This is a collection of standard issue, cookie-cutter scientology mirages, misrepresentations and lies.
If you see a promo piece from a scientology org, “ideal” or otherwise, you know you will be witnessing some bs.
Let’s start at the top.
This is their collection of “Good News” — the best news they can come up with in this ideal org. And that consists of a single “success story” from someone who is already a Class V auditor and has already read “all the basics” upon completion of the Technique 88 lecture series. For those unfamiliar, the Technique 88 lectures describe how to audit the incidents laid out in History of Man — everything from the Clam and Halver to the Fly-Trap and the Piltdown Man. The auditing procedures include Symbological Processing and processing of Blanketing and Borrowings. If all this sounds bizarre, it is. And it is not touched upon anywhere in “modern” scientology other than as a study of the “evolution” of auditing and Ron’s “research track.” Here is how the Tech Dictionary describes “Technique 88” — it’s completely vague because nobody really knows or cares.
TECHNIQUE 88, 1. a technique is in there for everything. And that’s why we say Technique 88. There’s an infinity of techniques inside of Technique 88. Technique 88 includes all of the technology of doing anything that man or any other being has ever done. (5206CM25B) 2 . is processing the theta body and actually anything that pertains to processing the theta body can be lumped into Technique 88. (5206CM27A) 3 . the knowledge and know-how necessary to clear a theta body. (5206CM27A)
But apparently, listening to Hubbard ramble on about this insane stuff was a life changing experience for her…
And just for info, you can buy the entire lecture series for $18 — or even less used. A LOT less than what they charge you in the orgs… A LOT.
Apparently, Yasha Anderson is the ONLY “completion” they have. Even though they are “open” nobody has completed a real course or auditing rundown…
BUT, here’s the good news. They are working on going St Hill Size.
Every org on earth has been working on this since the early 80’s when Hubbard said they could do it in a matter of weeks, if, and only if, they were “on purpose.” Auckland has been ideal now since Miscavige jetted in to yank his ribbon more than 4 years ago. And they are no closer to “St Hill Size” than when they moved into their new, empty building. In fact, I would bet everything I own that today they are smaller by count of staff and volume of income and delivery than they were the day of the ribbon yanking.
But, thanks to COB, scientology “has the tech” and they are in an era of unprecedented expansion — in their minds. In fact, I think the truth is that they are in an era of unprecedented contraction. I don’t believe since 1950 that the shrinkage of scientology has been anything close to what has been seen over the last 5 years.
“For those unfamiliar, the Technique 88 lectures describe how to audit the incidents laid out in History of Man — everything from the Clam and Halver to the Fly-Trap and the Piltdown Man. The auditing procedures include Symbological Processing and processing of Blanketing and Borrowings. If all this sounds bizarre, it is.”
It’s days like these that I really miss our resident village idiot, FOOLproof. Surely he could explain this to all of us plagued by our misunderstood words. As I recall he even had an explanation for Plitdown Man. One would have to be completely stoned on KSW Kool-Aid to buy into that one.
Ms. B, FP provided an interesting example of the true believers’ ability to rationalize away – or ignore – pretty much anything. If I recall they also often just sidestepped difficult questions with a sweeping sort of arrogant “you wouldn’t understand” type response, so specific responses weren’t always even that illustrative of apologism.
I can’t recall the specific response to Piltdown Man, but one typical tack of apologism is to make the argument that something is symbolic rather than specific, or that the authority or prophet is just choosing to speak in terms that the audience can relate to or understand.
Another way to look at it as that anyone who has a belief in or is agnostic about reincarnation, past lives or an afterlife can gloss over the most fantastical claims in a religion or put them in the category of an allegory or parable and so on.
BTW, in a previous lifetime I was the Piltdown Man. Aaarrrgh
In the 1970’s much of the scn woo was available if you went looking for it but it wasn’t required reading or studying. The OT levels were well hidden mysteries. The emphasis on auditing on the lower grade chart was on attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains as well as communication, problems, regrets and so on which is not particularly mystical. There’s not much similarity to what DM is currently presenting.
