Fast Eddie Parkin put out a beauty of a brown-noser tweet a few days ago. Even by Eddie’s low standards, this one was exceptional.
His 60,000+ “followers” managed to put together 4 “likes” and 8 of the 10 comments were, to put it kindly, not complimentary of the COB.
Then I clicked on the article. OMFG. It runs the gamut of obsequiousness that would be embarrassing for anyone other than a dyed-in-the-wool sociopath.
I am not going to rehash it here, I will simply excerpt the fawning descriptions of the great man by one Joel Anderson (someone who may have shaken hands with Dear Leader at an event, but actually knows NOTHING about him). The North Korean press agency would have a hard time cramming as many descriptions of their Dear Leader into a dozen or so short paragraphs:
leaders are born, not made
possess the tenacity and character to do so compassionately and effectively
bettering the lives of one and all
their pay is not in dollars, it’s in the help they give and watching that help blossom into the happiness of others
certainty of ability, humbleness in accomplishment and compassion for the whole damn world and every person in it
can be trusted with your very life
it doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire or a bum, you’re treated the same by a true leader and walk away feeling like a king.
rolls up his sleeves and fights in the trenches right alongside you if he has to
he doesn’t care about the dangers and does what he must in spite of them to safeguard and advance his group’s goals and purposes and those of every individual in it.
he is a crusader, not a martyr
I have had the good fortune of knowing many great leaders in many professions and industries, but one stands out above all others: David Miscavige.
Mr. Hubbard trusted David Miscavige
nothing short of miraculous
cares about what goes on with everyone, everywhere
always fought for the freedoms of all
works to restore honesty, integrity and responsibility across humanity
not only is he a true leader, he is also sincere, friendly and full of heart
a true leader and a true friend.
And scientology rejects the label “cult.”
This is a classic criteria of a cult. This is not an article about David Miscavige, it is a suck-up for revered, perfect, super-human leader of his flock of devoted worshippers.
In the spirit of an exemplary member of the C of S, I should like to see the O/W (overt/withhold) Write-Up of Mr. David Miscavige to address his ongoing vulnerabilities, according to Scientology doctrine, that he has created for himself (with his overts) wherein he gets repeatedly criticized and attacked. As every good student of Scientology Ethics knows, the only way a bad thing can beset you is because—like a magnet (with your own overts/ crimes)— you PULLED IT IN. The sole way out of such a strait is to confess what you did “to pull it in” – especially the crimes (overts) you have committed that are “similar” to ones being leveled against you. That important Ethics step should clean up DM’s space nicely, like taking a load of (now) white clothing articles out of the dryer: all prior dirt and grime has gone away. Whew.
I am being, naturally, sarcastic here, but I do wonder: What gives? Why (oh why) for all these years does the church steadily go into a public verbal death match with critics, vs. have the person to whom the attack is directed visit the Ethics Officer and do an O/W write-up? For those of us who were Once-In, that is what we would be asked (commanded) to do.
Part of being a good leader is to not ask anyone on your team to do anything that you are not, yourself, willing to do. If DM has spent decades commanding these most protracted, insane O/W writeups and metered withhold scouring and pulling, he should be on-board and doing this himself. How can die-hards still around him accept anything less? All right let’s hope they don’t and continue to leave (escape). My good thoughts and prayers are with them all.
Scientology is the definition of cultural appropriation. By the way, the root of cultural is ‘cult’ which I mean in the fullest meaning of the word as it is applied to the pseudo-corporate, pseudo-spiritual, pseudo-scientific organization known as the Church of Scientology. They are, have been, and always will be a fake religion.
