You can buy status at 25% off
They have been suckered
For EVERY possible fundraising activity for the last 40 years. It’s a long time to keep giving just to have your picture on a promo piece.
As big as LA Org!
If you don’t count the 200 SO members
St LouAss
Be happy. Give us your money.
The sky is no longer the limit…
My perception of others has become global. And much more…
Commemorate the start of something big
The monumental lies about the largest private relief force on earth all started with this…
Well, sorry, but unfortunately you don’t know much…
Everything you ever wanted from a scientology organization
Cakes. Bingo. Poker. Prizes. Pies.
Cause Over The Body
The pinnacle of spiritual pursuits
It’s FUN giving us your money
Wow, $1600 — only 9,998,400 to go. They just don’t have their heart in it any more.
One Buffalo chip at a time…
The elite delusional
It’s 50% off
And a free DVD. And thumbtabs. And glossary. French flaps even… Nothing about the content, all about the MEST. What else is new.
We are out of time
Why not just go take a walk on the beach then….
How is someone who has been on staff for 30 years at Inglewood Org? They actually imported old white guys from other orgs to man this epicenter of African American culture?
They are equipped for eternity?
How are they taking this equipment along with them for eternity?
Central Files Fun
It’s part of standard admin tech to have backlogged filing
Saturday September 12, 2015
Hello! I could really use some help on this day making a big dent
in our Central File Project. I can promise you this – I’ll keep you busy!
There is a lot to do and it is so important to the expansion of the
Org!! Please let me know you can make it and what time frame.
We will provide refreshments for you and your hard work!
Hope to see you here then!
Allison Hedstrom
Dissem Sec Battle Creek Org
Mighty Miami is an admin tech hotbed too
It’s an epidemic
OMG — Kaye Is Back!
Can you imagine how epically monumental this news is?
Address your personal prosperity and then watch whatever you have left disappear in the reg office 20 mins later
More Moneywinds
Europe rah rah
Problem is, they have ONLY had outside subsidized “ideal orgs”… But they do have pirates to take your money.
Special “Breifing”
Don’t come for the spelling. Come for the watermelon.
Wow, LRH Comm International Is Coming
She never leaves LA! Wow, what an “honor.” I know her. Not much to get excited about.
More Not So Mighty Miami
These poor sods are still operating on a letter written to them in the 1970’s, probably by someone in the SO#1 unit about how awesome they are. Maybe Odile could run a process on them there “Come up to present time.” They are REALLY stuck on this shit.
And if this IS the org LRH “counts on” — no wonder he shuffled off his mortal coil.
I have yet to ever see more than 1 person in the Buffalo org at a time.
If by clearing Buffalo of people is what they mean, they have it down pat in the Idle Morgue.
A thought on a quote from the Freewinds promo: ” Generate prosperity to rapidly move up to the Golden Age of Tech.” That’s the main reason to become prosperous, to spend more money on Scientology? How about becoming prosperous because you want to ensure your family’s economic well-being, or you want to be more generous to your community?
The whole thing about 9/11 is just appalling. Congratulating themselves for handing out literature: really? How many other organizations gave of their time and treasure to help? I don’t see them commemorating the anniversary of 9/11 by praising their own deeds. When you think Scientology can’t possibly sink any lower, it somehow manages to do so.
From the first of the flyers above, it seems as if there is to be an official opening of an ideal Org in Birmingham UK, this Saturday the 12th Sep. Is there going to be a protest? I have never done anything like this before but I live nearby and would love to join in, if one is being organised. if anybody has any details or can refer me to a website that does I would be very grateful.
Hi Richard, Very good to meet you. I never protested either before Kent State in 1970 do not fall over this was a long time ago.I was in Birmingham in 1966 when after my eighth grade graduation I went to England with my late Mom and Grandmom for almost four weeks.Also for another poster here Espiando I love ELO.Shocked you did I not? My Best to you.Ann.
The way I read that flyer, it’s a discount on Birmingham status until Sept 12. On Sept 12 Stain Hill re-opens (or something).
The poster mentions the opening of the Ideal Advanced Org St. Hill UK on 12th Sep but not the opening of Birmingham Ideal Org. I would think that that would be some time to come.
No, what’s opening tomorrow is the Idle Saint Hell over in East Grinstead. Apparently, when L. Fraud lived there, it wasn’t an ideal place, or ideal enough, or something. So they had to refurbish it. The flyer is a way to try to get Brummieham public to contribute in the name of the UK Ideal Org “Alliance”.
