I think this is a serious post on Facebook, but I am not 100% certain. The reason I think Iann Jones is serious is Scientologists are not known for their sense of humor, but are known for latching onto even the most insane thoughts if it forwards the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” (See some earlier posts: Conspiracy Theories, A Scientologist Conspiracy Theory, STAAD Scientology Conspiracy Theories) Obviously, this is not a real photo, it's AI generated. But Mr. Jones makes no note of that while spreading it on social media. We know many scientologists got thems … [Read more...]
Stacy Francis Needs Your Help
Apologies to Lili and all of her regular readers: My screw up this morning. Today was supposed to be the final episode of Lili's Adventures in Scientologyland. In scientologese, I was "out of PT." Stay tuned tomorrow for the final chapter of her engaged story. Stacy Francis, one of the scientologists who publicly attacked Leah in response to The Aftermath TV show, is promoting that she is going to be creating "very incredible content" but in order to do so, she needs subscribers to her YouTube channel so she can "use YouTube studios" in Hollywood. Wonder why she has to … [Read more...]
What is the Political Affiliation of Scientologists?
Over the years, many people have asked about the political views and affiliations of scientologists. Every time I ask for questions for a listener Q and A episode of the Fair Game Podcast, this question comes up. Of course, while there can be no blanket generalization about the politics of a group composed of individuals, individualism is not encouraged in scientology. One is expected to toe the party line. So you tend to see a lot of people subscribing to the same views about everything. Thanks to Aaron Smith-Levin taking the time to count voters registered at scientology buildings in … [Read more...]
Episode 21: Listener Questions Part 3
Today's episode is Leah and I responding to questions from listeners. We cover a lot of things in more detail than we had time to do on The Aftermath, and in many cases even more details than I can find the time to write about on the blog. A few documents we mentioned would be made available here and at fairgamepodcast.com. Scientology's COVID response: Tony Ortega has extensively covered scientology's response to the pandemic. Here is the Miscavige's briefing document where he calls COVID 19 a "planetary bullbait." Here are … [Read more...]
Missed Ron’s Birthday Bash?
It seems Penny Atwell Jones was hankering for a birthday party to show her support for a man she follows with all her heart. Denied the opportunity to do so for Ron, she took a shot now for Don. For anyone who does not know, Penny is a loud and proud fixture of the Clearwater scientology community. She is a well-known Flag FSM. Her daughter, Brooke Daniells, has been in a relationship with Catherine Bell for many years (not exactly appropriate for either a devoted scientologist or MAGA-lady) and she was the love interest of Ted Banas, Miscavige's full-time Clearwater bodyguard before he … [Read more...]
Characteristics of Mind Control Cults
Steve Hassan has recently published a new book: The Cult of Trump. I try to keep politics off this blog, and so I request the comments NOT devolve into discussions about Trump, the Democrats, Hillary Clinton or anything else political. It would be unfair to Steve to NOT credit his book, so I have done so. But I would prefer to focus on the aspects of CULT rather than the aspects of Trump. For the record, I found the book both fascinating and enlightening in his analysis of mind control, cultic leaders and how they get people to follow them, regardless of its political implications. Steve … [Read more...]