Auditing on the OT levels is obviously a separate discussion.
Did you realize that “Yasha” is short for “YashaBasha–Don’tYouCrasha!!!” That name was given to her by her father who is an executve at a big Auto Insurance Company in LA. Seems like he got sick and tired of all these cult members “pulling in” car crashes after they smoke some dope and then crash their cars. That really drives up the auto premiums. Very bad for business.
I am watching on Chanel ID
Vanity Fair Confidential is currently showing Scientology’ scathing story about David Miscavige Case Supervising Lisa McPherson and driving her to her death. It’s really horrible. It also is reporting how David Miscavige beats the staff and his wife Shelly Miscavige is missing for over a decade . It also reveals all the information revealed by Marty “Mark” Rathbun destroys her folders.
Kicking ass karma for Scientology and David Miscavige
Thank you Vanity Fair and ID
Excellent work
So they can “flourish and prosper no matter what” but couldn’t keep their orgs open? (or, presumably, their main “stats” like gross income from falling, either) That shows how their brand of unbridled optimistic thinking flies in the face of reality – and often falls flat.
There is indeed some real value to optimism and positive thinking, but as with most things Hubbard and Scientology have taken it to an unhinged extreme that starts to become counter-productive and even dangerous.
PeaceMaker. You are absolutely right about some real value to optimism and positive thinking, one can’t go ahead without. But to me their way to apply it is more classificabile as cognitive dissonance, I don’t mean all points of the list but many of it.
There is no willingness to try to perceive what reality and present moment bring with them. Just fixed ideas ruling the place.
Oh, how wonderful of them. An open assignment to get hypnotized and have fairy dust rubbed in your eyes. Technique 88 is the tech to do, when nothing else grabs your imagination. But above all you must be in awe about it because Hubbard wrote it and let’s face it, look how he turned out!
I remember that crap. You can read it and salivate all over yourself, but look as you will, you’ll never find someone who’s done it, nor will you ever be given permission to try it in an org. No course supervisor of CS has a clue about how to run it or monitor someone doing it. In all honesty it’s just a load of undecipherable dribble in books and lectures that gets you to believe you can be put in the driver’s seat of eternity. That’s the only way they can make money out of it, for remember, “Books Make Booms” and by selling books and installing a dream you get people set up for further money extraction, not by doing what they have written inside. But it slots in well with things like SOPs, Black & White processing, the Professional course, mock up processing and whole heap of other things like 8-8008 etc etc etc. Don’t worry if you don’t know what those things are or feel you have miss-understoods, because obviously no one has been able to walk on water with the stuff yet either. It’s all about a one man show like the Pied Piper and turned into a profit making machine. Especially noticeable in those that write success stories about them. Love that term, “sell them a piece of Blue Sky.”
LOL, but if you want really want to know just how whacky Scientology can get, try reading & understanding the Data Series – then try to apply those directions and concepts. It’s been purposely designed that you always have the technical reasons to blame others for all failures by exposing their nasty intentions & ignorance’s. Quite the distraction from the reality you’ve been had. Cause over life – what a slogan!!
Apparently they are now selling Hubbard’s early 1950’s lectures when he was possibly at the height of his “creative imagination”.
“Tripping Around The Universe” by L. Ron Hubbard, All Rights Reserved
the data series is vicious
it goes deep. hard to banish.
I’ll get there.
(I swear, “learned, drilled, and used under extreme duress over time” really plays a role in how long various bits take to dig out. )
I find it interesting that if you type into FB “Auckland Ideal Org” it is listed as “Place – Local business”…
NOT church, religious organisation or community group. BUSINESS!
Says it all really doesn’t it?
And nothing posted since May 2017 – where are all the young hot-shot social media content providers?