There are a number of people here who’ve protested at Saint Hell in the past. Ask them for info. The protests there usually end with an extended pub visit, so it’s on my bucket list of places to picket.
Luau is a Hawaiian thing.
Don’t worry, be happy is a Jamaican thing.
Cultural illiteracy is a Scientology thing.
Hi hgc,Thank you for your post.I needed help figuring out which phrase went with what culture! For a group that think they Command the Universe,Scientology is looking so much like an education dropout they just still do not get anything at all.That word clearing must have cleared their brains too.Always Ann B.
Davey’s scam is becoming more transparent by the day and the tipping point is not far off. Hip hip….
Davey’s scam is becoming more transparent by the day and the tipping point is not far off. Hip hip……
Two things jumped off the page at me today.
Return your earlier edition of Dianetics and get the new edition at 50% off. Hmm…. is this so you can’t compare the two and figure out what has been altered between them . . . what is missing in the “new, improved edition?” I opt to keep my old one and pay full price for the new one. Or, better still, do as I have already done and long ago throw out my old one and not buy the new one. Problem solved.
On the Moneywinds seminar: 5 exact reasons that would stop a Scientologist from prospering.
Here is the #1 reason a scientologist would stop themselves from propspering or at the very least appearing to be prosperous:
If you as a reg know they have money, or think they have money or suspect they know someone who has money or believe they have a penny long lost or hidden under their floormat or know they saw someone who had money sometime in the past 20 years or suspect they may sometime in the future come upon a source of money, you will turn them upside down and shake them until they regurgitate it out of their pockets or other peoples’ pockets into your pocket. Therefore, it is better for them if they remain penniless.
The constant relentless insistence on the czerch to beg borrow or steal every last cent any person who enters their orbit ever gets their hands on causes the people who enter their orbit to resist ever wanting to come in contact with money.
Problem solved. That will be $5,000.
In How to “Live though an Executive” (Is that book still available?) LRH makes no bones about that the organisation that doesn’t have access to it’s history is psychotic. Scientology Certainly is working hard a proving this observation of the funder.
All those Filing Parties — such “cutting edge tech”!
And I’m sure that calling in all sorts of people to sort your personal files is really reassuring on privacy grounds ( but then again, there IS no sacred privacy in CO$, am-I-right?)
Hi Bruce, About privacy in cos you are so right your post sizzles.Thank you.Always Ann B.
I don’t think FIRST RESPONDERS means what they think it means.
Recognized as a First Responder…
Sounds like a fish finding device…
Thanks for a singularly good Thursday Funnies, Mike, with several points being of particular interest to me, as you would know.
“Come join the fun. It feels great to help out.”
That is actually true. It does feel good to help out.
But then, the Church of Scientology has become a SPONGE for help. Help is enforced now, with nagging, threats, and make wrong. One MUST help.
That picture from the Tone Scale film comes to mind – one of the tone levels below apathy, with this person sort of beseeching, clutching, stroking someone else a kind of wordless, “Help help help help help me me me me help me help me” kind of thing. A vampirish kind of thing, hard to explain. Maybe its Needing Bodies? Whatever. That’s the true tone level of this “church”.
Yes Aqua, somewhere between “needing bodies” and “punishing bodies”. The beginning of the end for anything motivated by money. Henry
Lots to J & D here. For starters:
Mrs. Perz, its sad that the best way you know to expand Scientology is by donating money to the IAS. Your Founder, a guy named L. Ron Hubbard, would have said that the best way – indeed the only way, to expand Scientology is by going up both sides of the Bridge, as a PC and as an auditor. You look like you’ve been around Scientology for a long time, Mrs. P. Just when did you start getting so stupid? Good luck. Congratulations on throwing your money down a rat hole.
They are all caught up in DLHDM’s PR Status trap that defies the reality that’s right in front of their eyes! That little voice they hear is saying, “What Wall”? Maybe I do need to re-do the Objectives.
I’m just a Wog, but what did COS do at Ground Zero after 9/11?
Mainly they hindered clean up efforts.
Exactly! And boy, did they hinder the clean up efforts.
Touch Assists and heavy promotion for the Putrif to the firemen and policeman who were the actual heroes of that day to rid their bodies of the “toxins” they absorbed in the process of helping. And, of course, heavy regging of the public for the Vulture Ministers.
