See my announcement on Friday — I am revisiting earlier posts during my vacation. Each day there will be a different one. This one is near and dear to my heart — the day we flew the banner over the assembled sheeple waiting to be allowed in to the “Big Tent” set up in Clearwater for the IAS event.
Believe it or not, this is the best proof Miscavige has of His “expansion.”
Everyone knows the stable datum that “the squirrels go crazy when we are expanding” so they MUST be going totally crazy: q.e.d. we ARE expanding.
This afternoon, the barricades went up and the armed guards took their positions for the event they like to claim demonstrates their massive humanitarianism.
As the crowds awaited clearance to enter the hallowed halls with their photo ID’s , a banner flew overhead asking the question that SHOULD be on everyone’s mind for this gathering of Scientology’s elite.
Two weeks ago they were treated to a banner “San Diego Is Done” — but really San Diego isn’t done with anything. But it seems like the crowds were probably awaiting another banner “Valley Is Done” or “Paris Is Done” or something…. Instead they got something a little more REAL.
Wonder how Dear Leader feels looking out at the audience, wondering how many of them are looking at him and thinking “Yeah, Where Is Shelly Miscavige?”
Bad thoughts.
Leah Remini was declared for asking the question.
Try NOT to think about it everyone as you revel in the Shermanspeak hype of the evening.
Off topic, but I had a thought. Since the only treatment we have for Coronavirus is to stay away from crowds and people, we finally have a reason to go to an Org!
With all the enemies Sci has, I was thinking about that too. In reality, if the stock market keeps dropping, it would be wise to buy at a LOW point. When the inoculation for the coronavirus becomes available it will all go back to normal real quick. Can’t wait for Sci to order everyone to get their shots.
Perhaps a bit O/T: I found a copy of “The sociopath next door” by Martha Stout and have enjoyed reading it. It’s a bit strange to pause reading it to review the latest here and at the Bunker. SO MANY parallels. TOO scary to believe I put up with Tubby’s tricks® as long as I did.
Just to be specific: I found a pdf version on-line & downloaded it to my hard drive. SORRY, Dr. Stout, but I can’t read dead-tree books these days.
It will be Shelly escaping that brings down Dear Leader. How I hope that day comes before she dies by some terrible ‘accident’. I’m sure that over the years she’s went through every emotion there is in regards to her current situation. “He will get over it in time.” “He will realize I serve him and LRH completely.” “How does he explain my absence?” “I will show him that I will stay loyal no matter what.” “He must know I love him.” “Why do I need guards? Am I a prisoner?” “What’s he afraid I’ll do or say?” “What’s going on in the world that I’m missing?” “What about my family?” “Who else has he put away?” “This can’t be real we live in a free country.” “Why won’t they let me just walk out of here and go home, I’ll be quiet.” “There’s got to be a way out.”…then hopefully “There has to be a way to escape.”
I think these things because most would go through similar thoughts. Of course she’s probably put on the cans regularly but she’s been IN her whole life she knows how to trick the cans. I hope she knows there’s a legion of people that are out and waiting on her and will help her in any way they can. I’m sure she thinks if she escapes it will be with the clothes on her back and that she can trust no one. If only we could get some communication to her. A cell phone. Something. It’s close to impossible of course. We just have to hope for her.
IF Shelly wanted to “escape” badly enough, I dare say she would have. She’s no dummy, by all reports, and seems to have a fairly light “leash” holding her in place. Just by going in to town and dialing 911 at any telephone, she’d get some help doing so.
And WHAT a splash that would make in the scientology world. SHE certainly could get Dwarfenführer in the witness chair answering hard questions.
Some years backs someone posted on the blog here that there was a shelly sighting in town with two “handlers” with her and that she looked dishevelled and underweight and like a weak bag lady. So she might not have the strength or even presence of mind to escape if they broke her psychologically. I’d love to see her do a Valerie Haney and get the heck out of there.
Linear 13.
I agree fully with you. First we should find where she could have be hidden by the dear ‘husband’.
The first place I’d look is where that private eye said she was when he was posted outside across the street watching her at work all day.
