This concept of St Hill size is often talked about.
Here we have the CO of the Flag Ship Service Org, the most expensive failed org in the history of scientology, telling people that she is sending someone to explain to them how they are going to go Saint Hill size RIGHT NOW.
In scientology, TALK substitutes for reality. They talk themselves into believing their own hype. That “planetary clearing is a reality” or “we are expanding like never before” or “the Golden Age of tech is flooding people up the Bridge” etc There are numerous variations of the self-affirmation technique that is prevalent throughout scientology.
Where does this hype originate from?
Well, as with most things in scientology, it comes straight from L. Ron Hubbard himself.
Here are some excerpts from his original directive that announced the idea of orgs achieving the “size of old St Hill” — way back in March 1982!!!
There is a lot of blah-blah in between the first and last page that I have not bored everyone with. It is Hubbard attempting to convince staff in scientology orgs that they COULD expand and announcing his great solution to make this possible: the Executive Director International (ED Int) and his International Executives (Exec Ints)– one for each “point of business” in a scientology organization.
This entire structure was dismantled by David Miscavige in the early 2000’s when ED Int (Guillaume Lesevre) and any “Execs Ints” were put in the Hole. They have never been heard from again.
But back to 1982 — when instant international expansion did not result from this new issue by Hubbard offering the carrot of OT levels and decent pay to all staff, Hubbard took it upon himself to issue another LRH ED in October, explaining to everyone that expanding to “SH Size” (“above the make-break point”) could be accomplished by anyone, citing Boston Org as the “proof” (Boston org DID expand when a team of stat pushing regges who had been brought to the Apollo to be comm-eved to determine whether they should be declared, had their declares mitigated by Hubbard if they went to Boston and sent enough money to support the Apollo). Boston collapsed again after they left. And remains collapsed to this day — an org that sold it’s beautiful building and has been through a series of failed disasters to try and get an “ideal” org and now has “Int management” paying for a new building and renovations, all the while it has NEVER achieved “the size of old St Hill.” This was just more Hubbard storytelling…
But, there are some interesting thoughts from Hubbard in this piece — writing which is believed to be absolute, unalterable truth by all scientologists — where he says the only thing preventing rapid expansion of orgs is lack of a desire to do it.
For 35 years since, not a single org other than the FSO has achieved this objective. And remember, when it was written, the span of time from the release of Dianetics to the date of writing (32 years) was LESS than the time SINCE it was written to the present. In 1982 there was virtually the same number of orgs around the world as there are today, and there were MORE Missions than there are today. That was 32 years of expansion. Since then there has been 32 years of stagnation — except in the amount of money collected and square footage of empty space.
If Hubbard is coming back from Target 2 to check in on COB’s progress, he is not going to be a happy camper. He lost his mind when nothing happened between March 1982 and October 1982. Imagine the shit-fit he would have 35 years later! Or perhaps not. Perhaps as Sarge Pfauth said, in the end Hubbard realized he had failed. And his comment today would simply be “I told you so.”
PS: Signalling the level of desperation CO FSSO is sinking to — apparently her message for Dallas was simply a form letter. She is also writing on behalf of the “Seattle Org Programs Chief” in CLO WUS? Just outrageously weird if you understand anything about the scientology hierarchy…
And here is the poster for this event. CLEARLY a “recruitment” event to try and get staff for Seattle Org – “expansion news”, “strategy on planetary clearing” and “how you can help” are standard euphemisms for “you need to join staff, that is our plan on how you are going to clear the planet.” They can no longer raise money for the Seattle “ideal” org — they have been “ideal” for years and are as empty and hopeless as ever.
Hollywood Reporter makes announcement this morning. Looking forward to telling more stories and pulling back the curtain even further. It’s going to be a wild ride.
The biggest LIE about all this “Saint Hill size” is that what really made Saint Hill boom was the Australian ban of Scientology and Peter & Yvonne Gillham bringing hundreds of families over from Australia to Saint Hill (the ban was caused by LRH refusing to give a refund to a complaining PC who then went to Parliament), this influx of hundreds of families from Australia is what boomed Saint Hill but none of this was ever mentioned of course. See Steve Cannane’s book “Fair Game” for more details on this.
Great point Terri. Of corse that being the ONLY place in the world to train as an auditor and attend Hubbard’s lectures personally also contributed.
Aha! Thank you very much for that illumination Terri.
Yes Mike, totally correct on that as well ! LRH and DM always setting completely unrealistic targets just to pound the poor following into the ground when they don’t meet them !! All part of keeping the flock brow-beaten, in awe and psychologically trapped…….
Hi mike. Do you have Any plans to write a book? Big fan of u and the work u do. Good luck on season 2
Yea Mike. I bet it would be a good one
Focus of the hypocrisy of law enforcement not doing anything on the show!
Hi Mike,
Somehow I missed the info that there will be a Season 2….Happy to hear this. When Season 1 ended I was hoping for a #2. Individual stories seemed obvious as a series. No end to that number of stories that could be told. So is #2 for real? When does it start? I read Leah’s, Marc’s and Going Clear books. Don’t know what book to read next. What, if any, would you suggest? I am fascinated and enraged at the same time.
David Miscavige should be in prison for the horrendous treatment of people. He is the Monster of Scientology. So, is the man on steroids? This made instant sense to me. It was mentioned in Going Clear that he took them from an early age. There is a major RAGE factor with steroids. Not to mention the other dire side effects…. I have this creepy feeling that the “abuses” are much worse than already revealed. I feel there are bodies…Maybe alive, maybe not….Where are the many who have vanished? No one seems to be able to find them due to the “religious” tag of this cult. Is anyone looking? How far will DM go to silence people. He seems to get off inflicting PAIN & SUFFERING on others. If you try to defend yourself you will go missing to the Hole or Happy Valley or up in the mountains??? PLEASE! Where are the missing, disappeared, vanished ones? Seems to me this TV program is revealing many things that DM doesn’t want revealed and must be very annoying and troubling to him. I wonder if he watches the program?!?! I sure hope so.
I find myself thinking about the locked up people a lot. Here I am in beautiful California, enjoying life, loving my family, growing my veggie garden, calling who I want, when I want. I am free. I can do whatever I want. I am approximately 400 miles from the HOLE. I think about the poor souls living this hell in my own backyard so to speak. I want to help them so much. People brainwashed, abused, tormented, locked up in despicable conditions. In the USA. In CALIFORNIA. RIGHT NOW. Just a few hours away from me. How does this continue?
Why was David Koresh was investigated it ended with 80 people dying 20 of them children who were completely innocent. They were used and abused just like DM does. SO the government wiped them out. Jim Jones even had politicians investigating…and he had them murdered in Ghana along with the 800 + that he poisoned. The list is long. How does DM get away with this??? The only difference is the size of the group but more importantly, the vast amount of money DM has coerced, bullied and stolen (when you grab someone’s credit card and get $1500. from it, it’s a felony in the real world). I HAS to be the money. It’s the only obvious difference besides the size of the cult. Why isn’t the FBI all over this scam? They didn’t give a hoot when it came to other cults. Hopefully they are gathering info and will swoop some day soon.