David Miscavige knows this as he and others symbolically donned the hood of priests in order to avoid the medical malpractice claims associated with practicing psycho-therapy without a license. This may be the biggest lie of the 20th and continuing into the 21st century perpetuated by the greatest false religion known to Man. They are as much a movement turned into money-making scam as Anonymous is a movement turned into political activism and social justice. Finally, I will end with a warning to Chairman of the Board, the highest and most trusted know-nothing of the American Intelligentsia, there will always be a cultural phenomena that will be bigger and better than your group and will dwarf what you try to keep going, pointlessly, as it will take more of a Promethean effort each year to recruit for Scientology like it was before the internet existed; in addition, groups like Anonymous will always rise to block your abuses and litigious efforts to bend the people of this world to your will. In the remaining years you have to run RTC, you better look at closing buildings and downsizing the pitiful attempt you made at expanding land holdings, as Scientology is not going to clear this planet that is clearly on the Abrahamic path. Not only will it not clear this planet, it will shrivel and become a husk of its former size even as it becomes richer and tries to fold the young into billion-year servitude with fake ‘thetan’ soul pacts. L Ron Hubbard clearly wanted a cleared planet and Scientology for the masses, which clearly is not possible as it heads towards the elitist organization you are trying to build for the ‘entitled’ and ‘financially stable’, so give up the charade and stop charging for Scientology and let it die. It is the only way for you to both follow LRH’s original intention and fade Scientology into the background of the cultural white noise and its eventual infinite slumber amongst the Has-Beens of history.
Just one glaring clarification. The Church of Scientology is the greatest false religion known to man in the 20th and 21st century, meaning it was made under false pretenses (in order to practice psychotherapy without a license). The greatest mock religion is the Church of the Flying Spaghetti monster, which was simply mocked up and to disprove the existence of God by a group of self-avowed Atheists (specifically to mock the creation myth).
Cultural historians some day may appreciate the difference when they shift through the millennia old internet archives.
“DM has an almost unnatural affection for birds over people.”……
The Birdman of Alcatraz had an affinity for birds as well….he was also NOT A NICE PERSON who commit many CRIMES while in prison. You can read up on his physical & sexual assaults on other prisoners.
Sounds suspiciously like something Miscavige wrote about himself and just signed a phone name to it. It has the stench of a malignant narcissist shouting his own praises to the world. Only a very sick and pathetic person would take pride in such a glowing commentary. All others would be mortified by the obvious boasts and lies.
Reading articles such as this one makes me eternally grateful to have been raised by one of the wisest woman I ever had the honor to know.My late Mom taught me from when I was a young child to always be an independent thinker,never be a follower,that most people were full of crap and that a trustworthy friend was a rarity.Being on the Autism Spectrum,I have always done my own thing my way for my entire life.This is why I could never understand why people would join a cult.What would make you think that some sociopath would have all the answers to everything?I will never understand how some people could fall for this garbage.And both my daughter and myself did also read The Sociopath Next Door.I actually knew one.He is in prison now for murdering his wife.Come to think of it,I agree with Ms.Remini.Where is Shelley?Hmm….
Heh, what a boot-licker.
Miscavige must love that guy.
Nice cult you belong to Parkin. Get some rest.
WhatAreYourCrimes wrote “Miscarriage must love that guy.”
I will not argue with that. Most anyone would think that must obviously be true. But when you consider we are talking about some psychotic cult run by Dwarfensociopath, it is just the opposite.
Someone posted in Mike’s Sep. 14, 2020 edition that people who are part of this cult are incredibly cruel and two-faced to the other members. So, I would suggest the truth is more likely that Miscarriage would revel in beating this guy and in turn, he would be left thinking, “What can I do better so that Dear Leader will like me more and stop beating me?”
That’s right! 1993,,, what a wondrous year for Davie dwarf. In 2023 it can be celebrated big time! The problem is 30 years later, I’m not sure it’s going to be as glorious. With members blowing and passing away and very few new members joining, I see a huge problem in his future.
I wonder what verbiage Barkin’ Parkin will use to hood wink his audience then.
The IAS is pleased to announce the creation of the Patron Rectumorious Award for the most brown nosing of COB on social media.
The funniest, knee slapping and brown-nose prize winner comment came from Danny Sherman in the Tampa Bay Times article about $cn’s response to their special report,
“Hubbard biographer Danny Sherman told a story of Miscavige spotting an injured sparrow, talking to it and checking back later to see if it lived. “It was immensely tender.”
Yes, that is truly epic.
Actually, this could have been a true story, DM has an almost unnatural affection for birds over people.
