Total certainty is a much discussed subject in scientology. Hubbard promoted this often, telling people that scientology would bring them total certainty. He even named one of the first magazines of scientology "Certainty." But is certainty really such a good thing? Certainty is the antithesis of knowledge. When you are certain you know things, it is impossible to teach you anything further. If you are certain the earth is flat, there is little point in providing evidence that this is not the case because that evidence will be rejected. The term is "thought-stopping." And on top of … [Read more...]
Scientology Child Auditors — Child Abuse
Thanks to "10000 OT VIII" we can bring you this. So much to unpack. Former scientologists have often discussed "child auditors" in scientology, and I think some believe it is an exaggeration. This child has already been through the grueling TR's, including TR 0 bullbait -- where you are goaded, teased or intimidated "bullbaited" to react in some fashion whether flinching, laughing, blushing or blinking and then made to do endure the abuse over and over until there is no reaction. Now, this 9 year old child is counseling another child through their traumatic experiences, … [Read more...]
The “Golden Age” of Delusion
Since Miscavige announced the "Golden Age of Tech" way back in 1997 (?) it seems that scientology has been in anything BUT a golden age. While they have purchased plenty of buildings, the number of orgs and missions has DECREASED in this time. The number of active scientologists continues to plummet. The amount of public exposure of their abuses is at a constant state of emergency level. Therecare constantly announcements that orgs are "going to go ideal" or "we ARE going St Hill Size" and now Missions are even getting in on the act "this is the year we build the ideal … [Read more...]
Two New Conditions!
The next Terra Cognita essay that follows closely the last 2: The Condition of Liabilitiness and Condition of Doubtfulness -- Terra is injecting a little more humor into this one. Though of course, satire is often mistaken for fact when it comes to the bubble of scientology. See earlier Terra Cognita: The Mind, The Way To Happiness: Really? A Story, Auditing: a PC's Quest for the Holy Grail, The Knowledge Report, Integrity, The Almighty Stat, The Reg, The Horrors of Wordclearing, Why Scientologists Don't FSM, Respect, The Survival Rundown - The Latest Scam, Communication in Scientology... … [Read more...]
Dealing With SP’s
Every scientologist has done the PTS/SP Course. Most good scientologists have done the course more than once and have been sent to retread it when they are deemed to have become "PTS" again -- in itself pretty good evidence the course does not work. But then again, this is one of the most often used explanations as to why the "tech didn't work" -- "you cannot make/lose your gains if you are PTS." And even though the graduate of this course has "mastered the tech" of how to handle suppression and SPs, they do not then get to choose who they may or may not be connected to -- they are told by … [Read more...]
GAG II for OTs
It's awesome, awesome, awesome. The data is straight from LRH. It's now the LRH brand. It used to be filled with barriers and twists and windings. This is how we are going to handle this sector of the universe. Blah blah blah blah.... How many times can Miscavige sucker these idiots into buying the bs that "this is now how LRH intended." My God, are their memories REALLY this bad? Even the ones who have handled amnesia on the whole track? I wonder how these dupes reconcile that Miscavige's reputed sole function is to maintain standard tech, and ESPECIALLY the "standard tech" of the OT … [Read more...]
OT VIIIs: The Blind and Deaf
Scientology is a study in contradictions. But it would seem even the most enlightened beings at the top of the bridge aren't able to perceive even the most obvious of them. Read this first message sent to OT VIIIs by the Senior C/S for their "next OT Levels." Put aside there is no such thing, which they have apparently not realized yet, I wonder if they recall the "success story" they wrote after they completed OT VIII about how they were now total cause over the universe and had the full meaning of life revealed... But hold on, these super beings who have completed the first of the … [Read more...]
More OT IX & X Nonsense
This email, perhaps more clearly than anything I have seen demonstrates the insanity that pervades scientology's endless carrot dangling for "eternal spiritual freedom." When you have finally spent enough time and money to make your way through OT VIII "the first real OT level" -- you are now instructed that in order to continue to long-promised OT IX and X (which do not exist) you will have to start at the VERY bottom and repeat all that over again in order to be eligible to take the next step. The illogic of this is astonishing. The only reason to do the Student Hat, Purif and … [Read more...]
Running Program BS
They are going all out to hype the Running Program in the latest edition of Source mag. It begins with the full page shot of the "Indoctrination" pack - conspicuously labeled "CONFIDENTIAL." First, if they converted the "LRH advice" into an "HCOB" then this huge binder contains 3 pages. There is only one document that describes the Running Program. It was handed out in a file folder to those of us who were assigning to "running around the pole" full time back in the days when there was still a running track at the Gold base. This "pack" is a single issue. I am sure it has ballooned with … [Read more...]
OT Wins at the Bottom of the Bridge
What scientology is willing to promote gets crazier and crazier by the week. They are beginning to read like Weird Al Yankovic parodies. The ramblings are virtually incomprehensible. And it appears they don't even read them with any perspective about what they actually SAY before they send them out to the world. As long as they are over-the-top and kowtow to Dear Leader Miscavige they are good to go. With success stories like the one below, I don't understand why anyone bothers spending the time and the money to go to the "top of the Bridge"? This guy, who is an OT VII and "old" Class VI … [Read more...]