They put on yellow jackets that said Volunteer Minister and got in front of the cameras every chance they got.
The ones that didn’t care about the cameras helped those in need with water, shelter and some Scientology technology assists…..body assists that help calm the body and relieve stress and helping the trauma of the event by looking around and touching things to try to bring those who were traumatized back into present time and out of the horrible things that happened that day.
Hi Leslie Bates, Welcome and remember we were all once just wogs too.Your viewpoint can teach me some new ways to look at things also. As far as I know COS did nothing at Ground Zero of any lasting imprint at all except hand out Way To Happiness pamflets and WTH booklets like they did in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.All my best Ann B.
Here is some interesting reading on VMs and 9/11:…
err, working link:
Maybe they engaged in that most religious and helpful activity of keeping people in distress away from qualified psychological help.
I’m betting Mr. Baggio’s success story for OTVII was a description of Paradise in the theta universe but this success story for Super Power is so dazzling you need sunglasses to read it. As always however, hip boots are required gear for all of them.
Ideal Europe LOL LOL
If the crises continues over there the only religion growing will be Islam not Scientology LO LOL
You said it OnTheFence. A burka fest.
The IAS “The force that guarantees the future of Scientology”
Hum????? I think they need to listen to some LRH taped lectures, he said quite a bit about Force”
Start with Tape 521208-23-ARC, Force, Be-Do-Have
This week’s collection had one stand-out WTF: the Baxters and Books Make Boom-Boom. First of all, it’s unbelievable that they’re using Books Makes Booms as an ad pimp when it’s demonstrably not true. Certainly not in 2015. Then again, Sara’s fashion sense hasn’t left the Eighties yet, so why should her mindset? You know what books make, Scientology? They make a nice long-lasting hot fire. Ray Bradbury wrote a nice little book about that. You can get it for Kindle (device or app). That’s how people do their reading these days.
But that wasn’t enough for this promo. Oh, no. They left the mindfuck for the small print. Their ten-year-old son just finished the Putrif? Ten-year-old son?! How in the name of fucking fuck do you justify that? There’s a phrase for this behavior, Baxters: “child abuse”. Dear God, I hope that the kid grows up and develops a condition that will make the Baxters think twice about their involvement in the philosophy. I wouldn’t wish drug addiction on anyone, so I’ll just hope for something really lulzy for Baxter Junior like chronic masturbation. Just something to get him thrown out of the Sea Borg, since we all know that’s where he’s headed.
My theory is that the children being put through the putrification runover are secretly started on the OT4 :
Or maybe the local tentacle of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology just liked the money..
Or maybe it’s both?!?
25% off on a Status upgrade?
I almost pissed myself with so much laughter.
Do those “Brummie” morons actually look at what they are doing or what?
But then not much ever happened at that Org in the first place.
You have to hand it to SOB though, I mean imagine actually convincing so many 1000’s and 1000’s of people that they cannot deliver Scientology until all Orgs are ideal.
Brilliant scheme though, SOB booted out all resistance in 1981 to1983, created the RTC (non LRH policy group) cancelled all life memberships and altered course checksheets.
Declared anyone who tried to do anything about it, loudly to frighten others too craven to walk out of the door and tell him to “stuff it”.
I am glad and proud I did walk out and resign in 1982.
SOB turned out to be the most suppressive being Scientology ever encountered and I doubt it will recover.
Today we have seen Gat I and Gat II, pathetic attempts at altering workable Tech in order to set people up for failure.
The Books all altered and re-written, and public conned into repetitive levels over and over again.
SHSBC no longer available, Class 8 course dead and buried. Oh until SOB rewrites them of course
I won’t bother with how much he has wrecked the upper levels
How EVIL is that?
Evil was always the thing I noticed many Scintologists could not confront as its “entheta”.
A poor excuse for walking away from the problem.
I read that SOB has had a death threat.
I wonder why?
To be fair, we can’t blame the Toxic Dwarf on the creation of RTC. The late Denise Brennan made that clear in her recollections of the Great Reorganization, and she was there and participated in it. We can blame him for taking advantage of the reorganization and getting his grubby fingers on the levers of power.
No Saint Hell Stupid Bullshit Course or Class VIII course is simply logical. Look at the training side of the Bridge. In order to get to that point, you have to go through the following (if my memory is correct): Comm Course, Putrif, Survival Rundown, the Basics, Class 0, Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV, Class IV Internship, Class V, and Grad V. No one is going to get through this without two things: an extremely long lifespan and a bottomless bank account. So why bother actually having Class VI and above? It also frees up Advanced Orgs and Saint Hells to supply the public with what really makes money: retreads.