Has anyone noticed the great difference in the physical appearance of DM? He is looking mentally disturbed in the photos I have seen from the last 20 years. He looks demented…more and more. He just looked sneaky and devious in the late 1980’s. Now he looks dangerous. Cunning. Evil. Imagine that! He looks like what he is.
Tom Cruise. He must have some idea of what is going on. I can’t believe he thinks everything is A~OK. Is he such a dick that he thinks everyone just adores him? Is he that crazy? Self absorbed? Egotistical? That he doesn’t care about the reality of the situation only getting everything his little heart desires? It’s gross. He’s gross. The looks, hugs, embraces, back pounding, “Man Bonding” he gave DM during that silly award thing he received was so disturbing. Cringe worthy. What the hell is going on here? Are they lovers? I’m serious.
Everything I have read about Ron Hubbard is not good. He was atrocious in so many ways. Really AWFUL. He was violent, took drugs, lied, stole, was a vicious monster. It amazes me that this cult continues to this day with all of the proof of Hubbard’s disgusting life. He wrote ‘good’ stories? Not in my opinion. I never liked Sci-Fi. It was boring and tedious to me. I guess a lot of people found it a good get away from their daily life. Whatever.
Thank you Mike. With out you, Leah & the rest of the former scientologists, this would just go on until at some point DM dies, just like everyone else. Just like Ron Hubbard did. That’s something else I wonder about. Another time…………….
Susansusan opined: “He wrote ‘good’ stories? Not in my opinion. I never liked Sci-Fi.”
On the other hand, I’ve been a true Sci-Fi fan since I was 8-9; almost 60 years, now, and I was unaware of his SF scribblings until I was in scn. He didn’t make much of an impression in the baby boomer segment, IOW. Then he tried a ‘come-back’ with Battlefield Earth, which wasn’t as good as the movie IMO, and that ‘decology, or whatever he called it, that ‘series’ which had no redeeming qualities other than it eventually ended. Its only claim to fame was its being the longest ‘novel’ ever written, so big it had to be split into many volumes, each as bad as the last, an example of his verbal diarrhea combined with mental constipation that is evident in everything of his I’v read. I’ve made attempts to find “Doc’ Methuselah” just for curiosity, and struck out in the new and used bookstores, as well as the early Interwebz.
My opinion is that he shouldn’t be called a science fiction writer but a pulp fiction hack who sometimes wrote science fiction. Certainly it wouldn’t be a claim to fame as he never did get a big following except for his fiction science, “Dianetics”. Definitely, he was not one of the influential authors like Asimov, Heinlein, Gordon Dickson, John Campbell, or the like.
I’m particularly interested in the big picture of Scientology and similar organizations, and organization dynamics and phenomenon, so Saint Hill is an especially interesting topic.
To begin with, my attention was drawn to where the second old ED says that it doesn’t take time to build something big. But Hubbard could never create anything that was big and stable, the whole history of the subject from 1950 to today is of booms and busts, and of operations that except for the occasional boom are mostly so small that they are barely even viable. The particular focus on trying to build things big, has obviously left Scientology with a strategy that is not very sustainable.
One thing that I’ve found particularly interesting, is the observation that Saint Hill was only Saint Hill size when Hubbard was there, which is more or less true. That’s exemplary of how the viability of the whole organization was based on his charisma, and even his active presence. Not only that, but when I think about it, I suspect the attraction was not even necessarily his presence as such, but that his presence offered the promise of new things being introduced. As is often noted, Scientology is based on a virtual addiction to the promise of the next big thing to be introduced, since what has been introduced in the past never lives up to its promise and quickly loses its allure. Miscavige has tried to keep that dynamic going, with a few supposedly new introductions, and new revisions of old things, but it’s still seems impossible to make much of anything St. Hill size without Hubbard.
Finally, the other interesting, speculative question, is whether even Hubbard would have been able to make things St. Hill size, even if he was say still living at the age of 116 with all his faculties intact. I’ll have to think that one over some more, but my initial thought is that I’m not sure that he would actually be doing any better with the base of material than current management; his style was getting rather dated, and he might for instance have finally worn out his game with too long a string of next great things that fell flat. Isn’t there some old story about how the inner circle of group decides to kill their widely revered leader, because they determine that he is of more value as an icon than as a commander?
“fall prey again to smaller being with bigger organizational skills.”
smaller beings fit the bill, too
I love the self confessional mode of LRH
Oh, and I can’t wait for 2nd season of Aftermath. That show makes a real difference, lovely work!
Wow. Can’t wait for more thought provoking episodes! ! Bring em on
Tori Christman and Nora Crest would be great stories for season 2.
Lots of love Leah and all the victim’s of Scientology. ? Yea!! Season 2 ?
Well A&E, with all of the suggestions offered today just between Mike’s blog and Tony Ortega’s site about what needs discussing in future episodes, it looks like you just need to plan on about 10-12 more full seasons with Leah and Mike in order to fit it all in. It’s what your viewers are demanding.
Big Congrats to you and Leah for season 2, I am so happy! I do feel that it is extremely important to do at least one episode of the kids who grew up in the sea org, in the cadet org at flag, pac and especially at int at happy valley. A lot of these kids who are now out (and are adults) have been disconnected from their parents who are still in the sea org. This is one of the most terrible things that happened in the history of the sea org and it is still going on, in the fact that many are out and have not seen their parents. I know that kids are no longer being born in the sea org, but still there is the disconnection aspect going on.
Yes, that and the fact that most of them have no formal education. Many are starting from zero when they get into the real world. Kids raised in Scientology have been set up to fail, and to be tethered to the church for life.
I agree Lois. Very good point.
I saw the Boston Org in ’74 and it was hopping. I would say that the Command Team was great in the boom that they created-warts and all. The nasty bit is that Scientology destroyed the success of that org in a dozen ways. Upper management ripped off the very best staff; the GO created massive legal flaps with their “always attack” mantra; upper management saddled the org with stupid directives over and over and over; crush regging and heavy ethics were applied to virtually anyone who walked in the door; stat pushes were an hourly freak show; the org moved from a high foot traffic area to an expensive building on a tony quiet street half a mile from a busy sidewalk; and the people stayed away in droves and still do.
Let’s face it. Scientology is 90% hype. Converting hype into a viable product is something Hubbard was terrible at. When you don’t take care of your staff, no one wants to play and you’ve got a handful of grey-haired, over-regged lifers sick of doing OW write-ups in hopes of being one of the few who make OT.
This is the best news I’ve heard all day! Mike, you are a consummate professional and it shows how much you have evolved as a human being since leaving the COS. I’d like to see you do more investigative journalism — your charisma and personality are perfect for it. You and Leah have great chemistry and I’m looking forward to the 2nd season!!!! COB should wear his brown pants when he watches it 😉
Best wishes to Mike and Leah for season two! Leah has said (and perhaps Mike feels the same), that filming the show was stressful and traumatic for her personally, seeing so much human anguish first hand.
