Captain Miscavige regales his sheeple with over-the-top claims of "unprecedented expansion" at every event he holds. The flowery Shermanspeak pours forth and the adoring crowds eat it up. They don't ever seem to remember what was said in the previous event, let alone last year or 5 years ago. If they kept track of the claims they would quickly realize they are utterly ridiculous. Over the years, numerous countries have "fully adopted LRH tech" and the military of literally dozens of nations have "embraced the Way to Happiness" and international corporations are "now operating on the LRH … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2022
Scientology Businesses in Clearwater
People often ask "Is this business in Clearwater is owned by a scientologist? I don't want to give them my money." Google is everyone's friend and there is a lot of information available with a simple search. But it's not always clear. So, to help make the information known, I am publishing this WISE "Job Openings" list. These will now show up on a Google search as being scientologist owned businesses. Perhaps there are others who live in this area that could add to this list, as certainly not all scientologist owned businesses are hiring... The listings are sometimes amusing. Even in … [Read more...]
How Many Sea Org Members Are There?
This promotional item claims there are 6,600 Sea Org members. That is the absolute best case scenario -- any figures ever put out by scientology are exaggerated, if not completely made up. It's probably a thousand or more less than that, but we will take them at their word. 1,200,000 people for each SO member to clear is a pretty tall order. Especially as in the entire history of scientology, they have not yet cleared 10% of that number. Yes, in 70 years they aren't even close to 120,000 clears. They continue to hover around half that number. There were this many SO members in … [Read more...]
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland Part 10
This is the tenth installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology -- written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style. Lili also provided a glossary of terms. Through the Bubble - Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure. Part Ten The Joy of Joining the Scientology Business Community I fina … [Read more...]
Easter — Scientology Style
They are at it again: Scientology pretending it is aligned with Christianity. Celebrating Easter is even more hypocritical than celebrating Christmas -- which almost transcends a religious holiday in most Western countries. But Easter, like Passover is truly a religious day, there is no federal holiday designated for these occasions in the US. This is the day to remember Christ on the cross. And a day for scientology to try to cash in on their "christian-friendly" PR line. But what does Hubbard have to say about this occasion? I have written about this before Can Scientologists be … [Read more...]
Regraded Being
Thursday Funnies
The bubble seems to have dried up with their promotional items this week. All worn out after a rousing celebration for Source perhaps? Too busy scraping up money to buy a birthday present for Captain Miscavige at the end of the month? Run out of things to say? Well, this is a surprise They have a "Black Scientologist" taking a service at AOSH Africa! Of course, its at the bottom of the Bridge, nowhere near the OT levels. Wonder how many people there are in this "Black Scientologists" group? The Ideal Attitude? Simple: hand over everything you have of … [Read more...]
L. Ron Hubbard on Psychiatry, Pain and Sex
This is an expansion of an earlier post I did on this subject. Hubbard always had a lot to say about psychiatry being the root of all evil in this universe, but towards the end of his days, he became increasingly obsessed with the topic. Just as he was trying to get rid of those pesky BT's and clusters, so too he was trying to explain to the world the scourge of psychiatry. Read his fiction from the time -- Battlefield Earth and even more so, Mission Earth, and his fixation on psychiatry is remarkable. They are the source of all suppression of mankind. His unpublished writings are even … [Read more...]
A Message from Ukraine
This is a video from a scientologist in Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine. I watched the 20 minute video and it is heartbreaking to hear what is happening in her country. I don't doubt the tragedy she recounts, her bravery and sincerity in making this video, or that she is asking for help. This situation is devastating. But, this video also highlights several things about scientology and the mindset of a good scientologist. After describing the horrors that are occurring, she hits upon a familiar theme -- there is great urgency, the future of the planet it as … [Read more...]
Scientology Hypocrisy: Champions of Religious Freedom
More scientology hypocrisy. They often shout they are champions of "freedom of religion" and of course "protect everyone's right to practice the religion of their choice." Unless they believe that choice is in some way harmful to scientology. This article on the STAND League website claims that they have created a "case library" with all the important First Amendment cases included. The article was published on 26 January 2022. Of course, this article appeared just a week after the most recent First Amendment case ruling, specifically addressing the freedom of people NOT to be … [Read more...]