The hype for the replaying of Mr. Mickiewicz's New Years Patron Awards/briefing was over the top, but none more so than from Vicki Shantz, the "Continental Commander" of the Western United States. Vicki has been a long-term, loyal, ass-kissing subject of the COB. But even by her standards, this pleading to attend the event is sickening. She goes on about "Staggering accomplishments," "awe-inspiring new Patrons," "EPIC preview," "monumental," "spectacular," "revitalizing," "one of the most incredible briefings to-date," and "to move us into the future as the most vital force for the … [Read more...]
Sign Up For The Sea Org
This "briefing" is clearly a recruitment event (and of course, if they cannot get you to sign up for the SO or staff they will definitely take your money). How can you tell? You don't have Senior HCO there for a straight fundraiser. They are only there to try to get new staff. I suspect this is connected to the post of yesterday where they announced a "big thing coming" -- the orgs will be expected to send staff for OEC training at Flag. Many orgs don't have anyone to send, so they need to recruit someone. They will use this as a recruitment gimmick. Promising … [Read more...]
Vicki Shantz Recruiting for CF
This is what the most senior executive in the Western United States has devolved into. Begging people to do backlogged filing in one of her orgs. In fact, begging "OT's" who have "such amazing abilities to create effects across the dynamics." Though apparently those effects do not include managing to get people into the org or enough people on staff to do the filing. The bait? A personal commendation... but then again doesn't seem like a commendation from the CF In Charge for WUS would carry much weight. But then again, commendations aren't worth the paper they are printed on held up … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Fearless Leader? Back in action with more ridiculousness. Wee gatherings and big gatherings -- but no details about where or when. That's a secret! Highest Ever after Highest Ever Haha. If they are expanding like crazy and have all these Highest Evers, how is it possible that after 6 years as an "ideal org" they are still not SH Size. In fact, they don't even have their filing up to date! The Foundation for Planetary Clearing There are apparently 50 or more of these ideal orgs. By now something should be visible in the planetary clearing … [Read more...]