My sincere appreciation to both of them for being willing to dedicate the months of time needed and to put their emotions on the line again, despite not really wanting to.
That’s a great point LJD – I also appreciate the effort from Leah & Mike Rinder because the show is really well developed & produced, with actual evidence – where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Multiple experiences, too many now to simply write off as bitter ex-members trying to cause trouble. Even in a court, a fact becomes a fact when it is repeated by many. It must be very stressful but, as stated in the promos they (Leah at least) feel a sense of responsibility to get people “OUT of that thing” … & while other religions practice similar type disconnection ‘policies’ like shunning in Amish communities & some Mormon CLDS (in particular some of the polygamist groups), in the CoS it appears particularly harsh (& for suss reasons which I struggle to accept as reasonable, or even truthful).
As an Aussie who grew up with virtually zero religion due to 2 reasons. First, due to my mother’s miserable experience growing up in a devoutly christian family (including grandparents who lived with them – strict officers in the Salvos, all of them) & my Dad’s absolute refusal to allow that shit be drummed into our heads (I’ve never been inculcated in anything other than my own cultural propaganda lol), I really struggle to understand why some people have such a ‘need’ to enter into a spiritual contract, whether that be for simple fellowship or for the rigid application of religious dogma (because the horror stories of those badly affected are really sad). But I am often fascinated with these types of tv programs that give me an insight into what goes on. And they’ve hit the jackpot exposing the ugliness & hypocrisy of the CoS – these (appropriate) personal experiences from people who’ve been fkd over in EVERY way really shine a light on the divisive practices of this cult and it’s ‘leadership’ and/or hierarchy. It’s like some kind of legalised pyramid scheme where you keep trying to bring in more people (or just get more from the same people), for no purpose other than to get their cash! I mean, I’m sure they’re getting ‘training’ & ‘tech’ (I’m assuming the tech is the knowledge component? & ways oxnf applying it in your life?) … however, the ultimate aim is to bring in the money – and that’s not even counting ‘donations’ from wealthy devotees (& indeed the poor ones too)!! Like a really well practiced SCAM, legalised through a vexatious & cynical campaign of letter writing which ultimately overwhelmed the (limp wristed) state to gain tax-exemption, this ‘church’ is seemingly on a mission to become the most powerful corporation possible, and eclipse the catholics (who’ve had a couple of thousand years to gather their wealth) for meaningful legitimacy .. I’m convinced this is the aim – but for what? The opportunity to influence who? The world? Perhaps just the US(?), although maybe that’s all that is required. American cultural imperialism reaches every ‘corner’ (lol) of the globe. Pretty interesting really.
Sh*t, sorry! I started this post with the intention of just reiterating another’s comment to say thanks and here I have written an essay! Ha … whoever said religion was boring?! ?
Congrats and thank you, Mike and Leah!
Hey Mike. Congrats on season Two.
Maybe by the time the season ends and you are gearing up for season Three, you and Leah will have a cast and crew that is comparable to a Saint Hill Size Organization.
I would love to see a full hour covering segments of Debbie Cook’s testimony. To me, that is still the most damning evidence of the corruption and raw evil at the core of the current church.
ED Int Guillome Lesevre: I still can here his voice when he was talking about the “Birthday Game” with his very French accent. Last time I saw a video of him when he was speaking at an event, he was so hectic that he reminded me at the French actor/comedian Louis de Funes who played many roles being hyper. There was an underlying fear. Poor man. DM ruined him.
My suggestion is stick with personal stories related to many of the themes discussed on here.
1) Go more into Hubbard’s life and his trickery, people who knew him or those who can shed light on the man.
2) More info on shell companies and various organizations tied to Scientology such as the drug and school program, etc. And the falsehoods they represent with evidence to back it up. To prevent others from being conned or manipulated.
3) Celebrity center and aspiring artists being manipulated. I personally don’t care about the bigger celebrities unless they left and can shed light on the abuses. Personal stories of those who left.
4) More stories on abuses such as child labor/free slave labor, forced abortions, manipulation between partners to pit them against each other in hopes of increased revenue, and rape.
5) Psychology behind the mind control practices in Scientology.
Again, sticking more with personal stories to relate these themes.
I would also like to see more discussion similar to the last Reddit session with Lawrence Wright and cult expert.
I’d like to see some of the empty, decaying Idle Morgues included and discussed the millions misappropriated from members of the cherch to pay for them when they’re not even registered in their names and they have to rent to use them.
The real estate registered in the name of one of Miscavige’s entities – for whose benefit, exactly? I’d like to see Miscavige exposed for the liar he is when at events he uses these buildings as “proof” of expanding “exponentially”.
I’d also like it to be generally known by the public and other powers that be how members are ripped off to donate to the IAS with stories that the money will be used to assist the masses in tragic circumstances – when we all know this is not the case.
I’d like the question of where this money actually goes and for whose benefit to be left hanging, loud and clear.
It would be interesting to know more about suicides of members. When rapes go unreported, or if there is no justice, victims will suffer depression. Untreated depression can lead to suicide. Just my opinion, but Scientology seems like such an Old Boys Club, founded as it was by Hubbard, in that decade. Has much changed in 60+ years, I wonder?
Old Surfer Dude – I appreciate you!! 😉
Maybe an episode of how the Co$ snares in Z list celebrities (Kuba Ka, Princess Joy, Chill E B., Stacey Francis, etc) and uses them to draw in other ‘celeb wannabes’ With promises of performing in front of millions and getting their names ‘out there’ and the others are
Thank you Mike. Most interesting and thank you for the red boxes. Helps alot when I get brain freeze from wading into Ron/dm’s word jungle. And Leah what a treasure! I am behind her every step of the second season journey. Just fantastic to be able to share more of the truth about the cult of lies. ?
Wow! There’s some really great suggestions for what season 2 might address here, very impressive. It never ceases to amaze me the sincere and observant people who comment here, (of course there’s exceptions every now and again). But my suggestion for one episode of season 2 is simply, “The Money!” Get some of those clever PIs and investigative journalists and focus on the money, the extravagances, the whales and their lifestyles & income streams, the lawyers and the secretive financial systems who handle it using corporate smoke and mirrors and give it a big dose of sunshine. Exposing human abuse and misery is one thing but exposing the amount of money involved, and the trails of deceit associated gets the attention of anyone with a tight bank account and taxes to pay. Scientology is a tax exempt entity! It’s wealth rides on the back of and is dependent upon the hard working, fundamentally honest and patriotic, tax paying citizen.
That reminds me! There HAS to be an episode about the purchasing of CERTIFICATES OF STATUS! Scathing satire always plays to a big crowd!
Oh boy… what a dark little walk down the 339R memory path this article is. I almost dry reached trying to read that hype again, thanks for the little red squares and deleting the center pages, but it still gave me nausea. How in the world we bought that pile of crap for so long is beyond me and I started to wake up to that mindset in the mid 90s and was far, far away by 2000. It’s like a living nightmare being on staff or being an SO member, but you can’t see it at the time. But when you wake up… truly wake up! It’s like, well… Scientology on Elm Street!
