Mary’s, 4000 Our Father’s, 1 million Glory Be’s, how many rosaries? And for sure he will be month’s in confession, but then he has to be honest and forthright, hummmmmmmm
^ ^ AMEN! OMG, this is A M A Z I N G! Thank you, Mike.
We are only into the beginning of April, 2015…and the Shit has HIT the fan, BIG TIME for ol’ “dave”. I have been saying for 14 years now: Tick Tock, Tick Tock: Time IS on *our* side! But truly————it really is now.
This is utterly unbelievable about is own Father. He’s alienated his entire family…and his wife, Shelly, is locked up where? Oh that’s right: “She’s just fine”. Sure.
To lurkers reading Mike’s blog, please take your own lives back: Read, look, listen, LEARN THE FACTS.
The days of “My head is in the sand so I don’t know” are O V E R. A Judge just said that, ftr. 🙂
Peace and love to ALL who help expose this insidious organization/business pretending to be a religion.
Tory/Magoo~~ Your LA Local, friendly SP 🙂
Tory, it’s not just that their heads are in the sand…it’s that they are also bend over taking it in the rear from Dear Leader!
Wow! LA Times! Numnutz just shit his britches!