From personal experience, I can absolutely guarantee the little guy does not give a damn about me, my life, my future, nor those of any people here, or otherwise, where this care or compassion or protection does not benefit him personally or make him look good.
Hello Michael!!!
Yo Danny,
So you observed once observed David Miscavige acting in a kind and concerned way about a small injured bird.
Other than that he likes little birds, this proves what, exactly?
Is that all there is?
Honestly, is that all you’ve got?
Much love,
“When I got up on stage and shook Mr. Miscavige’s hand…” …I didn’t even mind standing in the hole that made him look taller than me. I was so excited that I had to turn away for a second and push the erection down so it was not showing. Mr. Miscavige gave me a wink when he saw the bulge and I felt sure that he was going to invite me back to his place. I almost exploded in my trousers.
Barkin’ Parkin must be desperate to get a third bean in his daily rice and bean ration to have written such utter garbage. The sad part is that the brain (snort) washed sheepbot believes the shit he writes. There is no way Parkin could survive outside the reality that is $camology and I can see the day coming, when he gets too old to be of any further use, that they will give him a few dollars and dump him on the street.
Kronomex – excellent post.
To: my dearest beloved learder
From: your Eddybear
How do I love thee,
Let me count the ways,
bla bla bla
An apt reminder that new research by Ekin Ok, et al., (University of British Columbia) has found that those who frequently engage in virtue signalling are likely to have “Dark Triad” personality traits (narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy).
I was interested in the following: “rolls up his sleeves and fights in the trenches right alongside you if he has to”
What he fails to disclose is what he means by “if he has to”. I think it means this: When the federal crime agents finally come with arrest warrants in hand, there may well be a very brief little scuffle between the people in the bubble and the people with guns.
This would be what is meant by “if he has to”. When the time finally comes that the slaves are faced with their “fight or flee” moment and they choose to fight (until they see the guns), that will be the time when he has to fight in the trenches. He will have to fight if he wants to stay out of jail to preserve his billions.
But what about the slaves who actually believe his stupid lies? They have no reason to fight. They have no billions. Most of them would be lucky to count their total assets in just a few dollars – enough maybe for a package of cigarettes. Why in the world would they ever fight?
If they do not need to fear another beat down from the Dwarfenfuhrer, they will realize they have no reason to fight just as soon as the first shot is fired. When that happens, it will all be over and done.
I wonder what DM’s life is really like. I mean, having a ton of money is one thing… but not being able to go out and lead any sort of normal existence is pretty sad. This has to be the perfect example of “money can’t buy happiness.” It really can’t. Does he follow the news? Is he versed in other religious beliefs? Does he see how much non-Scien. love their friends and families? And I am hoping someone can answer this…. does he really believe everything within Scientology? All that upper level stuff…. surely he’s reached it. He has to know he doesn’t have ESP or the ability to cure cancer by now (or whatever is supposed to happen).
Yes. He has money but he is not wealthy and has no idea what I mean.
“money can’t buy happiness.” ‘Happiness’ is just more HE&R, nothing that Dwarfenführer® desires or needs.
I’d say he leads a reclusive, narrow, insular, highly sheltered, totally protected and extremely comfortable little life. A life wherein his every mood and whim is anticipated, his slightest wish someone’s command, and his dominion over those in his circle utter and uncontested.
All of which might have caused him to have morphed into a bonafide nut job years ago. I’m speculating. I don’t know.
Its possible that he’s long been gone off the reservation mentally by now and the main job of his inner circle is to keep Dear Leader’s true mental state a secret.
Its possible that Miscavige has been for some time Scientology’s version of Howard Hughes, only with better grooming.
To the possibility that he is now officially mental, add the totally unexpected PTP problem of the Covid 19 pandemic and the fact that at 60 and a life-long asthmatic is still a heavy smoker he is r high risk for this disease.
Add to that this stress, no live events. Events, his only connection to the Sheeple so that he can feed off of their adoration.
More stress: the Sheeple social distancing at home; not on course, not getting audited, not able to come to events, no money, no jobs.