Yes, Hubbard’s enterprise failed, and miserably too but Miscavige’s game hasn’t yet. He’s still hard at work sucking every last cent out of it he can, that’s all he wants and has ever wanted. So, if there’s still any money to be had, he’ll be in there pitching the same old pack of lies until dragged kicking and screaming off his throne. It’s all a big bunch of bat shit crazy group foolishness with a long history of human abuses. Organised Scientology be it globally or at any level of group enterprise has proved itself to be incapable of not lying. If it cannot be honest with itself, how can it profess to help anyone. I guess Hubbard was quite intuitive when he wrote, “help is betrayal.” His organisational system & efforts stand in testament of just how true that turned out to be.
Very good news about season two with Leah at the helm. May 2017 smile favorably upon her and your efforts Mike. Tally-ho!
Congratulations on Season 2 !
My single thought would be to have David Love on an episode. His Nar-con-on litigation continue up Canada way so that might be dicey.
By the way…… does this represent 2X expansion? Real world expansion?
Woo Hoo! Season 2!
(Boston org DID expand when a team of stat pushing regges who had been brought to the Apollo to be comm-eved to determine whether they should be declared, had their declares mitigated by Hubbard if they went to Boston and sent enough money to support the Apollo). Boston collapsed again after they left.
Thank you for including this info. I had no idea. Having had these references “run” on us over and over and over, of course to prove that we must be slackers, it’s a relief to know it was BS all along.
Yo Dave,
It’s about this datum that your former boss dreamed up about ” Oh Teas falling prey to smaller beings with bigger organizational skills.”
Really Dave? Is that what you think is happening? Or is that just Sharron flailing about in some sort of down stat tizzy? So why would you not try and reinforce your loins against this Dave? Why not resurrect the old OEC course as part of the line up for new Oh Teas so they would never fall prey to the likes of all of us smaller beings again?
I hate to have to remind you of the basics good buddy but with the next season of the Mike and Leah show imminent, I suggest you do something Dave, even if it is stupid and wrong! (I suppose there is nothing new here.)
Anyway Dave, GAG III should be mandatory for all Oh Tea Ates with the new fangled Organization Executive Course for the remaining big Oh Teas to help combat the bigger and better organized little beings out here on the fringes. I recommend a special discounted price if purchased by Thursday at Too of around $150,000.00 US. (they are the big beings Dave, they can afford it. Check with Tom and Bob, they will tell you)
As an aside Dave, Bob did a pretty good job of organizing his drug company so does that qualify him as a big or little being? Better be careful Dave, you don’t want them straying too far!
Newcomer, I like your “Yo Dave” series almost as much as “Degraded Being”. Surely Dave must like it too – you give such good advice.
Congratulations to all on the second season. Well done.
“The answer is to remain organized, with mutual assistance and integrity and not to lose touch with or responsibility for ALL LEVELS OF LIFE FORMS AND SOCIETIES.”
So does this mean that now they are going to start taking responsibility for homeless people and the down trodden?
Leah and Mike get a Season 2!
Meanwhile Jenna Elfman’s show stalls mid flight
(And hopefully ‘The Ranch’ implodes as well- not only because of Masterson’s crimes but it’s just a crappy show)
Congratulations to everyone involved with Aftermath! It has to be emotionally grueling to go through that. I will be rooting for you!
I have no interest in seeing her act. She was never a great actress to begin with. I was surprised to hear she might have a show. Someone I have been talking with about my interest in Scientology said that she must have ran out of money. Or she is being used as a tool to ‘promote’ the organization.
Sharron Weber should visit Seattle Org and drill them on her favorite motivational technique — “face ripping”.
Definition of face-ripping from a comment at Marty Rathbun’s blog:
“Face-ripping” refers to someone getting in your face, typically in a loud, angry tone of voice, as if they are going to rip your face off. In a management context it applies to a senior dressing down a junior about how badly they’ve screwed up, what a worthless piece of crap they are, or what is going to happen to them if they don’t achieve whatever improbable target they’ve been assigned.
That’s what face ripping is? Damn! Guess I shouldn’t used that box cutter on my face…
Never Doubted It For A Second!!!!! I knew there would be a second season of Aftemath.
However, it truly is difficult to comprehend how many lives have been destroyed and families ripped apart by Scientology. I really wish there werent any stories like this to tell.
Keep doing what you do Mike….don’t stop.
Yours…. OverTheBridgeTPA
Great article, and Yippeee on season 2!
That letter is frighteningly coercive and controlling. We get these letters all the time. If you are OT 7 or 8, the ship has this big stick they wield while pretending not to wield.
“You gotta keep active and contribute or we’ll just park you on the bridge and never give you the next cookie” The local org ED will report to the ship ethics section if you aren’t doin the right bunny hop for him.
Next up, the Ship MAA gives you a friendly call, ‘just to see how you’re doing’ and by the way, there is this report here……
If you thought you’d get free of pressure by getting to OT and being off staff, you were mistaken. It’s the OT 8’s, hoping for 9 and 10 who dress up like pirates and pop stars, cavort across make-shift stages at fund raising potlucks.
Also: I never questioned out loud why LRH could go off to Target 2, by himself, a lone OT:
“The trouble with OTs in the past has only been lack of cooperation and commonly agreed upon objective. Without these OTs eventually fall prey again to smaller beings with bigger organization skill. OT is an unstable state only when OTs are not cooperating with OTs but each one going his own way in the strong but fatuous believe he can single-handedly survive. The proof is, OTs have not survived as OTs whenever this super individuation collided with the super organization of weaker beings. The answer is to remain organized, mutual assistance and integrity and not lose touch with or responsibility for all levels of life forms and societies.”
Add to that, that OT VIII was the first “real OT level” and everything else is “pre-OT”, and OT VIII wasn’t released until after he was dead, – – – – – he left the planet in the hands of non-OTs.
He’s OT, he’s done, now he can go and leave us non-OTs to finish the job here?
Was I drunk for 40 years?
” Next up, the Ship MAA gives you a friendly call, ‘just to see how you’re doing’ and by the way, there is this report here……”
Yep SNF, I received my first ‘request for an update on my participation’ within four months of completing Oh Tea Ate. It was from Samantha on the Prisonwinds. It was in response to a demand that I pay for the upcoming Maiden Vourage Event which I had said I would not be attending. (wrong answer = something wrong = heavy ethics)
That is called A=A=A in the Cult.
Note: I did not ever return to the ship after finishing which I had ‘postulated’ as a new Oh Tea Ate. Somehow, I found the necessary bigger organizational skills inherent in smaller beings to resist all of those Oh Tea demands coming from the Ogres united as a force on the ship.
Yo Sharron and Samantha,
Stick it girls!
I’m glad for you.
I tell myself, ‘better late than never’. At least it’s over now.
Yes, kool-aide is quite intoxicating isn’t it? I hope someone comes up with a breathalyser for it!