(And let’s be honest: Think about what the curriculum of the Stupid Bullshit Course is. Can anyone actually physically stand that much Hubbard in their lives? After thirty minutes, I’d be looking for the nearest sharp objects to slash my wrists.)
Hi Espiando,Years ago after just blowing,I tried that with a candle.Hypnotized still for quite some months after, even though I was out.Those were bad days but I’ve left them in the cos dust.Always Ann B.
Ah, yes. The “Wall of Tapes.” Several hundred hours of listening to the Fatman. I guess “briefing” has a different meaning by the time you get through that!
Hi Gus Cox, “The Wall of Tapes” that is what did me in.I would listen to those big boxed tapes for hours after hours at ASHO F.Now I know how my brain got pickled and bruised bumping into that Wall for four years.Always Ann B.
Not a member….as I read over the thousands of LRH words, most ideas are “BORROWED FROM OTHER IDEALOGY AND GREAT PHILOSOPHIES AND THINKERS”! Sadly I feel his originals ideas are not and it is too bad that these deluded souls don’t know this fact.
If this organization puts pictures of people who are unhealthy, in need of dental care, mental health in jeopardy, writing crazy thoughts, spouting deluded thinking….welll they are not going to get a large influx of people.
I just feel so sorry for them and hope that their freedom from the nightmare of scientology is at hand.
Sadly cults continue to go on as certain people are susceptible to this brainwashing. I hope that I can keep my friends and loved ones safe from these organizations, as we all do….maybe by protecting those we love from these people, “our immediate world” is safe. Wish I knew the best way to protect others. All I can do is speak out and pe at is enough.
Borrowed…sort of.
Beyond use…completely
$cientology. It’s like trying to play Scrabble with nothing but the letters B, F, K, L, T, V, W, X, Z.
I can think of nothing more worthwhile than signing up for a “prosperity” seminar held by a group whose stats have been declining for well over 2 decades. When’s the next one on improving PR, btw? I can hardly wait!
Well, you could sign up for one of their PR seminars! I just got an email about how one guy was going to talk about branding, and how to LRH Tech to build a great brand. You know, a great brand like… Scientology!
You know, you have to admit Greg & Sandra Winteregg’s E-meter is beautiful! I’ll take 2 please
Hi Roger Yost, Good to meet you. Like your post. I thought also that Scam Meter looks so good those two minders of it must be over the Bridge with Joy.Didn’t they look it! Always Ann B,
Hi Mike,What a gift you gave today.I have to go back over all you posted today to find more jewels.Right now my take: Oh No A New Edition of DSMSH! That Volcano will rise and spit all out again! Also I’ll gladly answer the question “is your body slowing your progress up the Bridge?” I’ll say it is and if one really wants to have their body slow them down join The Sea Org and after the love bombs wear off with hard hours etc you bet your progress up the Bridge will be slowed!Stay on The Moneywinds your whole career and the Cancer ghoul may come knocking at the door one day too.I was also drinking my Java and thinking is all that we and by that I mean all of us here and any other blog that helps those out and those still in is all that we do here worthwhile? With all the wealth cos has cash plus real estate will it ever be exposed? My answer to me is Yes patience and water wearing away rock maybe not in my life here,but your beautiful children will never be Sea Org Slaves.Thank you Always and Love,Ann B.
This Guy Rafferty Pendery and Super Marketing specialist can’t even care about his own Website 🙂 and all those other Manager don’t exist in the Internet….
How do they want to teach their secrets of Success ?
I love how the young Pendry (trust fund baby of a father who was continually getting nailed for unethical business practices) says that he does “marketing” for NASA. NASA doesn’t engage in marketing. They are not an entity that markets products.
Hi John Locke, I did not realize that of NASA.Black budgets and programs now that is another kettle of fish.. Like OSA of today GO/I of yesterday.Always,Ann B.
So Alessandro Baggio realized that there are more people on the other side of the planet? Wow that’s deep… totally worth 20 grand.
Really? There are actual people on the other side of the planet? Well, my mind is blown for the day….
Franco Baggio, Allessandro’s father, has a large family and a large circle of friends in Italy. I imagine by now he has given the Church of Scientology several million dollars between the Milan Org, The Freewinds, Superpower and the F.S.O.. His wife is a devout Catholic and so are the rest of his family (brothers sisters etc). So is he .