More stress: Class V Org staff at home and not on post at the orgs, with themselves no money and no wog jobs to keep themselves afloat, very likely breaking their contracts.
Add up all these Present Time Problem-created stresses to the possibility of him ALREADY having become mentally unhinged and…
How long before we see Scientologists ordered to watch “The War is Over” video of Miscavige’s gaining tax exemption in 1993? Whenever David Miscavige feels the walls closing in on his crumbling empire, he inevitably tries to re-sell himself to the membership as a singular leader.
What the psychotic Miscavige doesn’t realize is that it no longer works. Miscavige is a criminal fraud and needs to be locked up in prison.
Jeffrey – Good post. Scientology cult does use that video for manipulating, defrauding and bamboozling purposes all the time.
The narcissist, David Miscavige, must be fed a constant supply of acknowledgements. He must be worshipped or he will die. He is a criminal thug that has to violate someone daily in order to feel alive.
It is only a matter of time before karma kicks his wee, tiny, little freshly enema infused toxic ass.
“Miscavige is a criminal fraud and needs to be locked up in prison.”
That would certainly seem to be only fair. But I would think that true fairness would require that he suffer the kind of beating that he gives to others so often. That would be more fair if the word “fair” could be qualified in that way.
When will Dwarfenfuhrer be forced to endure his beatings?
« Cares about what goes on with everyone , everywhere’ is my favorite.
Is he talking about God? Oh no , I get it , Miscavige is God on earth.
Puck bucket please….
I ran out with them. Sorry. I had nothing else to do.
Well you can always buy a Pucket for a dollar. You know, the Buck Pucket.
They are much nicer than the Puck Bucket anyway and the Bucket is most always full of puke when people read this horseshit about Dwarfenfuhrer.
Ah, yes…the Dwarfenfuhrer. I understand he is shrinking.
Hehe I’m one of those commenters on his posts, It’s amazing I havent been blocked after all I’ve said 😉 At least Kristie Alley was rather quick to block my for pointing out inconvenient truth about her Cult 😉
Eggert, thanks for the commitment to the cause.
I am sure Kristie Alley has been firmly patterned into blocking, as there are a lot of people who have been exposed to the material of this blog, the podcast(s), and the shows like Leah & The Aftermath. It is a strong acknowledgement that she is aware of the large movement against the abuses of Scientology.
Mike, can you also publish the 8 comments that were “not complimentary” of DM? I’d love to know what people who read Ed Parkin’s post said that wasn’t good about the guy. It means that they see through his brown nosing article.
Here are the replies, both pro and anti cult:
9 Sep
Does he care about Shelly? Where is she? If she isn’t missing (or dead) why don’t they feature her on a Scientology TV program? Wouldn’t that shut everyone up?
Princess Persephone
5 Sep
Davey doesnt care about anything except his own reputation, which is in ruins now anyway. When scientology comes tumbling down (not too far away now) you can bet tiny hands will take all of you down with it. He covers for criminals, because he is one.
5 Sep
Yes, but where is Shelly Miscavige?! Apparently he doesn’t care!
5 Sep
Uh, that’s kind of creepy, like he has his eyes on me at this very moment. No thanks!
Monkeyo Diolgo
5 Sep
Where the wife at tho
Jefferson Hawkins
5 Sep
And never forget, he “disappeared” his wife Shelly.
#miscavige? really? little #xenu boy? the master of #hate?
More replies
The Expose Network
5 Sep
Yes he does. He’s very aware and ensures people are delivered what they want to improve their lives.
It’s not hard to look past the noise of the criminals who’d rather project their actions onto good people.
1 more reply
Jefferson Hawkins
5 Sep
Dave Miscavige is a sadistic sociopath who physically and mentally abuses his staff. Get a clue.
The Expose Network
6 Sep
It’s obvious that the Anti-Scientology Cult is waging war (through their bots) on truth.
The ASC’s game is up. Everything the ASC says (through their bots and through their conmen/women) should be seen as admittance from them for what they’ve done.