A breathalyser for “kool aid” drinkers. LOL
It would register heavy doses of Vitamin B and Cal Mag. 🙁
Hi Mike, off topic. I don’t write on Tony’s blog, but he asked this question:
“What would you like to see on the next season of Aftermath.”
I’d like to see Piece of Blue Sky and Bare Faced Messiah authors on.
I’d like to see the public dismantling of the PR image of Ron.
I would like there to be the revelation of Ron’s wish for suicide while running BTs
I would like a show dedicated to total revealing of the OT levels
I would like this to be the most informative show on Hubbard to date.
Maybe have all of these researchers on the same show. A round table discussion?
Have Hana Whitfield on to talk about her personal knowledge of Ron.
Have Ron’s grand kid on (forgot his name) to chronicle for our society how Ron dealt with his Son Nibs and family.
AGREED. Hubbard’s lies are the “basic on the chain”. Whatever there is of use in Scientology will find it’s way in the light of the open marketplace. The rest is cancerous.
YES!! Jamie DeWolfe! Please – have Jamie on the show. He is awesome!
Sorry, one more off topic:
To increase viewership of Aftermath, use a media practice, promote as the final episode during all of the episodes the revelation of who Ron was.
Have the final episode or close to the final be all about the truth of L Ron Hubbard. Promote it as an advertisement during all of the episodes. That will stick the attention of those interested, very deeply.
This whole mess is a result of this man. All of the pain and suffering that this cult has reaped on our culture can be placed squarely on the door step of Hubbard and his writings.
Take him down!
LRH, an asshole who dabbled in “magick”, spelled with a “k” on the end to make the practitioners seem more mysterious, OOoooOOOO… wearing tin foil hats in the shape of pyramids with his equally grotesque rocket scientist companion, swapping wives and ripping each other off.
Don’t think you’ll find this information in the $cientology museum.
This is what troubles me about the so-called squirrels who officially left the cult but still practice the snake oil medicine of that transparent con man.
+1! Outstanding post, Brian! Well done!
Love your ideas Brian, let’s hope it can be done. Some of the people on lines might be to fascinated at this point and tune in, have a major realization and walk away. Leah, make it sting.
Elron’s great grandson, Jamie DeWolf, has fantastic stage presence and has told some absolutely riveting stories of growing up in a family who were scared to death that Elron’s minions would target them for harassment, threats and dirty tricks.
Getting as many of the blown and never-in relatives of Elron and lil davey together to compare notes on what $cn has done to them would be very revealing. Very few of them even identify as $cilons now and I think that poor Diana is the only one who’s still in the $ea Org. Hearing from the relatives of the folks who were/are in command of the whole crime syndicate would definitely be enlighteneing!
I know, a few people have brought this up. The problem with these family members is the only thing they really bring is their last name. They do not have direct personal experience with scientology, other than being disconnected from. But I appreciate this and all the other suggestions.
I think any of DM’s blown relatives would have impact.
Mike–…”it is direct personal experience…” The human quotient; the compelling stories of those who lived and survived the abuses of Scientology, is what keeps me involved. As a ‘never-in’, it was the heart wrenching experiences of you, Leah and your guests, that got me emotionally invested in your show. Most human beings have empathy for others who are suffering; it’s why I cried right along with you, Ron, Lois, the Headleys, etc. I am looking forward to the next installments of “Aftermath”, as I am certain that you and Leah along with the producers at A&E, will do your utmost to inform and educate the public about the horrible abuses of this organization.
Brian sez:
“I would like a show dedicated to total revealing of the OT levels”
Agreed. But I would not want a scientology critic to do this total reveal. Instead, I suggest that the Church of Scientology send in a cadre of ‘OTs’ to work their magic. By their accounts, there are plenty of them out there. Just a few demonstrations of whole track recall, exteriorization, mind reading, telekinesis, esp, remote viewing, saving a planet or two, changing some dangerous weather patterns, finding some lost car keys or scoring a sweet parking stall at the local mall would do. It should be no problem to find folks like this, they are all over the pages of Advance Magazine. If ‘OT’ is too much for audiences to ‘have’ then how about a few ‘clears’ for a quick demonstration of recall (this life only) or improved response time or myopia free after years of coke bottle glasses or, or, or…
Another suggestion would be for some prominent Church Execs to make a showing. ED Int, President of the Church of Scientology, Senior C/S Int., International Spokesperson, ANYONE!!!!! I’m not even asking for Shelly to make an appearance although that would sure put some of us yapping critics in their place.
Perhaps Jenny Linson could come on an demonstrate an ‘OT comm cycle’, Kirstie Alley could preform an ‘OT salute’, a Sea Org recruiter could demonstrate how to sign someone on for a mere billion years to salvage this sector of the guh-lax-ee, an IAS reg could demonstrate how to extract more money from a prospect than they will ever make in this lifetime, an OSA goon could show how to design an operation to ruin someone utterly or perform other religious sacraments encouraged by the Church of Scientology. The list goes on.
I’m not holding my breath.
I’m not sure how well going after LRH with both barrels will be. I mean, Going Clear did that, and it never got as big as Leah’s show. Part of it is that people will think that he’s dead, so what? We deface his grave? Also,
I think the stories of abuse are much more effective. Talking about how people are suffering and the COS is crushing people NOW. Children are being exploited now, so we need to act now.
Also, I think leaving LRH out of the spotlight is kind of subversive. You can then use LRH quotes and such against the church, since the dude took almost every position on every subject…
I would like to see that you are making more money. You are performing a valuable service and deserve to be paid well for it. I’m sure you don’t need any advice from me on what subjects to cover. The episodes last season were perfect.
PROOF THAT ‘POSTULATES’ WORK!!! Hip hip hooray for season two of the Mike and Leah show!
I would love to see an episode on the impact of the church on Clearwater and the current shenanigans with private meetings between city officials and David Miscavige on HIS turf!
Also there has to be an episode about the church’s false campaign against human trafficking while engaging in it.
Call Episode II – $cientology – the $cience of $henanigan’s”
ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!! Now that’s some funny shit!!
Yep! All of us SPs postulated a second season! Whoa! That means we’re more powerful than the cult! Woo Hoo! We got da power!
Over on Tony’s blog they are making some good unsolicited suggestions about topics for season two. I’d suggest returning to the joborg and how Scientology recruits young kids to administer it to much older people. Having teenagers sec check people about their sex lives is very hitler youth.
Perhaps they’ve already planned out Season 2, especially if they’re targeting a Summer release date (I have no clue what all goes into getting these shows from concept to showtime), but I think that focusing quite a bit on the extreme exploitation of children born into this life (child labor, substandard education, removal of parents from their most of their childhood, signing their lives away before maturity, etc.) would generate a substantial amount of buzz that would get a ton of people emotionally invested in learning about and preventing the abuses of this organization.
If they could somehow get Jenna Hill Miscavige (DM’s own niece) to sit down and explain her experiences and discuss what she witnessed as a child growing up in this bubble, I think that would be a show that could really highlight the abusive practices towards children and really get more never-ins involved…..and maybe get some of the celebrity Scientologists to consider distancing themselves from this organization.
