The common denominator of all Scientology policy, organisational interchanges & thinking = You’re always wrong, but we can fix that!
There is no such thing as Scientology public. Only a pathway in or out.
“I won’t accuse her of abandoning me. I won’t tell lies about her.”
Um…Taryn Teutsch, are you listening? There’s still some hope for you as regards the telling of truth. Of course I don’t know you, and every word out of your mouth is mud as regards your father Mike Rinder. But there’s something about the expression on your face, a kind of sadness and pain in your eyes, which communicates (to me at least; this is wholly subjective) the face of a forlorn little girl who actually loves and needs her father, a little girl in a grown woman’s body who has been missing her father for a very, very long time. Again, this is wholly subjective on my part and based only on the expression on your face as you obediently mouth whatever lies you’re ordered to tell about your father. As regards your mother, I’d say, nah, she’s over the edge into a totally different personality and as such way too far gone. But you? I think you know the truth, Taryn. By way of vast understatement it is no doubt a highly inconvenient truth for your situation. But nevertheless, I think you know, and find it very difficult to keep denying it, suppressing it. So, here’s to one day you acknowledging what I truly believe you already know. Aqua.
Powerful post Aqua.
It could be suggested when you really grasp the depth of the betrayal Scientology smothers its members in, that all Scientologists in good standing with the Church are mentally, “the walking wounded.” Fighting a war set up to be impossible to win and has already been lost. Hubbard started and lost that war with his very first, paid for lie, but it started a chain reaction very difficult to extinguish.
Life will eventually prove that out for them as it has done for countless former members and families struggling with the effects of such a personal betrayal, shattered families, lost friends, vanished careers and wasted time and money.
Thanks, Yawn. Yes, that’s what they are…”the walking wounded”…Fighting a was set up to be impossible to wind and has already been lost.” That’s is, alright. Looking at them from this viewpoint its impossible to be angry with any of them, really. “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” These Still Ins in good standing truly “know not what they do”. Not that I’m a Christian but what the man they called the Prince of Peace” is quoted as having said certainly applies here.
I’m not against anger per se, but it’s only applicable in certain situations. Dealing with Scientologists has turned out to be a long, drawn out campaign.
The head of the snake, well… fair game sounds like a plan. What goes around, comes around.
I wonder if I am the only one who was reminded of other cult members who told stupid lies like the lies the cult was trying to get this woman to tell about her mother.
I keep imagining a woman who claims that her father twisted her mother’s arm causing terrible lifelong permanent injuries. The lies she has told seem a lot like the lies the cult would have asked her to tell.
Yes, unfortunately this still rings true especially with Masterson case. How did an organization, where most people (at least public ones) thought criminal behavior was wrong, become one which protected pedophiles and rapists. It is amazing how the human mind can be convinced to support evil in the name of false “greatest good”?
The amazing thing is how scientology as a group has moved from ethical to completely immoral and there is no recognition of this.
Talk about supporting evil for the greatest good, I have to share something that’s still blowing my mind about the Masterson case. During the testimony, one of the Janes, I forget which one, testified that Danny Masterson would habitually touch her intimately IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER! Feel her up, put his hands down the front of her pants, with his mother watching AND LAUGHING! And in the beginning the young Jane Doe was very embarrassed, but then she got used to it because Mrs. Masterson thought it was cute and funny. Seriously, you can’t make this up! What kind of a woman is Carol Masterson. This kind of groping by your son of his “2D” in front of his mother is OK? Most young guys I know or have known would consider this kind of touching of their girlfriends in their mothers’ presence quite disrespectful at least of their mothers if not their girlfriends. Most normal men would never do this. I don’t even know any husbands who would touch their wives this way in front of their mothers. Honestly, is Carol Masterson, thinking this is funny, an honest to goodness, living, breathing, empty headed, Jerry Springer Show qualified white trash bimbo, or what? No wonder her son is so f**ked up. I blame her for his being such a mess. End of rant, thank you.
I missed that part of trial – too difficult to read all the details of the horrible things Masterson did to the Janes. That a mother would find such behavior acceptable is utterly disgusting. Anyone who supports a pedophile or rapust lacks a moral compass. It is so sad that so many good people unknowingly supported such an immoral group (most public was not aware of what went on in Scientology) but with all the SPTV info, hopefully their eyes are now being opened.
Totally agreed, Mary qcs. Maybe I’m naive and full disclosure I am not myself a mother, but I still believe that if his mother had reined him in more on “little” things he might have thought twice about engaging in the kind of brutish behavior of which he is now being charged. Co$ AND his mother and possibly his step-father, Carol Masterson’s husband together aided and abetted and possibly – via their “making him right” no matter how offensive his speech and behavior due to his being was so “upstat” and bringing in all that money – even created the monster who eventually called himself DJ Donkey Punch.
Aqua, many rapists are significantly formed by their origins – including sometimes mothers with attitudes we would not normally expect, but which which do explain how the children turned out abnormal, unfortunately.
Thanks for that. I missed that as I have not had time to follow the trial in detail. Do you remember anything more about what testimony it can be found in?
Peacemaker, I’m not totally sure so don’t hold me to this but I’m inclined to say that it was the testimony of the Jane who was the girlfriend who moved in with him when she was 18 and was his live-in girlfriend for a number of years.
A product of Scientology? You know, like basic auditing/ethics tech should have picked up that slime ball. Oh, that’s right, basics don’t exist in Scientology, just statuses.
Slippery Danny glided through surfing a greenback. What an asshole!
The common denominator of all Scientology policy, organisational interchanges & thinking = You’re always wrong, but we can fix that!
There is no such thing as Scientology public. Only a pathway in or out.
“I won’t accuse her of abandoning me. I won’t tell lies about her.”
