This is the ninth installment (plus bonus) of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part Nine and Nine.Five Falling Back on Old Coping Mechanisms Instead … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2022
RiverPark Mission is on Fire
Tony sold 44 raw books last week - HIMSELF ! Our Boss at Scientology Missions International had this made and sent to him. Quite fitting since Tony is Chinese/Taiwanese and it IS the year of the TIGER. Tony has been my staff member at the Riverpark Mission for 25 years. He is so pan-determined and so tireless and so dedicated to helping LRH Clear Earth. He deserves the utmost in admiration. I am so proud of him. The more books we avalanche out into the community the more we will turn the tide and win the day .. the day of sanity and freedom envisioned by LRH for all mankind. We would … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Unfortunately, RB had a major power outage so it's another oldie but goodie.... … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
For some unknown reason, the AO's are promoting kids this week. Some of the creepiest stuff that seeps out of the bubble. Only 3 more years.... They average about 300 per year (of course, not subtracting those who have left or died). They're getting excited about something that might happen in 2025. And when it does -- look out. Instantly the world will be putty in the hands of scientology. At least, that's what they are counting on. Yes, ALL Denmark With a second "Ideal Org" the entire country will be ideal. Funny, before their FIRST ideal org, there were … [Read more...]
Scientology Hypocrisy: Slave Labor and Human Trafficking
Hypocrisy in scientology runs very deep. It is almost axiomatic that if scientology claims something virtuous about itself, the opposite is true. They are masters at the art of pointing the finger at others to avert scrutiny of themselves. Just a short list: They proclaim they are champions of free speech, while seeking by any means necessary to silence anyone who says things they don't like. They claim to be against hatred and bigotry while putting out a continuous stream of hate-filled utterances and offering a safe harbor and support for the likes of Tony … [Read more...]
Desperate Much?
Is scientology really this desperate? This came to The Aftermath Foundation email address... Apparently there is no end to their nuttiness. Are they trying to send a message of some sort? "We are confronting and shattering suppressives" Or is this simply a reflection of their inability to master the simplest administrative procedures, despite having the "only workable administrative technology on earth"? They send emails from anonymous accounts attaching the latest junk from STAND League or Hate Watch or Freedom Media Ethics or whatever they call … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard Way: 25 Years Young
25 years already? It highlights just how long it has been since Ron causatively departed his body on 24 January 1986 to continue his "OT research" unencumbered by the MEST Universe. It's 36 YEARS ago now, 15 years overdue on his return to active duty in the Sea Org. I think the motto of the Sea Org at this point should be "We Never Come Back" as nobody, including the Commodore ever has. The other thing of note is that Miscavige has been running scientology for longer than Hubbard did -- even if you begin his tenure before scientology existed in May 1950 and … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 8
This is the eighth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part Eight I’ve Never Been so Happy to Not Have a Doorbell After I moved out of th … [Read more...]
“David Miscavige — A Leader Without Parallel”
The scientology minions are always trying to improve the image of Captain Miscavige. He is credited for everything that happens in scientology, and glowing testimonials about what a a great guy he is are routinely pumped out in the form of videos from sheeple seeking to ingratiate themselves with Dear Leader. Their hope is that some content shows up on Google searches for his name other than all the coverage of his violence, homophobia and disappeared wife. This one slid over the transom the other day and it is a study in what scientology thinks is "PR"" Put some dribble out o … [Read more...]