It’s one of the most heart-breaking aspects of CofS…..the exploitation of children who are unable to defend themselves from these abuses.
Hi Mick in response to, “and maybe get some of the celebrity Scientologists to consider distancing themselves from this organization.” Don’t think this will happen any time soon. These B listed celebs are fully entrenched in the bubble and are treated like royalty. It’s not just Tom C. that uses sea org as free labor. These people are quite disgusting if you think about it cause they know what little sea org staff have. They might not admit to themselves that the hole exists but they KNOW what little pay and what little sea org has and other staff for that matter. They remind me of that mind set “let them eat cake”. These people don’t have the balls or confront that Leah has. She saw an out point and like a dog with a bone she couldn’t let it go until she got to the bottom of it. And for this got into a lot of trouble, etc. And now she’s come this far with the tv show. You’d think these ‘celebs’ would get a clue but noooooo, they’re too pampered and egotistical to admit having been wrong. All despicable really.
PS – I’m an old timer since the ’70’s and it took a lot of confront to admit having been conned like many of us here. So I have little patience for those still in, especially the old timers.
Ms.P , regarding out points:
Just to mention: There was Debbie Cook before Leah, and Jon Atack before Debbie, etc. Perhaps part of the success of Leah and Mike- besides their charm and talent- has been the preparatory work done earlier in punching and staggering the beast(aka COS/COB).
….. ‘disposed of (not so) quietly and without sorrow’…..
Hi Jim – my comment above about Leah was as a comparison of the ‘celebs’. Yes, thank goodness for Cook, Atak, and everyone else.
Paying homage to all who’ve come before is an excellent idea! Leah’s a hero, but beginning with Paulette, there have been quite a few others who took the cult on head on, never gave an inch, and with some suffering badly for their heroic efforts!
They didn’t stop; Leah is not going to stop; and we’re never going to be stopped either. The cult is on the ropes and needs to continue to be hammered from all sides until fundamental reform occurs or the cult implodes and collapses under the weight of its many crimes and heinous abuses!
Let’s not forget what happens to the ELDERLY (especially the sick elderly) in this “organization”…..that along with the children would be two topics of supreme importance!
I think it would be good to devote some time in Season 2 talking about all the empty Ideal Orgs, basically debunking all the expansion talk like you do on this blog. I’m a never-in, but follow your blog and several other sites. Two things are always on my mind as I read the stories. First, when a member starts to have doubts, and checks out the internet, TV programs, documentaries, what will influence them to leave? Will the fact that they spend so much time and money to better the planet, and all there is to show for it is a lot of empty real estate, matter to them? Second, for us Non-Scientologists and the IRS, doesn’t Scientology look a lot like a giant Real Estate Conglomerate? How can all these empty buildings be used for religious purposes? They are just pure assets. Where is the spiritual component?
Thanks for all you do to expose and debunk this cult, Mike.
I remember Hubbard with his Saint Hill Size push in the early 1980’s.
My thought at the time was that he had not delivered anything close to OT so how
could he make the wild claims about how to get to Saint Hill size?
Hubbard was such a bad magician and Occult practitioner even at the end of his life. He totally misduplicated the Occult but imagined that he had some power when he was in one of his trances. It is unfortunate that he has hurt so many people with his distorted claims. This guy Hubbard never displayed OT powers. He claimed that he could develop them, but in the end he says you HAVE them.
Twisted, twisted, twisted. I would have expected from Hubbard at least a first rate occult teaching like Crowley. Crowley actually did display some minor magic, but Crowley was far more well-read than Hubbard.
Hubbard was to me “a tiny occult ‘BS’ artist”.
There should definitely be more emphasis on Hubbard’s occult buddies, Crowley and Jack Parsons.
If my readings of A. Crowley are accurate he wrote Parsons to distance himself and the OTO from ‘that fraud’.
George, Tony mentions you in his radio interview he posted this morning. Even after being in the midst of scientology for 30+ years I understand more from the never in reporting.
Thanks! I’m going to check it out.
Wow Mike and Leah! Congratulations!
Your program gives us a voice! And for that, I love you both. It also, (and maybe more importantly), gives people inside the bubble a voice for their doubts about the cult!
When you enter Scientology, you leave your loved ones behind. That is a fact, but it is not explained to you until it is too late. Once inside the cult you will either disconnect from your loved ones or they will disconnect from you…. Ooops…. Too late. You are trapped inside and your money is drained in exchange for lies. It is run more like organized crime than a religion.
Thanks to you and Leah, the general public is becoming aware that this is a cult and that it is grinding up and spiting out friends and family while it sucks up tax free dollars from trapped members using lies and false promises.
Thanks so much for sticking your necks out…. I love you both.
“Once inside the cult you will either disconnect from your loved ones or they will disconnect from you..” …THIS! Before you “cognite” on Scientology you are considered a WOG or “raw meat” (Hubbard was so kind) once you are in “IN” and “with the program” you are considered one of the most ethical and evolved beings walking around. Once you discover the lies and head for the door, you are INSTANTLY considered an apostate, child molester, criminal, drug user, etc etc. Scientology discriminates invalidates and targets you for harassment based on MEMBERSHIP STATUS ALONE. Hubbard wrote that people who leave the Sea Org are degraded beings. Vindictive and arbitrary. “Mankinds greatest friend”. MY HOPES FOR THE NEXT SEASON IS THAT HUBBARD IS FULLY EXPOSED. Perhaps the membership has dwindled to the point where it doesn’t matter anymore, but so many other lies are piled on top of his. The bottom of the pile needs to be pulled out into the sunlight. Just my two cents.
The original quote Sharron has cribbed is from L Ron Hubbard, HCOB 25th June 1963. Quoted here without the typo
This is one of many places where Hubbard tried to explain his failures in South Africa by saying “OTs work better as a team” leading up to the foundation of the Sea Organization. It seems he really thought he could take over an African country just by the pure force of his personality.
Then he explained his failure by coming out with this idea of an OT working as a team, which later became the Sea Organization. To date the Sea Organization has taken over no countries, cities, towns or hamlets except Gilman Hot Springs, California.
Dave possibly thinks that he and Tom Cruise can take over Clearwater FL operating as an OT Team. Smells like team spirit. (Apologies to Curt Cobain)
Thanks for explaining the context in which that was made.
Mike – I would love to see some exposure on the following subjects in ScienceofLYOLOGY:
1. The “Illegal PC” Scam
2. Lisa McPherson’s story
3. Suicides and deaths – Flo Barnett, Kyle Brennan, Narconon deaths etc…
4. How $cienceofLYology tricks a new person off the street – “Raw Meat”
5. Scientology uses mind control, hypnosis and lies to trap trusting people walking into a “church”.
Scientology exploits human vulnerabilities. Everyone gets hurt – not just the person who was raised in Scientology.
People that get tricked into the cult through WISE or Narconon or just by reading Dianetic’s – get destroyed just like people raised in Scientology.
Please expose this so the World knows anyone is vulnerable to mind controlling cults.