Um…Taryn Teutsch, are you listening? There’s still some hope for you as regards the telling of truth. Of course I don’t know you, and every word out of your mouth is mud as regards your father Mike Rinder. But there’s something about the expression on your face, a kind of sadness and pain in your eyes, which communicates (to me at least; this is wholly subjective) the face of a forlorn little girl who actually loves and needs her father, a little girl in a grown woman’s body who has been missing her father for a very, very long time. Again, this is wholly subjective on my part and based only on the expression on your face as you obediently mouth whatever lies you’re ordered to tell about your father. As regards your mother, I’d say, nah, she’s over the edge into a totally different personality and as such way too far gone. But you? I think you know the truth, Taryn. By way of vast understatement it is no doubt a highly inconvenient truth for your situation. But nevertheless, I think you know, and find it very difficult to keep denying it, suppressing it. So, here’s to one day you acknowledging what I truly believe you already know. Aqua.
Powerful post Aqua.
It could be suggested when you really grasp the depth of the betrayal Scientology smothers its members in, that all Scientologists in good standing with the Church are mentally, “the walking wounded.” Fighting a war set up to be impossible to win and has already been lost. Hubbard started and lost that war with his very first, paid for lie, but it started a chain reaction very difficult to extinguish.
Life will eventually prove that out for them as it has done for countless former members and families struggling with the effects of such a personal betrayal, shattered families, lost friends, vanished careers and wasted time and money.
Thanks, Yawn. Yes, that’s what they are…”the walking wounded”…Fighting a was set up to be impossible to wind and has already been lost.” That’s is, alright. Looking at them from this viewpoint its impossible to be angry with any of them, really. “Forgive them, they know not what they do.” These Still Ins in good standing truly “know not what they do”. Not that I’m a Christian but what the man they called the Prince of Peace” is quoted as having said certainly applies here.
I’m not against anger per se, but it’s only applicable in certain situations. Dealing with Scientologists has turned out to be a long, drawn out campaign.
The head of the snake, well… fair game sounds like a plan. What goes around, comes around.
Agreed, thanks. Just re-reread what I wrote and saw all the typos. Miraculoius that you understood what I wrote.
Haha, we all have those days. You are among friends, we know what you meant.
Absolutely correct, Aqua
I wonder if I am the only one who was reminded of other cult members who told stupid lies like the lies the cult was trying to get this woman to tell about her mother.
I keep imagining a woman who claims that her father twisted her mother’s arm causing terrible lifelong permanent injuries. The lies she has told seem a lot like the lies the cult would have asked her to tell.
And to what end?
Where did this “religion” originate? North Korea?
Yes, unfortunately this still rings true especially with Masterson case. How did an organization, where most people (at least public ones) thought criminal behavior was wrong, become one which protected pedophiles and rapists. It is amazing how the human mind can be convinced to support evil in the name of false “greatest good”?
The amazing thing is how scientology as a group has moved from ethical to completely immoral and there is no recognition of this.
Talk about supporting evil for the greatest good, I have to share something that’s still blowing my mind about the Masterson case. During the testimony, one of the Janes, I forget which one, testified that Danny Masterson would habitually touch her intimately IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER! Feel her up, put his hands down the front of her pants, with his mother watching AND LAUGHING! And in the beginning the young Jane Doe was very embarrassed, but then she got used to it because Mrs. Masterson thought it was cute and funny. Seriously, you can’t make this up! What kind of a woman is Carol Masterson. This kind of groping by your son of his “2D” in front of his mother is OK? Most young guys I know or have known would consider this kind of touching of their girlfriends in their mothers’ presence quite disrespectful at least of their mothers if not their girlfriends. Most normal men would never do this. I don’t even know any husbands who would touch their wives this way in front of their mothers. Honestly, is Carol Masterson, thinking this is funny, an honest to goodness, living, breathing, empty headed, Jerry Springer Show qualified white trash bimbo, or what? No wonder her son is so f**ked up. I blame her for his being such a mess. End of rant, thank you.
I missed that part of trial – too difficult to read all the details of the horrible things Masterson did to the Janes. That a mother would find such behavior acceptable is utterly disgusting. Anyone who supports a pedophile or rapust lacks a moral compass. It is so sad that so many good people unknowingly supported such an immoral group (most public was not aware of what went on in Scientology) but with all the SPTV info, hopefully their eyes are now being opened.
Totally agreed, Mary qcs. Maybe I’m naive and full disclosure I am not myself a mother, but I still believe that if his mother had reined him in more on “little” things he might have thought twice about engaging in the kind of brutish behavior of which he is now being charged. Co$ AND his mother and possibly his step-father, Carol Masterson’s husband together aided and abetted and possibly – via their “making him right” no matter how offensive his speech and behavior due to his being was so “upstat” and bringing in all that money – even created the monster who eventually called himself DJ Donkey Punch.
Aqua, many rapists are significantly formed by their origins – including sometimes mothers with attitudes we would not normally expect, but which which do explain how the children turned out abnormal, unfortunately.
Thanks for that. I missed that as I have not had time to follow the trial in detail. Do you remember anything more about what testimony it can be found in?
Peacemaker, I’m not totally sure so don’t hold me to this but I’m inclined to say that it was the testimony of the Jane who was the girlfriend who moved in with him when she was 18 and was his live-in girlfriend for a number of years.
A product of Scientology? You know, like basic auditing/ethics tech should have picked up that slime ball. Oh, that’s right, basics don’t exist in Scientology, just statuses.
Slippery Danny glided through surfing a greenback. What an asshole!
Well said, Yawn. Right on the money in every sense of the word.
Any answer I could give would be pushing Objectivism.
Wow, talk about topical, I hope she blows before they twist her into an integrity pretzel.