I feel sorry for Yasha and the entire Radojkovich clan as they are so far down the rabbit hole they can see the light no longer. 🙁
In order not to seem like closed cemeteries, the orgs have to find a success story every now and then to send around to let people know that everything is fine there.
Obviously it must include people who smile as if they really understand everything.
In my opinion, the public already has an inkling that things are worse than they are shown.
Miscavige as a leader is non-existent.
Unless his recent appearances at Flag were taped and sent to orgs no one seems to be clear on how things are and how he is leading the cult in safe.
This is not only the worst moment of scn, it is the one that precedes the even worst.
What shocks me too is how much she praises COB in her success letter!
there are a couple orgs emails I allow to go to my inbox.
throughout the pandemic the daily emails have been various incantations of breathless announcements of number of extension course completions and congress lecture completions.
and Chin Up, We’re Licking this entreaties to join the Zoom meeting important briefings and Ideal Alliance Fundraisers. The donation form is always linked at the bottom of the zoom invitation email and this is pointedly brought to one’s attention.
and now they’re all inviting us in to see this important and exciting video event about how we saved the world during the pandemic. (or watch virtually, donation form at bottom, limited seating)
I’m not going down with this ship.
Simon looks unhealthily skinny to me. He was never a “big” guy but he’s lost a lot of weight from the last time I saw him.
Sad to see basically decent people still chasing the impossible dream and destroying themselves in the process. But that’s $cientology.
He seems to have the same kind of look as that creepy fellow who is in several movies and videos following people around. Damn! I can’t remember his name. But he seems to be in charge of writing pieces that appear in that stupid Freedumb Magazine.
O/T. Happy belated St. Patrick’s Day!
Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam falsely accuses St. Patrick’s Day of being based on the genocidal massacre of Black people, “the original inhabitants of Ireland”:
Snopes debunks this, labeling the claim “False.” Kairn Klieman, an associate professor of history at the University of Houston, dismissed the theory as a “mish-mash of ideas.” Dáibhí Ó’Cróinín, professor of history at the National University of Ireland in Galway, responded, “Complete nonsense.” See:
Memorialized with screenshots and further explanation on ESMBR at:
Congratulations to brother Rizza Islam for his bold statement about Saint Patrick’s Day. I read the entire Snopes article; It does not contain any relevant data that proves he is wrong. There is no reason at all to reject the fact that little short black people could have been murdered in Ireland. There is also no evidence that the crime was actually committed. Blavatsky wrote extensively of Lemuria which was the Pacific Ocean match to Atlantis. These historians are clueless about the Occult. They are like ants in the jungle.
George, it’s not Snopes’ job to deeply research delusions. As with many such things, at this point in the advancement of science the absence of evidence is effectively evidence of absence – if there had been a pigmy population of Ireland, archeaologists would for instance have found skeletons and artifacts by now (essentially the same problem, as noted, with the old legend about snakes), there would also be DNA traces in the current population, and so on.
The more relevant principle, is that the burden is on those making extraordinary claims, to provide the extraordinary evidence to back them up. In the absence of such, the legitimate presumption is that they are false. As you may have noticed in the current environment, crackpots can think up baseless claims (the Irish pigmy one appears relatively recent) almost faster than properly rigorous researchers can exhaustively refute them; it’s a whack-a-mole game that shouldn’t be ceded to the sloppily delusional.
The same goes for things like bigfoot. Legends like Lemuria and Atlantis are certainly not true as claimed by fabulists, but quite possibly do have roots in more mundane historical and geographical events, such as when the Black Sea was created by some sort of flooding around 8-7,000 BC (quite likely also the root of the Noah’s Ark myth) burying early settlements whose remains have been found by underwater archeologists; see, for example:
Black Sea deluge hypothesis
I thought the people in Ireland were among the palest on Earth due to the heavy overcast.
A Critical Race Theory course which includes examining micro-aggression toward tiny black people and leprechauns would be unique.