6. Lawrence Brennan’s Affidavit Exposed. “Religious Cloaking” and how Churches can commit crimes and get away with them.
+1! Nice!
Good post, Idle Morgue. As for suicides, add in that the church’s own attorney, Kenneth Moxen, lost his daughter when she was SO at Gold (Int) in Hemmet. She wanted to go home for a visit and the powers that be kept turning down her CSW (request for permission to go home for a visit). Despondent, she threw herself into a transformer and was instantly electrocuted. She had a suicide note in her pocket, which one of the head honcho SO members there immediately took and destroyed. They made up a “shore story” that it was an “accident” and that she had seen a squirrel go into the transformer room, so she went after it to rescue it. I guess Kenneth Moxen and his wife bought that story. What a shame that the parents never got to read the suicide note. DM and all his underlings who wouldn’t let her go home for a visit have blood on their hands on this one. And yet the church’s attorney still drinks the KA in spite of what his daughter was driven to do.
And Doctor Megan Shields lost a daughter hung herself in the bathroom I believe?
Awesome news, Congrats to Mike and Leah. Excellent podcast with Joe Rogan, Leah.
Wife and I listened to the whole sound track.
Congratulations to you and Leah. We’re all so proud of you both. I can’t wait to see it.
Just a note about the Boston Saint Hill size comment. I fired the mission to Boston as I was Mission Preps at the time (not an important position whatsoever). I seem to remember we referred to it as the Boston 8. I’m open to correction but seem to recall the players were: Kerry Gleason, Bob Young, Bill Franks, James Hare, David Light, Pat Broeker and Fannie Broeker. I cant remember the 8th person but possibly Judy Light?
It was probably around 73/74. Mike was right in that most of these guys were considered the biggest criminals at the time and this was their chance at salvation. The initial reviews of the mission was that it was brilliant but pretty much like everything in the Sea Org, some evaluation was done years later and determined they actually messed up and many were back in the criminal category.
Although considered misfits and criminals by the church, most of these guys were extremely competent and charismatic and could have been in senior management positions in the real “wog” world. In fact, after leaving the SO a few of them were quite successful businessmen. Gleason, Young, Franks and David Light could sell ice cubes to eskimos. Light is the only one still in the SO and still regging innocent SCN’ist out of one of the PAC orgs.
Well, I dont think Pat and Frannie were on that. Alex Sibersky definitely was. David and/or Bill Foster. Nancy Many would know. She was there.
You are right on Alex being there. I made the correction on Foster. For some reason I thought of Frannie as she was FBO and would make sure the $ ended up at Flag. She may have been sent separately to the 8 however just to get the money pocketed.
I could swear that Dave Foster told me about being there on that “mission”. Succeed or be declared is what he told me.
Isn’t it “Annie Broeker” instead of “Frannie Broeker”?
Different person. Fran(nie) Freedman/Broeker/Harris was CS0-3 at one time. Also GI Exec Int. She nows cuts thumtabs intolecture transcripts at Gold (or used to)
That should qualify for a raise in pay!
Nice Mike…. I cant believe you remembered all of her married names but you didn’t even list her maiden name in that (I never knew it either)… Do you know if Frankie is still in the SO?
YEah, can’t remember her maiden name either. No, Frankie left a LOOONG time ago, back when David Mayo did. He now goes by Frankie Freeman and is married to Mary Maren. Last I knew they were delivering scientology and Capt Bill services in Idaho. LDW probably knows more details than me, as they are in the same area and at one time were working together in some fashion (may still be…)
Thanks. Then he probably ended up working with Mayo too before that collapsed. Maybe DeDe knows something about him. I’ll email her. Frankie was the kind of guy you’d want to have a beer with – hardly ever seen him without a smile and a pretty good BS’er.
Correction – I think Dave Foster may have been the 8th person rather than Judy Light.
I read on Maria Pia Gardini’s Affidavit that Dave Foster’s “Slapping Slaps” Stats are up.
Registrar Dave Foster slapped Maria Pia Gardini when she would not give him another million dollars after giving millions.
$cientology killed Maria Pia Gardini – gave her cancer.
Do a show on how $cientology stats are CANCER, SUICIDES AND DEATH!
That’s interesting – to me anyway. I oft wondered about this legendary Boston Org miracle and what became of it. As with so many other things, you have the doubt, you bury it. Problem solved! I secretly suspected it was a flash-in-the-pan thing if indeed it ever did go “St Hill size”.
Also – on the Universe Corps – apart from a bit of auditing each other – did ANY staff “go OT” as a result of a Universe Corps visit? Thought not. Possibly if any had of done it would be even more obvious that “OT” staff are equally ineffective as “raw meat” when put in an artificial environment such as a typical Class V Org. The brilliant COB strategy to post all the OT VIIIs as Org EDs as part of Ideal Orgs even though most had never run a washing machine, let alone any sort of organisation, showed up the horrid truth – OTness doesn’t actually make competent people at all – probably the reverse is more true.
So what happened on March 4th?
Yes! Season Two. Wel done Mike and all involved. Mike I would love it if you ended up a Star in Hollywood.
That and making ‘Aftermath’ a continuous show.
How does “the organization” deal with the required IRS W2 Tax forms for it’s staff members who are supposedly low paid “Sea Org Employees”. who seem to earn not much of a salary.
I read this link, thought it somewhat interesting…
Up to the 1993 agreements with the IRS and the tax exemption they did not report earnings at all. We were paid our “allowance” in cash. But after they started reporting earnings with W2 and W4 and deducting for Medicare.
They do not report the value of food, housing, medical care, training and other services that are provided to the Sea Org members and which really should be reported as income. Most Sea Org members do not file tax reports as their income is too low to require a tax return and no income deductions are ever made. They would not get a refund and their income is too low to qualify them for Earned Income Tax Credit payments.
But I think the IRS is missing out on some income here. Some of the Sea Org, like Dave and his staff, are eating gourmet meals, flying in private jets and living in posh apartments paid for by straight donations from parishioners.
Bruce, I am sure that DM files and has it done by atty’s that would take the heat if there was an audit and the filings were wrong.
Thank you Bruce., you caught on quickly to where I was going with my comment, in regard to a umm…aaaahh……well, what besides DM refer to himself as beside COB….isn’t a church supposed to be headed by a Pastor, Rev, or SPIRITUAL LEADER??? Obviously the $$$ “donated” is going somewhere besides into buying Real Estate.
If there are those on the blog willing to step forward during Season II with proof of what you’ve stated in your comments….even tho’ statute of limitations is past expiration….at least the public viewers, politicians even the IRS might rethink their own position on what IS the truth behind the closed doors of the “organization” where skeletons might abound.
Sadly, I think your government bodies are aware but probably have bigger fish to fry.
By the time someone is indoctrinated and steeped in L Ron Hubbard’s mind control…they are used to seeing people LEAVE – DISAPPEAR and NEVER SEEN AGAIN.