Now that the Church of Scientology’s active membership has shrunk from 60,000 to well below 20,000, it should be easy to keep track of everyone everywhere, deeply “caring” more than ever for their pocketbooks Thursdays around 2:00 PM.
Who gives a sh*t what some crime syndicate’s cultish dwarf cares about?
Barf… Sorry that was way too much bs. Actually it’s all bs. 🤮
I never bought into this kind of thing even for Hubbard, not even back in the day.
Certainly would not have gone for this either.
I never met or even saw Hubbard, but even as Class V Org staff, one could see problems with the man.
Don’t know why anyone would buy into this stuff, ever.
I stayed in Scientology in spite of all this nonsense, not because of it.
The article has an audience of one – COB.
Anyone struggling with their diet program, just print out these quotes and tape them to the front of your refrigerator. A simple and natural way to lose your appetite.
You gotta know miscavige lobbied (ordered) for this to be done. Just like his medal pinning ceremony.
Geezuz dave. Get a grip.
Yes, but where is he? Dave! Come out, come out wherever you are!
Graham? What ever do you mean? He came out with his butt buddy Tom Cruise many moons ago.
Did you never get mooned? The rest of us did.
Remember the Moonies? Getting mooned was a trademark of their cult. They would all surround you and simultaneously sing out, “MOOOOOO”. That was their version of being mooned.
Sheltering somewhere, I’d say. Hiding away from almost everyone. Desperate not to get Covid and end up on a ventilator. He knows what its like to not be able to breath. He’s high risk, don’t forget. 60 years old, compromised immune system due to life-long asthma and the steroids he’s been taking for that. Very likely still a heavy smoker. Oh, he’s high risk, alright. Be afraid, David Miscavige. Be very afraid. Hide from the danger. Hide from Covid until there’s a vaccine. Because if it takes hold of Little You its not going to be pleasant.
Its even possible he has it already. I swear I’m not wishing it on him. I’ve seen what Covid can do when it takes serious hold on those physically susceptible. Swift death on a ventilator or if the person pulls thru it takes months – 3 – 6 months. A long, slow recovery at best. When this thing takes hold, it is NOT “the flu”.
I’m super careful even though I have Type O blood and never get colds or anything. I don’t even get headaches. But I’m super careful. Masking, social distancing, constant handwashing – that’s me, all the way. And that’s mostly everyone in my area. We DO “mask shame” someone not wearing one. That or they just don’t get IN, that’s all. Too bad! Put on a mask or you don’t get in. Go home, cry, curse, post insults on Breitbart and then put on a mask . Come back with your mask… or you’re not getting in, period. Strong agreement about this in my area.
Blessed as I am with a strong immune system and good health, I’m still nervous, somewhat. I can imagine the mindset of someone who has been a life-long asthmatic and who STILL cannot drum up the will power to quite smoking. Lungs already weakened and damaged. I’d be very afraid, if I were Miscavige.
I struggled to wade through the carefully curated steaming pile of obsequious phrases about the most narcissistic of mentally ill individuals.
At a certain point when someone is saying nice things about you, you put your hand up, you laugh, you change the subject, because frankly, it gets weird after two compliments.
Here we have the big backhoe shovel, digging in deep, slappin’ the wet stuff on the pile.
Steam is rising, gas bubbles farting, and somewhere under that pile of fawning dreck is a desperately insecure individual, reading and rereading the tweet, memorizing the, to him, lovely sound of manufactured truth.
Joel Anderson must be working on his OT Eligibility and figured some over the top brown nosing would do the trick.
It’s like someone describing puke as the most nutritious and delicious gourmet meal ever created. Uggggg
Damn, this is what I really call sickening. The comparison with North Corean leader is more than appropriate. If one would lick enough well the leaders boots, he can stay alive and maybe one day promoted.
Miscavige leadership resulted so far in thousands of SP (suppressive) declares (well above the estimated percentage given from hubbard) and ruined families because of the policy on disconnection.
His leadership includes the reduction of the entire membership to a couple on tens of thousands.
But of course the current explanation is that DM was chasing and hunting SPs.
A ripetutive story they used to say since many decades.
