Alfraudi and Tony Mo holding court Two of the scientology Hall of Fame grifters came together recently at Flag: Alfreddie (affectionately known to his friends as Alfraudie) Johnson and Tony Muhammad (Tony Mo or now known as Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad) We haven't seen them for a while -- though both were once very prominent and both are IAS Freedom Medal Award Winners. The constant promotion of the Nation of Islam in the scientology world seems to have come to a virtual standstill, so it was a bit of a surprise to see these two pop up, along with Sister Nayirrah Tivica … [Read more...]
Scientologists “Shattering” Suppression
This is a recent Facebook post from one of the deluded scientologists who believe they are "changing the world." She actually believes the magazines disappeared from the shelves permanently? And even if they did, that she makes any difference to the impact of this story? Here is what she was so upset about, last week's Us Weekly (they are dated for the day they "expire" so readers don't think they are getting "old" fake news) cover story.... Typical of tabloid mags, the story actually doesn't have anything to do with the headlines. It reports on the … [Read more...]