Part of the DSA’s job is to spread “whispering campaigns” – if they KNOW and are talking…
“The person was a PSYCH CASE – an ILLEGAL PC”
“That person is off doing a project…rolls eyes…so others believe they are doing an ethics program due to out ethics activities”
and let us not forget in the PTS/SP Tech and ETHICS tech….”Leaving and LEAVES” – It is a HIGH CRIME to publically announce you are leaving an org…so even public don’t talk about leaving…This “gens them in” on how to not discuss any type of leaving…it is unethical. One will notice some of the most bizarre situations occur in the cult with people leaving.
All sorts of tricks are played to covertly and cleverly cover up $cienLyingOLOGY’s hideous crimes against humanity.
Yes, L. Fraud Tubbolard LOVED the money that resulted from the do or die Mission to Boston Org. He wanted that replicated across his empire. He had an insatiable appetite for money, gold and the like.
His TRUE colors came through. Like those that still tout his “tek”. Birds of a black feather.
Congrats on a second season (we assume you will be part of Aftermath). Eventually, the Scientology wall will crumble, which maybe DM sees, and is why he wants to have revenue producing commercial development in Clearwater.
Thanks, added announcement to post
Congrats on Aftermath Season 2 Mike. That is awesome news! Can’t wait to see you and Leah continue your crusade against this abusive organization.
Thanks, added note and announcement to post…
Congrats Leah and Mike……..I do hope some of the brave former members who have had life experiences that they have noted in the blog can step forward during the Season II series to unburden themselves of the pain they are still dealing with, especially the disconnection issue.
God Bless All of you!
Holy Xenu Mike – awesome news!!
A&E’s “AFTERMATH” Season 2~ Hurricane Leah and Mike Rinder – Humanitarian’s with Meritorious and Glorious HONORS – Saving the World from an evil cult – one episode at a time!
$cientology and its members are the WALKING DEAD in PT
That is right, Idle Morgue.
I wonder, can Dead people get on the show?
Good stuff. But for some of us who have never been into Scientology, but have become fans of yours through your work with the show and with this blog, could you explain what size they mean when they talk about reaching “old Saint Hill” size? Is there a specific size of staff, or a specific number of recruits, or people audited, or an “activity level” in the buildings? It would help to have a better mental picture. Thanks, and keep up the great work. On some mornings, this blog is the first thing I read.
Yes, there are “quotas” though they tend to shift. Originally it was 100 staff, 1000 well done auditing hours a week, 200 full time students in the academy and $100,000 gross income per week.
Hmmmmm…Mike, 200 students on course, THAT DAY, is the number the Scientologists told us. I wonder if that’s the standard number they give out?
Of course, Coop and I never saw ANYONE come out for a break. And we waited for quite awhile. Do you think they were joshing us?????
You know they would not lie to us Dude! We were in a cherch, after all.
More to the point, it seemed like everyone was on a break, all three of them.
Ken – “St Hill Size” is a term $cienLIEology uses to make the members think they will finally get the carrot. It is a phrase that is used to put out that hope on a stick and dangle it in front of staff members.
$ciendollatry will never expand and has no intentions of going “St Hill Size”. It is used as propaganda to “keep $cientology scamming”.
What is really nutty about the attain Saint Hill Size bs is that the systems and Bridge employed at that time were soon after altered, messed with and generally scattered to the winds by Hubbard himself. He went off and developed space cootie tech, heavy handed everyone with KSW, declared intellectual, spiritual & psychiatric war on planet Earth and wrote impossible to apply polices, citing how he was “the only one.” Then, with a military style dictatorship exported it globally and demand compliance, while he allegedly (yeah right) “retired from control.” Birthday game indeed!
What’s that clay table process he developed to crack PTSness? Oh yeah – Give me an unsolvable situation for which a solution is being demanded. He exported the grass roots of suppression to every org and every person who used that technology without thinking about it first or bothering to see if it worked!
There is a poster on EXSMB that is “spot on” with ‘Hubbard’s Law of Commotion’
His/Her handle is “Helluvahoax” and he/she is one of the best translator’s of L Ron Hubbard’s trickery tech ever.
How L Ron Hubbard tricked us? With his Laws of Commotion.
Read here and may you have win after win after win on How $cientology Works!
Thank you Helluvahoax – you helped me “GO and STAY CRYSTAL CLEAR”~!
I love the not-so-thinly veiled threat in the first letter….
“The ORG will be sending me a list of those who attended and I hope to see your name on it”
No pressure!
And if you didn’t attend….Pauly wants to see you in New York…NOW!
This may be a dumb question where folks may think I’m just trying to be as a smart-ass, but there is the word “colli8ded” in both of Sharron Weber’s letters to George and Mary (3rd paragraph, middle of the 6th line in each letter).
I originally assumed that it was just a typo in the letter to George, but it’s there in both letters. Is there some kind of Scientology meaning behind that particular spelling of the word “colli8ded” (8 Dynamics or something)? Or is this just a typo, further proving this is just a form letter?
I think it is a typo in the master form letter that gets copied bad pasted.
I’ve never heard of collided being spelled that way in Scientologese. I would say form letter.
No, Mick, it is just a typo and proves that the two letters were just copy-pasted together. There are probably hundreds of them all with the same typo. Would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Oh My Xenu Bruce – I just wognited that the typo was done by one of those SP’s $cientrickery used to get us to re grade the bridge to total no where.
Sharron told me when we were married that she was dyslexic. So doing OT VIII obviously did not handle that. At least it propably made her a more effective face-ripper.
I’m proud of you Mike,keep pushing forward I’m sure you’re worn out but I’m praying for you that you’re kids wake up and blow from that place, I’ve been going to Clearwater Beach for 25 years my favorite place and never had a clue all of this happening, I’m concerned about a lot but the deaths that keeps on happening and not being properly handled as well as the Clearwater police acting so shady! Take care Mike
Sincerely Shelley
I love how the ‘Expansion Event’ flyer shows only buildings
It’s as if they themselves are admitting what everyone else has been saying…..Scientology ‘expansion’ is the number of buildings purchased
Not bodies in the shop
We could just as easily put together a poster of all the unrenovated, dilapidated Scientology buildings. Would that be proof to Scilons they are NOT expanding? If pictures of shiny buildings is proof of expansion, then shouldn’t the opposite be proof of contraction?
One thing I know for sure…..the ‘L’ in L. Ron Hubbard did not stand for Logic.
I wonder if eventually they will buy as much property as they can and then run out of money. And then what? Or is the plan to give the illusion of spending?
I’ll never understand how all those people remain in the “hole” and no one does anything about it. Is anyone concerned about them, worried about them? Have missing person reports been put out for them? Have welfare checks been done for them? Shouldn’t someone be trying to get them out? How many are there? Is there anything we can do?
My Inner Space, those in “the hole” don’t wish to leave. They have been in the SO usually for DECADES. Any welfare check would just reveal people who want to remain in their monastic position and thus the government cannot do anything as people have a right to association.
Some of them change their minds, like Mr. Rinder and the like and then they leave.
So they’re allowed to drink as much Kool-Aid as they want?
Yep OSD. It’s like a free Golden Corral that serves nuthin’ but Kool-Aid.