It seems that scn has the power to attract all planetary suppressives and then an hero need to get read of them. Really sick and weird.
Miscavige and hubbard share the same criminal behavior.
“Unlike Mother Teresa, who clearly rewarded downstats, Mr. Miscavige has that strength of character that I would categorize as tough love. He makes Martin Luther King look like a wannabe opportunist capitalizing on Rosa Parks’ fifteen minutes of fame. We’re so lucky that Ron chose him as his successor to lead us into a true golden age for mankind.”
(Submitted to the National Enquirer from an unnamed celebrity working out of lower conditions)
Oh…. the National Enquirer. Then it has to be true, lol.
Look don’t listen.
I have had personal encounters with Dave and KNOW he is totally ruthless and power and money driven. He has no empathy for others whatsoever.
Maybe Fast Freddy should meet the boy himself.
LRH said “On the day that we can fully trust each other; There will be peace on Earth”. I would trust Hitler more than I would trust Dave.
So there is war. And, like Hitler, DM is hiding in a bunker somewhere; knowing that if he came out he would be torn to pieces.
I hope Dave ends off the same way Hitler did; suicide.
Maybe Fast Freddy is doing Lower Conditions. I had a friend doing Lowers that posted some total horseshit about dave and his greatness on FB
Parkins lips must very chapped from all the ass kissing.
Ass kissing I think mini-man crawled into Parkins ass and he is blowing bs as hard as he can to get him out.
Sounds like Davey M is the way, the truth and the life.
All I have to do is believe in him, and eternal life is assured.
Well … that is , believe and pay up of course …
O/T. Normally, I don’t post about Independent Scientology here. I do, however, try to keep track of news regarding the partnership between the Church of Scientology and the Nation of Islam. Thus —
Independent Scientology Advanced Organization of the Great Plains Podcast:
“Scientology and the Nation of Islam.”
* * * * * BEGIN SHOW NOTES * * * * *
In a strange turn of events the Nation of Islam, in 2008, started to take an interest in Dianetics and Scientology. Where did the NOI get its start and how in the world did these two groups get together and where is this all heading? The similarities are striking but yet they are so different between the two. Will they meld into one, find bliss together, or some thing far worse? Find out with our hosts Jonathan Burke and Eddie Cairo.
* * * * * END SHOW NOTES * * * * *
“BATTERING the lives of one and all’ is exactly correct.
He does not lead his operation, he bleeds it.
When was DM last seen rolling up his sleeves and fighting in the trenches? Does The Hole count as a trench?
I have seen DM a number of times in the Freewinds engine room. I never saw him do anything like work there, though.
Does beating staff members count as work?
Edward Parking has chosen a good photo of David Miscavige for the “Portrait Of A True Cult Leader” there.
One can recognize the fake smile easily. If one ignores the (fake) smile, one can see the crazy emanating from DM’s eyes. He can fake-smile but not hide the expression of his glare.
The adulations could be straight out of North Korean propaganda, describing the virtues and accomplishments of Kim Jong-un or one of his predecessors.
I couldn’t read all the excerpts. I had to go lose my breakfast.
Isabel Paterson, a friend of Ayn Rand, had something to say about the phenomena of Leader Worship:
“Let it be asked how any person wholly devoid of talent, skill, accomplishment, wit, beauty, charm, or even the practical ability to earn a living by routine labor, can conceivably become an object of flattering, greeted with applause and given a hearing for the feeblest inanities — obviously nothing will serve except political position.”
There must be some deep inner rumblings about Miscavige for this type of article to be published. Miscavige’s thirty plus years as leader have been a failure. The natural reaction among the dedicated Scientologists who are left is to laud him. It would be great to see Miscavige fall but where would the cult go? The truth of the issue is that Miscavige failed because he could not eliminate the most obnoxious Hubbard policies like Fair Game. He also could have taken the OT levels in a new direction. My take on this article is deep emerging problems for Miscavige’s leadership position.
Perhaps more than a few bubble dwellers accidentally noticed that all of the “Ideal Orgs” are devoid of people and really downstat. And some of them had the audacity to mention it either in session or in public.