Linear13, there have been accounts suggesting that some of the key Hubbard loyalists are just hanging in there, in hopes that something will eventually happen – Hubbard himself will return (some apparently actually believe that), or presumably that DM’s leadership will somehow end (he is mortal, after all).
Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any reason to assume that Shelly isn’t just another dead-ender who will hang on knowing nothing else, and hoping that things will change – essentially, the insanity of doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
I guess that by their “logic”, we’re all so frantic; because The Twit™ has been SO Successful. They didn’t get the message that we out here may be more dismayed than anything as many of us REALLY DO CARE about scientology’s refusal to KSW and the rank-and-file’s inability or unwillingness to see how far they’ve strayed from the laudable goals expressed early in scientology but immediately lost or forgotten. Sad that they could be trapped into that eternal pursuit of the almighty dollar while delivery of a valuable product has been abandoned for the most part. HOW did they accept the IAS as a valid concern, that the VMs were a viable relief organization, or that the NOI was an appropriate “sister”-organization to scientology? HOW could they tangle Tubby’s creation so thoroughly in so few years without a revolt far larger than has been reported?
Reading this (repeat) post, I was reminded that it was written within months of Leah finally getting her fill of the BS and leaving the church (oh, and being ‘declared’). I don’t even know if you had met her personally at this point in time. But all I kept thinking was, “Mr. M. you are in such deep sh*t, now! First your wife, then Mike, and now Leah! Dumb move, really, really, really, DUMB move!”
ikr, Mary. … Has the enormity of his screw-up finally penetrated Tommy Davis’ skull?
An addition to yesterday post on disconnection (thanks Mike). To those who have not a direct experience on this stuff.
When somebody get declared for whatsoever reason he usually doesn’t get fa call from the mother or sister or son that says “you are out of my life”.
That mother sister or son get surrounded by ethics officers or Maa or even Dsa or OSA staff and gets told how bad that person is. They get reports shown and other proofs that demonstrate how this person is really suppressive.
Furthermore in pure mafia style he get told that not doing what the church says would be for him even worst.
He get crushed believe me till it says and write what the church wants. Disconection Isn’t so natural as they say. It is VERY PAINFUL.
Linear13, I suppose we’ll likely hear she “committed suicide” — JUST like her Mom, with a LONG rifle, and after putting a couple of holes in her chest. WHO
I forgot to finish: WHO could continue to try to shoot themselves AFTER two VERY PAINFUL “flesh wounds”?? NO one I know. Then I think: WHO could torture any woman by two shots along the chest, THEN the coup de grace … ?? ONLY someone FAR sicker than anyone I’ve met in or out of scn.
No news so far even after all these years. How sad Scientology is. A mental hell hidden by colorful fanfare and lies. The exact opposite of what it promises. I wish you the best Shelly wherever you are. I know that in the end those who live in the SO really think that that is the only reality but many have woken up. There is hope.
No REAL news after all these tears. Only a (IMO) badly-sourced tabloid-style “reporting” of her being ‘seen’ in the nearby town. (OOPS! Meant to type Years and hit tears instead.
“after all these tears” might be more appropriate, though.
I wonder how many people had a seed planted that day and really did start to wonder, “How does our leader – who still wears his wedding ring- have a wife who just disappeared one day and NO ONE asks or talks about it?!”
Was this the day Mike was up in the plane or in a helicopter flying overhead?
I’ve wondered the same thing myself!
Maybe someone out is reading this who was there that day and would like to share that story with us now.
Oh to have been a fly on the wall in Miscavige’s office that day!
I imagine COB said something ecclesiastical, such as “that GD SOB Rinder is up there! Shoot that helicopter down now! I don’t care what happens! Call Travolta and tell him to fly one of his GD planes into it! Get every cop and fed we have on our payroll and get that piece of ##^**^%* out of the sky!!!!!”
Chee, if the Twit™ wanted to punish the pilot of the plane, it would have been trivial, given the plane’s tail number which should have been clearly visible.
Still, there’s nothing OVERTLY anti-scientology about the banner message. They couldn’t have persuaded any thinking person that it was bigotry. Only Dwarfenführer and his closest minions could have “gotten” the message.