I didn’t know that Twa actually exist so I just learned something. From wiki:
Twa, also called Batwa, one of the best-known of the many Pygmy groups scattered across equatorial Africa. Like all other African Pygmies, the Twa, averaging about 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) in height, are a people of mixed ancestry, probably descendants of the original inhabitants of the equatorial rainforest. They live in the high mountains and plains around Lake Kivu, in Congo (Kinshasa), Rwanda, and Burundi, and function in economic symbiosis with the pastoral Tutsi, the agricultural Hutu, and other peoples. Many specialize in pottery, which they market; others hunt.
From the Snopes article:
The earliest archaeological evidence of human habitation on the island of Ireland dates to between 10,640 and 10,860 B.C. No evidence exists to show that Twa pygmies settled the island at any point in history, beyond which it makes little sense to imagine that a traditional hunter-forager people that emerged from landlocked Central Africa would have had the geographical awareness or technical knowledge to construct and sail ships thousands of miles northwest.
There went Brother Rizza again looking for attention – Lol
The question to a current scientologist is “Where Is Everyone?” That question is two fold.
It’s easy enough to lie or exaggerate about the number of people that they can count as scientologists, which they definitely have done and still do, but that can become suspect in the current “parishioner’s” mind when the org is open and is empty.
Then the even better question is “If this is all so great, why aren’t the floors caving in already?” After seventy one years of dianetics and scientology?????
The standard answer is something along the lines of the “All new religions” answer, which has a still-in friend of mine snowed completely. He’s my proof that this tack can work, he is a bright guy. Oops. His Critical Thinking score just doesn’t quite meet up with his IQ. Sorry buddy.
Then there are the Overts, MU’s, 3P, etc., which pacify the biased conclusion on the part of many a scientologist. I remember it well, “If we only can get the truth out there” or some such thing. That is why scientology TV was born, that and to exercise the fund raising muscle that dwarfenfuhrer likes to keep in shape.
These little “Good News” snippets are only a sort of foreplay that gets used to reinject a little of the kool-aid.
In upcoming org events attended by staff and current public, the head count will be a problem. How will they solve it?
Rent-A-Public!! We will make millions!!!
Hear me out. Unemployment is up right now. People looking for work. We reg the little guy. He can be regged. Anyone can get suckered- er, I mean regged. What’s his ruin?? People to fool his people.
Anyone game???
If you need me, I will be doing TONS of TR-9. (You reges know what I mean.)
“For those unfamiliar, the Technique 88 lectures describe how to audit the incidents laid out in History of Man — everything from the Clam and Halver to the Fly-Trap and the Piltdown Man.”
Does anyone here know how Scientologists reconcile Hubbard’s acceptance and promotion of the Piltdown hoax with his supposedly supernatural abilities as an OT? Even young earth creationists know that Piltdown Man was a hoax, and their knowledge of science is invariably decades out of date. Scientologists must know that it was a hoax, right? So how does that fit with it being part of the “cold-blooded and factual account” provided by the one and only Source? (I always find the level of science denial among Scientologists – in the church and many independents as well – just baffling.)
The idea/imagery is more meaningful than its nickname. There have been a handful of archaic human discoveries since HOM that enable scientologists to make it work if they need to.
Or they can dismiss it as an implant, per Errors in Time.
“Auditors have since the first session of Scientology been the only individuals on this planet, in this universe capable of freeing man.”
And they really take it seriously!
Hubbard wasn’t bashful about making wild ass claims was he. He wasn’t content to say the only beings on this planet capable of free man, he instead included the entire universe.
Note they never say just how long it will take to free an individual man or to free all of mankind. It’s just an open ended process.
You pay and pay and pay and ….
Little by little, they free and free and free ….
As long as you can keep on paying, there is just never any end.
I wonder how long it will go on….
Between the internet and the Ex’s, any mystery and mystique has been blasted by the shore to shore daylight.
