Lots of funnies about the Dear Leader in the Sky this week — celebrating his birth on this earth, not so much his departure though (come to think of it, why isn’t January 24th celebrated as the day he completed his OT work on this prison planet?).
All people on this planet?
He is helping them by giving money to renovate a building in Cape Town??
Hey Michal, why dont you join the Sea Org?
Catching up to the internet era…
Aren’t they afraid people are going to see things they shouldn’t by fishing around with their phones?
A WISE guy from Bulgaria….
Makes a lot of sense for the Freewinds????
They’re doing raw pubic seminars now?
The first of many….
A “Field Briefing” and a birthday celebration?
He abandoned everyone 35 years ago. Some friend….
A cake and that’s it?
A toast and a “Short” briefing
Don’t want anyone to think they have to hang around too long
Sea Org Symbol
“We Come Back” — except he didn’t.
No idea what they did…
Bring your own birthday cake???
This is a new one.
They roped in some suckers…
The LRH Birthday gift from two people who know nothing about anything
In honour of LRH’s 111th birthday! Church allies Rakesh Raizada, Director, Ramon Helps Inc and Warren Wills, Director, Young World Choir Company, acknowledged Ron for his technology visibly used throughout all the 4th Dynamic campaigns.
DSA, Jan Lester is pictured with Rakesh and Warren.
*masks and gloves off for photos.
Why does it have to be virtual?
If it’s true, magical OT powers with no limits – then how can’t they overcome the COVD problem?
Big News
They sent someone to train to deliver Dianetics?
They blurred out her name…
And then put it right underneath?
Snooze Letter
Sadly, this is probably true…
They think they are helping somehow.
Breakthrough?? Seriously Big News?
Hint. They want more money…
Obviously they’re desperate for some bodies in the shop

Nothing could be more appropriate
The perfect metaphor for scientology.
The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.
Do fishes swim?
Mike, good point about the January 24th event. I know about it because I was at the event at the Palladium soon after, and many others also were there, but probably most of those have moved on from Scientology. 1986 was before a lot of folks were born.
To a later Scientologist it might as well be a complete non-event. It is never mentioned in the biographical sketches except in a very general way. Can you imagine telling a current Scientologist that Hubbard had to die to “complete the upper level OT steps” or some such? Makes it a true suicide cult.
The January 24th LRH Death Day Event! A complete giant styrofoam set with Greek columns and Roman porticos, and an illuminated backdrop showing the famous circular stairway “Bridge to Total Freedom” with an Egyptian mausoleum on top. Maybe with OT X carved into it. Or is it OT L? Who knows?
Oddly that event at the Palladium set the tone and format for the later events. Dave Miscavige as the MC. Other speakers giving around a 20 minute segment each. Videoed. It is almost like he repeated that event for 40 more years several times a year. But never mentions it. Arguably the “first international event” in that format was the Mission Massacre, but that is also never even hinted at to current Scientologists.
The only way to find out what Scientology is really about is to leave it. Living it every day for 40 years did not give me the slightest clue as to what was really going on.
I watched parts of it on Tony Ortega’s site. I was creeped out by the introductory music score.
surely the way to happiness in Kyiv is getting the hell out of Kyiv :/
111 years of Friendship Right on Hubbard. I remember Darby Simpson in the 70’s in New York.
Beautiful talented woman declared by you.
“Bring your own Birthday Cake.”
Right. No cake. This is a birthday party, but, you want cake, bring it yourself! LOL!
Vancouver must be one hell of limping org.
Ok, let’s be fair: buying a large decent cake CAN run into money.
But one can always home bake some tasty and attractive sheet cakes on the cheap.
White flour, white sugar, eggs, butter, some flavorings…talk about cheap ingredients! (Ok, OK, use margarine instead of butter).
I could make 4 large sheet cakes and decorate them with Happy Birthday Ron for about 10 bucks. Anyone could.
I’ve been invited to large BYOB parties in my youth. Liquor can be expensive.
I’ve been invited to large POT LUCK holiday celebrations. Understandable and fine.
But bring my own CAKE to a Birthday Party?
No one has EVER had the nerve to ask me to bring my own birthday cake!
Good lord!
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: birthday cake.
Aquamarine, you SP, you never cease to annoy me! First you pretend to be an expert on Scientology tech and now you are an expert on baking sheet cake! IF YOU UPSTAGE ME ONE MORE TIME I WILL SEND YOU TO THE HOLE AT INT BASE WHERE YOU WILL NEVER COME OUT!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: bring your own cake.
So I take it that you’re not bringing a cake to your hero’s birthday party?
I didn’t think so. Far be it from you to share anything with anybody.
No love at all,
Dear Captain Miscavige,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this Severe Reality Adjustment, Sir!
There just aren’t enough “thank you”s I could give you for this correction in my thinking _ delivered, if I might add, in your own clear, concise, totally impactful style!
I now have FULL CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING of the necessity and absolute On-Sourciness of bringing my own home-baked or store bought Birthday Cake Contribution when needed and wanted to any and all LRH Birthday Celebration Events!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My MU’s (which were of course the sole cause of my natter) are now GONE!!!!!!!
And with them the rest of the vast panorama of mental effects I had been experiencing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had been feeling bent, and spinny, and my face had felt squashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But now – NOW, I feel so much lighter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So bright and alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And my space is sooo much bigger!!!!