He has traveled from Italy for more than 30 years, to the Flag Land Base for service. Sometimes with his entire family. When I knew him, he was working from 8:00 in the morning until well past 10:00 at night in Italy. Only took a few weeks off here and there to travel. Took off an entire day with his family to have me over for “dinner” (starting at 11:00 in the morning) with several friends who were also Scientologists in Italy.Many whom he had helped in various ways. Given employment, helped find housing, etc etc. He was a very generous and empathetic man. He did not give charity, but he created opportunity for people. One of the kindest human beings I have ever met.
Franco paid for an OT8, 9, and 10 package, long before the Maiden Voyage and the release of OT8. To help the Sea Org. As a “help flow”. About a year after the release of OT8, The Baggio family arrived at the Flag Land Base for several weeks holiday and they were all on service.
Allesandro remained at Flag to finish something, after Franco and his wife and sister departed. Allesandro decided he wanted to go to the Freewinds before he returned to Italy. His father had three weeks of accommodations paid for there. Had just dropped thousands upon thousands of dollars at Flag for accomos and service for himself and his entire family. The staff on the now empty and deserted Freewionds, decided Allesandro could not use a week of his father’s accomodations (after his father told him to) because the accomos were in Franco’s name. Freewinds staff, suffering from cabin fever, lack of Oxygen, no bodies in the shop, and desolate endless miles of going in circles around the ocean, refused to permit a debit off the Baggio account. While the kid Allesandro was still in the air and enroute to the Freewinds, , and Allesandro was 17 I think, left in the “care of the trusted Sea Org” , Franco had to be awakened in the middle of the night in Italy, and told his son could not step on the Ship although he had 40K on account there, unless he coughed up another 900.00. So an invoice could be made for accomos in his son’s name only.
This was in 1989 I think. The Freewinds was already on a dwindling spiral. Scientology was already on a dwindling spiral.
Looking at the promo piece, I would guess this success story / promo piece may have taken a crew of twenty people in all total to create, publish and mail. The Baggio’s did not speak English well, and had Italian auditors. And translators for other cycles. Mainly, OT8 Massimo Cavedenti, who died in a car crash shortly after finishing OT8, and an L at Flag. Between writing an editing, photo, approval, printing, etc etc.
But Scientology in Italy has been on a dwindling spiral, and propping a Baggio up on a promo piece makes good sense.
What they do not say on the promo piece, is that Franco Baggio has not done a service in Scientology since 1989. At least, none that I can find. Allesandro has many childhood friends as Scientologists. The family did do a Patron cycle in 2004. Probably at his urging. In fact, I can not find and record of anyone in the Baggio Family on service after 1989, except Allesandro.
And I do not think anyone ever told him the Freewinds staff were ready to leave him stranded on the dock in Curacao unless his father coughed up 900.00 before he arrived.
Then the Ship blows 250K on a Bday party for Cruise.
This is the dwindling spiral of Scientology. The ever growing inability to care about the people in front them. This is the dwindling spiral in any person, and their group.
The planet is NOT on a dwindling spiral. The Church of Scientology is.
Hi The Oracle,Thank you an amazing post! Isn’t it just wonderful how Sea Org etc giveth and taketh away all in the name of and worship of money! What may have had a grain of truth in the very very beginning is nothing but rotten to the core now,Dangerous and unstable.Always Ann B.
Hi Mike, The promo piece that stated Ron communicated directly by Telex (RIP) to the Miami Org makes it sound like that was the only Org on Earth he did that with.I very well could be wrong,but I thought He and those trained to use Telexes used them constantly.Asho’s Telexes got daily workouts.Always Ann B.
The sad truth is, most of us that leave the Church of Scientology are not fit to be baptized in an ordinary Christian Church, because we do not even have the ability to repent. About our crimes against humanity, while being involved with the Church of Scientology. To own our injustice’s to others.
And I mean, the injustices, transgressions, slights, and lack of care of others, under the banner of “Scientology” and being “spiritually supreme”.
“Implement actions to protect the freedoms of this country against suppression”. Hell that is easy to do….just get rid of Miscavige and his small band of freedom fighters…the IAS….Betsy Perz run for your life while you still can!
Yes the body has slowed me down from getting up the bridge….it ran the other way. And I already know the four parts of my first dynamic….my head, my trunk, my private parts and my legs….should I attest to something?