DM has done nothing but destroy it from within with his self aggrandizing long game.
in remaking it, he’s made it cold and boring and terribly oppressive.
Gone are the days of being grabbed off the street for a personality test, and ten dollars later you’re doing blinkless TR 0 as your eyes feel like they’re being peppered with tiny shards of glass.
Body sensations, colored lights, you see god on TRs sometimes.
No more coffee houses and wins after course each night.
I don’t get the pitch, these days. “come on and ….. attend endless fundraising pressure sessions!”
What a nightmare it must be, to be staff in an Ideal org.
Rip Van Winkle said:
“in remaking it, he’s made it cold and boring and terribly oppressive.”
I think he may have gotten the last part wrong. I think it may go …
“in remaking it, he’s made it cold and boring and terribly expensive.”
Please forgive me Rip, if I am mistaken.
There is truth in what you say, .. not so much in the cost of services, but most decidedly so in regards to the the tiered donation scams that he launched with the IAS levels.
But, Skyler?
when you run across the occasional comment threads wherein Exs may posit that
“Scientology used to be fun” or “more fun” … there is truth to that.
Back when events were local, things were a lot more Folk Music than the glitzy pressure money scam they evolved into.
I’m not saying that it “used to be good to be in the cult”.
It just used to be easier and more enjoyable to be in the cult.
Hello Rip. I can certainly understand that. In the time before the TWERP, everything must have been better. Hard to imagine how anything could be worse with him around.
I remember auditing Technique 88 on the Freewinds. It was:
Hypnosis.: A trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.
Hubbard put me to sleep.
I do remember on the Freewinds in 1988 sleep walking like a clam while doing Technique 88 on the History of Man book.
If they’re “auditing” the “clam” and “halver,” etc., that’s pretty much by definition induced false memory syndrome, done under suggestive or hypnotic conditions.
Anyone who walks away believing such impossible things happened to them in imagined past lives, and even that they have specific recollections of them, has definitely had their mind messed with, if not actually been subject to mind control and thought reform, or even something on the order of brainwashing.
“False memory syndrome, also called recovered memory, pseudomemory, and memory distortion, the experience, usually in the context of adult psychotherapy, of seeming to remember events that never actually occurred.”
I can see some permanent damage. Hubbard should be sued.
So, is Yasha Anderson flying? Floating? Photo shopped? Will she finally come down with a boom and wonder what just happened?
Yasha saw a mouse run across the floor, and leaped for the skies. In fact, she leapt right out of her shoes!
Today she is at hobbling around at work on two sprained ankles, which of course are her fault.
That would explain it Ammo! Yes, poor girl, no wonder she looks surprised.
(OT – my husband got me a laser pointer for my hand gun and I was hoping to recreate your smiley face but haven’t had a chance to go to the range.)
I’ll never forget the time I met some strange young man who was involved with Transcendental Meditation. He told me the practitioners could actually fly. I asked him just what he meant and he showed me a video.
It turns out – for anyone who may never have seen this – they sit on the floor with their legs folded and then use their back and stomach muscles to bend forward and then sit upright quickly so they actually “bounce” a few inches off the ground.
They call this flying and they promote TM as a way to give people super powers – like flying.
All con artists all over the world will do anything at all for a buck.
I think I would ask for my money back Skyler.
Hello Peggy.
In this scam – as well as most all the others – there is never any such thing as “giving money back”.
Heh. Heh. Heh.
After reading her success story I’m still not sure exactly what her win was. But even in my relatively small amount of time in Scientology I understood the pressure to write a success story after every action. I can remember always being told (never asked) by the examiner to write a success story after he had me on the cans.
I noticed she referred to LRH as man’s best friend. Has Ron now replaced the dog as man’s best friend?
Well, at least the big ideal orgs give them LOTS of space for “social” distancing. Awful expensive, but that’s how it is in Dave’s brave new world of what’s calling itself scientology these days.