Once again, Sir, my heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time from your VITAL concerns and no doubt INFINITE RESPONSIBILITIES TO SCIENTOLOGY AND THE PLANET in order to help me- ME!!!! out of the kindness of your purely loving, caring, unselfish, compassionate heart!
Sir, be assured that my gratitude is boundless!!!!!!!!
And accordingly, for the rest of this lifetime and all future lifetimes shall I operate in a condition of total self-immolation to what I now humbly acknowledge as the power of Captain David Miscavige’s wisdom.
With Much Love and Infinite Obsequiousness, Sir,
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: making amends
Your feeble attempts at placating me will have no effect! You are still under my most severe warnings!
Now if you will excuse me, I have Alcoboy to deal with!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: you dealing with me.
Go ahead. Deal with me. But I still want to know if you plan on bringing a cake to LRH’s birthday party?
No love at all,
Dear Captain Sir,
I understand and agree.
I am so unworthy in every way of even the tiniest spec of your attention.
I deserve to be squashed like a bug.
It is only your immense kindness, love of humanity and infinite compassion for even the lowest forms of life such as myself which affords me any response from you at all.
I shall hide from your anger while endeavoring to raise myself up to at least Non Existence in your eyes.
Much love,
I see on the Plymouth event they have a pirate vessel sitting off shore.
Surrender the booty!!!! And do it now!!!!!
I thought September 19th was Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Still (mis-)using this blog to get links to your site (and to your Objectivism & Ayn Rand cult agenda).
They want more money?
They always want more money. After all, they have to stop Smith-Levin from winning the election. He may win some day.
Unfortunately it wasn’t this time.
My post on the LRH birthday should have gotten me declared an SP.
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: snide comments about LRH.
Yes, you have been declared by me personally! I am issuing this verbal declare saying that otherles is hereby expelled from the Church of Scientology!
So there!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: misapplication of tech.
I hereby have YOU declared and expelled from the Church of Scientology for being out-tech! You can’t issue a verbal declare on someone just because you think you can! I don’t care if you are the most theta being in the universe (tee hee), you can’t just make up stuff as you go along!
No love at all,
Your this and that “should have gotten me declared an SP” is somehow lame. It’s devaluating those who have been really SP-declared and who were/are subjected to all the consequences of it. It’s much more than just some blah-blah self-importance about it.
First of all, it was otherles who made the comment about getting declared. Second, are you a troll?
Dave, is that you?
You are correct, my comment should have gone under otherles’. My mistake and I apologize.
No, I’m not a troll, I’m an ex (Mike Rinder knows me btw.). And I’m also not Dave :)). DM has a very specific writing style, very aggressive, and only/mainly (?) attacking Mike, insulting, directly trying to push his buttons hard, afaik. He appears here very rarely (in the comments section, but he most likely reads Mike’s block regularly) and wouldn’t bother to reply to ‘small fry’ like me, you and others.
Okay. Sorry about that.
“Its devaluating those who have been really SP-declared and who were/are subjected to all the consequences of it.”
Respectfully, no.
Alcoboy is joking and degrading. In no way does his joking “devalue” anyone who has suffered or is suffering the shock and pain and loss of Scientology’s Disconnection policy.
Mel Brooks wrote “The Producers” satirizing and relentlessly poking fun at Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. It was made into 2 films and a Broadway play. Hilarious. Possibly one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen. Really, really funny!
When you have a minute you might want to read Mel Brooks’ own words on why he chose the unspeakable atrocities perpetrated upon millions of Jews and other people as a subject for one of his comedies.. It might interest you to read why he purposefully chose the Holocaust as a subject for satire and humor.
Laughter is healing, pluvo. It might just be the only emotion that is.
Thanks for your input and educating me about satire. But I know what satire is. I was already devouring Ephramin Kishon’s writings at the age of 13 (a Jewish writer, btw.) And when we have to go to Jewish/Nazi as examples, one of my favorites is Charlie Chaplin with the “The Great Dictator”, which is so brilliant, and amazingly made already in 1940 (and not after the fact). It’s nothing new that satire is an excellent weapon against bullies and dictators, and they hate it. And I love and appreciate all the other good satire, also. But not all mocking is satire.
It looks like there is some misunderstanding, as I consider what Alcoboy wrote also as satire/J&D, you are right there. I was quoting the “I could be declared for… ” from otherles, what I see as one of his selected platitudes, repeated in a trollish manner and used to link to his blog and agenda. And in this context, I can’t view it as ‘satire’, but rather as devaluation of the people with their suffering as the consequences of their SP-declares. If you see it differently, that’s fine then.
“Laughter is healing, pluvo.” No shit! I had no idea.
Thanks, pluvo, for clearing up my confusion between your posts and otherles’ posts, and my apologies to you as well for what obviously communicated to you as condescension.
In all honesty, Aqua, my love of satire and parody is why I can’t cut it as a church Scientologist. I mean, c’mon, I would love to hear at least one LRH joke but in the CofS this is a no-no. I would love to go out sometime with Angry Gay Pope and Nasty Nathaniel on one of their visits to Pac Base or the L Ron Hubbard Life Exhibit and joke around. I love making fun of stuff.
I hear you, Alco. You and me both! And pluvo too 🙂
Rockets and artillery shells rain down on Kviv and those fools are handing out pamphlets? forget the clay demo, I now see a human demo of ‘stupid’. I bet those clowns aren’t even in the Ukraine.
You’re probably right about the VMs not actually being in the Ukraine. Volunteer Ministers in an actual war zone? Or in the middle of any dangerous situation? Hardy har har! Those sort of photo ops can get a person killed!