Allesandro couldn’t you have cut that down to maybe one paragraph???
Why do the Student Hat course when every Scn book has extensive glossaries with definitions on every word you will run into? One day Scn will be able to spoon feed us breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would call that the 9th dynamic.
They could eliminate all this CF stuff by just putting in each file….get more money….any way you can!
The Valley Org should be renamed to the Geriatric Org.
Potpie, ummmmmmm….’freedom fighters? More like ‘enslavement fighters. You are right on the money, though, with ‘Geriatric Org!’ Seriously, all the idle morgues are just that! Old people. But, when your reputation is what it is, no will be coming in. You know, Potpie, that’s what they should rename all the Ideal Orgs…Geriatric Orgs. “Come for the food! Stay for the funeral!”
Come for the food and stay for the funeral….that is a good one OSD.
Hi OSD, What do they do with those of us not doing a funeral or memorial service? Not because I do not believe in spirit and further adventures but because I do believe.Oh well it’s The Sea Org,They would throw my ashes in the dumpster and say” Shove off Ann!”Laughter XO Ann B.
Yes, yes they would, Ann B. “What do they do with those of us not doing a funeral or memorial services?” Well, Ann, the Scientology population is getting so old that you never know when one of the geezers is going to pass. That’s why I say, “Come for the food, stay for the funeral.”
Hi OSD,I see what you meant.Sometimes this geezer brain slips into the wrong gear.XO Ann B.
Hi Potpie, Your post is a rocket today.As a geriatric I love the name Geriatric Org! Always Ann B.
It took a geriatric to think of it…
Hey, I’m just a little bit younger than you! I look in the mirror and see the old OSD in my face. Big sigh………
Hi OSD, I well know what you mean.I try and tell myself older and wiser… does not always work.But I will always love you two.Ann B.
You’re such a sweetheart, Ann!
Wow congratulations Alessandro! Glad to hear about changing that attitude that you held on for your “hole” life. Jesus take the wheel….
Re: cf projects – Putting files in chronological order (presumably meaning the CONTENTS of the files)? Inserting and updating materials and grade charts? Building new folders?
Maybe someone should call Betty Carleton and say “YES, I want to help! Have you ever heard of computers?” At least 20 years since computers have been widely available and used, and they are still shuffling folders and creating new ones? And, has anyone ever thought to figure out why they are out of order in the first place?
No wonder central files gets so much attention – there’s nothing else to do!
I Yawn, you nailed it. No new public means a whole lot more busy work. I wonderful if the Orange County Org (Calif) is looking for me? They probably still want me to attest to Clear for their stats.
Every time a scamologists says or writes something I react just like one of those Minions pictured. That’s it! All those scamologists looking to make money from all that “training” should just perform stand up. Just say what you would normally when asked to explain El Cons “bridge”, auditing or training.
“…should just perform stand up.” Hey now, John, that’s getting into my territory!
We’ve noticed…
And we of the Church believe that all men have the inalienable right to donate daily, reg others daily and force others to donate daily, and that no agency less than Dave has the power to set aside or suspend these rights either overtly or covertly. Amen.
Alleluia! May Dave be with me. Amen.
Wow, we’ve done it! 20% off status … 50% off THE book … cause over body just by going to a seminar! If this is all they’ve got then we’ve done it: Scientology is really and truly dead. Mission accomplished! Let’s all celebrate with a Mexican themed event. Olé!
I’m all for that. Where can we find a DM pinata? Or better yet, use him as the pinata.
Hi Espiando,Yes Please a DM Piñata filled with nothing because that is what DM has wrought except for his stash of cash! Even better hand me that whacked stick Always Ann B.
Hi Espiando, The Rats have my spell check I’ll git em, should be whacking stick! Ann B.
I’m in, Robin! Tacos, burritos and Dos Equis Beer.
The wins from Super Power remind me of a friend who cam back from L11 saying he wanted to change the global banking system, felt he could do it. Instead he went bankrupt, and after a an Ls review died while flying home. RIP.
Wow. It’s is true what I’ve seen on the fronts of many T-shirts: Scientology Kills!
dr mac, I wish for your friend that he travels well to the next world. He’s probably thinking, as he looks back over his lifetime, “Why the fuck did I ever get involved with that cult!”
Hi dr Mac, My IPad is bad today.My gosh your post is very sad.I had some L completions that passed away too,do not remember exact details but their families wrote me about them.May this Cult a fall.Always Ann B.
