Hubbard policy (HCOPL 3 Feb 1969 PUBLIC IMAGE) states: " have to go civic, go outside Scientology, get support, organize committees, plot out campaigns, work for outside finance, etc. "In handling the above public image policy, you don't announce the policy. "You can and must ally with real humanitarian and civil-rights groups (getting press coverage for every such contact." The question to be asked is, why would ANYONE wish to attend an event like this and be used by scientology in their attempt to gain credibility? Are the people who might participate in this … [Read more...]
A New Golden Age for Clearwater?
Our friend Mark Bunker is in the news again. But this time it isn’t about what scientology is doing to Fair Game him. Some of you may have seen the announcement that Wise Beard Man intends to run for a seat on the Clearwater City Commission. It was reported in the Tampa Bay Times yesterday. Clearwater, Bunker said, has “got a unique problem here in Scientology. And I think the city ought to balance it out with a unique council member who understands Scientology.” Mark has a long history in Clearwater and with scientology. We discussed some of this in 2 episodes of Scie … [Read more...]
Defensive Much?
Scientology's newest billboard in Clearwater is an obvious admission of something everyone knows -- but scientology almost never acknowledges -- their reputation is horrendous. This is clearly a reaction to The Aftermath tv series and the enormous volume of media coverage over the last few years. Unlike many years previously, today's media is not intimidated like it was and no longer just accepts the scientology PR line "we are the fastest growing religion on earth" blah blah. Scientology is hurting. They usually don't acknowledge it, pretending they are "clearing the planet" and … [Read more...]
Scientology and Children: The PR Spin
After the last post Child Sexual Abuse in Scientology it is ironic that the next day I came across this piece of PR spin. This is the other side of the scientology equation. On one hand, they groom people to be victims of sex abuse and seek to cover it up when it happens. On the other, they seek to create a good image of themselves so stories of abuse are rejected on the basis of "It couldn't be true -- look how they LOVE children and support and protect them." It is an aircover operation done on the basis of what is good for scientology. And here is another one -- they are really … [Read more...]
It’s Easter at the Ft Harrison: Christians Not Welcome
Easter is a uniquely Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Scientologists do NOT believe in Christ -- though Hubbard gave lip service to the idea that "we want the same things Jesus wanted, peace on earth and goodwill for all men" (though even that is not true as great wealth was NOT a goal of Jesus, and goodwill for all men is NOT a goal of scientology -- especially those deemed to be enemies). To be precise, it was even more vague and condescending, Hubbard said: "Scientology can demonstrate that it can attain the goals set for man by Christ, which are: Wisdom, … [Read more...]
Clearwater “Record Breaking” Community Clean Up
Funny how they already know it's going to be "record-breaking" weeks before it occurs... Because like all their other community/social betterment activities, they will simply SAY IT and nobody will ever challenge them. And because they already have it worked out that they are going to get children from the scientologist-owned schools to participate in a mandatory "event." The sort that if you don't show up you will be considered "out-ethics" and may wind up having to buy your way out of trouble, it's just easier to make sure your kids go for an hour or two (once the photos are taken you … [Read more...]
More on Fake Scientology Tours in Clearwater
Yesterday's post about the fake scientology tours brought some other interesting things to light. First, one of the scientology "fronts" that smears whistleblowers announced that the Ft Harrison is "for scientologists only". When Aaron Smith-Levin pointed out that Lisa Mansell had lied to the Chamber of Commerce, the "Truth Newsroom" quickly "clarified" that it's "open" to Non-Scientologists if they "don't show up unannounced" and "where there are community events being held." But things became even more bizarre when someone dug up this EventBrite invitation to the "Tour" (which … [Read more...]
Another Day, Another Lie: Clearwater Edition
A new press release about the Fort Harrison hotel is more important for what it DOES NOT say than what it does. Scientology puts out these paid puff releases pretty routinely. I came across this one accidentally, and of course, the lies flew off the page. Everything that emanates from scientology is designed to create an impression of normalcy that is part of the grand deception. This is no different. They proudly announce they provide "monthly tours" to the public. They see the 9th floor. A room. The lobby. The Auditorium. And a restaurant. Hardly a "tour". 21 people (though … [Read more...]
What If You Threw a Party and Nobody Came?
Scientology tries to be "part of the community" by holding "block parties" in downtown Clearwater each quarter. They held their latest one yesterday. Here are some shots -- and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words: This is a pretty accurate reflection of how much the community supports scientology in Clearwater. There were more people for an impromptu gathering at the Lucky Anchor pub with a few alumni from the Aftermath. And where are the 12,000 scientologists in the Tampa Bay area they claim to have? 11,965 of them were too busy to show … [Read more...]
Scientology and the Clearwater Police Department
Clearwater Police Chief Slaughter took the unusual step of making a YouTube video in response to The Aftermath episode which recounted the "Park Incident" with Mark Bunker. This was then published on the OpEd page of the Tampa Bay Times. Below is the full message from Chief Slaughter so everyone has complete context. Then some of my thoughts following this: For years the Clearwater Police Department has been thrust into the middle of a debate between a controversial religion and its critics, without a voice in the matter. We feel it important to publish some facts of our own to … [Read more...]