Mission of the Foothills bake sale? Wait, wait, wait… Weren’t bake sales for fundraising the one thing that LRH specifically forbid?
The Montrose Bakery just down the street is highly recommended.
Hubbard never mentioned bake sales, but, he did say if the GI is low, increase it with scientology. And don’t resort to selling postcards or FUNDRAISING. You would think the sheeple would know what their founder said…
But OSD Scientology has been refound. It now has a new sauce…
Resort actually means the renovated INT compound and the good ship Lollie Pop. It’s FUNdrasing and postcards are old hat – it’s all done with electronic flyers to beg for money now.
Sauce has been followed to the dollar.
Sheeple is good… yes indeed, sheeple is good, that’s just the way it is here on earth… everything is a round trip ticket. Please pay at the counter on your way out or get an early bird discount. Your status means everything to us, we love you!
LRH warned against fundraising barbecues. So if they have a fundraising bake sale, its OK. 🙂
I love the Valley poster – Come in and join the fun – calling people who have been called 1000 times already, if they have any sense they will have placed a block on all possible org numbers including the fanatical ot committee’s personal numbers. I wonder if this is what St Louis will be advising people on with their wonderful briefing on happiness? What is happiness? According to scn it’s taking other people’s money.
AOLA – be at cause over your body with advice from lrh? He chain smoked, was always overweight, had bad teeth, cysts and other chronic medical conditions, oh yes and ended up psychotic, a great person to go to for advice.
Taking advice from LRH regarding the health of your body would be like taking advice from Kim-Jong Un on how to create the world’s most prosperous & popular country to visit.
LRH: “Smoking doesn’t cause cancer, not smoking ENOUGH (caps mine) causes cancer” No wonder they use the “Alice In Wonderland” book.
“Bale sale and Auction”…..nice to see Scientologists up to their usual level of proofreading. Bales of what, organic fertilizer more commonly known as BS?
OH! Bale! Ok, it get now. I thought it was ‘Bail’ as in getting away.
“Dude, this is a cult! Let’s bail!”
“Ok, but, they do have some hot babes working here!”
“Dude, those “hot babes” are old enough to be your Mom or grandmother!”
“I know…I know. But…’s been awhile.”
now i see: Everything about this cult is just perfect….I donate to the National September 11 Memorial Museum; wish I could contact someone regarding this stupidly “recognition.” But I know I have no clout: I do not donate that much $$$$ to count.
I think an articulate, thoughtful phone call to the PR people at the 9/11 memorial museum would be a good place to start, accompanied by an e-mail showing off the flyer. The people working there were likely personally touched by the events that day, and would undoubtedly be appalled by Scientology seeking “stolen valor,” as they have done several times in the past.
I am traveling today and probably will not have time to call. But the attack still resonates with me: I had a floor-to-ceiling view from my office at Global Capitalism HQ and was actually looking out the window when both planes hit. One of my secretaries came from a multi-generational NYFD family and spent most of the next few months going to funerals of people she knew. Knowing what people here endured, especially in police and fire, as well as some towns who were particularly hard hit by civilian deaths, makes me absolutely enraged that Scientology would claim to have made a difference in the aftermath of the attack.
+1! John P, please do what you can to warn the officials. Please…..
@petlover, I, too was appalled by that flyer. My niece was supposed to be at a business meeting on the 96th floor of the south tower of the WTC on 9/11. It was several agonizing hours before we were able to get news that she had been called by her boss and had been redirected to Arizona at 5am that morning. I had a friend in New York who actually changed his whole career trajectory after watching the buildings collapse. To use 9/11 as an excuse to pat themselves on the back is so wrong. I am going to take JPC’s advice and make a polite phone call followed up by an email when my outrage cools enough to not go off the rails on this.
The Tom Cruise photo op with the firemen was nauseating to me on so many levels. Scientology managed to interject itself after the fact and get in the way at the wrong time and is now trying to take some glory for doing nothing? Nah. That sounds so unlike them. . . . oh wait…
I don’t think that the amount you donate makes a difference at this point. I think expressing your dismay that someone is trying to pretend to take credit for the good they are doing may be something they would appreciate.
It is just wonderful, Mike, what you are doing here every day…
exposing the church for the fraud it really is and keeping that sickening story fresh day after day.
That amazed me, when I first stumbled across your blog a couple years ago,
amazes me today, to see today’s date yet again. And here you are. Makes me happy to say…
THE CHURCH IS A TOTAL FRAUD, a danger worse than a pedophile priest because it is the whole damn church, operating under the same policy, working together to defraud you or anyone else of their money, willing to sacrifice your sanity while promising salvation at the very same time?
all under the ludicrous claim that they can make you happy, that they actually hold the golden key to happiness man has been searching for since the dawn of time.
And they would be perfectly happy defrauding every man, woman and child in your country and the country next door. How do i get away with saying this? on this day, what is it, the 10th of Sept., year of Our Lord 2015, in broad daylight without persecution nor fear of whatever the church might do?
Because Truth is on my side. I actually speak the truth. And I do mean always. i might fudge the facts or I might let a lie fly by and I have other flaws, too, but it is all in the name of Truth, as I see it.
Contrast that to, say, The Bridge to Total Freedom.
Love the minions. God knows I do. I can actually hear them in my head this peaceful morning, bouncing around and sqeaking out “Give me your money.” over and over and over.
It is a riot.
I got uncomfortable with myself now, having said “I might fudge the facts.” That’s not true. I would not, ever, knowingly present any statement as fact when I knew it to be fiction. I was making a rather clumsy attempt to say I’m human.
But, the point, is that I present myself as an honest person, with integrity, deluded as I may or may not be.
And that starkly contrasts how the leader of this so-called church presents himself, deludes as he may or may not be.
He knows, for instance, that the tech is fake. He skips auditing for himself. (How many years now, Dave?)
How excited I would be, to be Dave’s auditor. I get excited just imagining the questions I’d have lined up for him. There is no one to audit the leader, and he knows it.
Of course, he would have to put on some kind of mask before he spoke up to you about that little fact,
There’s the real difference between he and I, (does grammar dictate the word “me” there?)
– a mask over the mask he is wearing every moment of every day. He would not even allow himself to fall into the land of sleepy dreams, could not rest, unless that mask was there, hiding is own eyes from the naked truth. Another mask on top of those two to make an appearance on TV, which he would never, ever do without being forced. He is still reeling, I’m sure, from the debacle he caused going on Ted Kopple’s Nightline in, when was that, the early 80’s? I believe he has not been on public TV since. Certainly no talk show. He knows the truth and he has sworn his soul to preventing you from knowing it. Just like LRH.
Of course, in a perfect world we would force him, to testify before Congress.
There is no hiding from the Truth, really. Miscavige loses because all his cards have been played and now hiding is all he has left to do, until the end. How about that, I’m predicting the future and I’m saying that he will pass away from this Earth a sad and lonely man, small, knowing that the idea of meeting up with his fearless leader, the guy researching OT Fifteen or whatever, has barely enough merit to outweigh your average Donald Duck cartoon. Hopelessness. The life of a man just doesn’t get much sadder, at the end.
Guess that makes me your personal self-proclaimed sage. Sue me, attack me, but at least I’m standing out here in the open. Where is David Miscavige? Where is his wife, his father or his niece?
Sorry, I mean we should be laughing today, celebrating freedom from this money-grabbing, life-sucking, totally covert mob hinding in some kind of “righteous” cloak. I am wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but after the tiny bit of truth I have just spoken, i close my eyes and feel just like Superman. Free at last.
Mike – you have outdone yourself on your comments today. You totally missed your calling as a comedy writer. I think you need your own half hour HBO show ala John Oliver. Thanks so much for guffaws so early in the morning to start my day.
Regarding the 9/11 Freedom Rally: I saw this over at Tony’s site and my mouth dropped open. The point of the rally is to congratulate themselves…not to show respect for the loss of life and their loved ones left behind dealing with that loss, or the pulling together of ALL the volunteers, city, state and beyond emergency services, many of whom GAVE THEIR LIVES in doing so.
Let’s just suppose Scientologist volunteers had actually been instrumental in their aid: the individuals responsible for this flyer and event have chosen to use this disaster to pat themselves on the back.
It’s ugly and in such poor taste. They should be ashamed of themselves.
“The point of the rally is to congratulate themselves” (…) “It’s ugly and in such poor taste. They should be ashamed of themselves.”
I entirely agree. It is arrogant, pushy, shameless and inappropriate.
So is $cientology
What will be done with all the Scientology volunteers
who are now disaffected but who might want to see
what all this is about? Better put an OSA Squad at
all entrances.