Every day, Tony Ortega has a piece of Hubbard wisdom from the same date in history. The one from May 28th struck me.
“Now, you’re a registrar and somebody is coming in, or you’re signing up PCs. (All of you have to wear a registrar’s hat at one time or another.) And you’re trying to get somebody to get some auditing, you’re a registrar, see? And there you are one fine day with a yow-yow-yow and a scream-scream-scream standing in front of your face: Seventy-five hours of auditing have been delivered — he feels terrible! He says, ‘Oh, I could kill everybody in the place,’ and he ought to go out and sue everybody, and he’s going to inform the government that so on and so on and so on and so on-yap, yap, yap, you never hear such a thing. Don’t worry too much about the threats, because the person totally lacks direction. Person will go halfway down the steps and change his mind and do something else, don’t you see? They’re incapable of carrying forward a program that has any cohesion or direction, see.” — L. Ron Hubbard, May 28, 1963
The great wisdom of Ron strikes again. This one definitely did not stand the test of time. In fact, it didn’t even take a month before he was proven disastrously wrong.
Hubbard had been “handling” personally a man named Peter Wearne in Australia. The local scientology officials in Melbourne had recommended to Hubbard that he refund the money Wearne was asking for. Hubbard, in his infinite wisdom, informed them in no uncertain terms he was not about to give his money back, and wrote to Wearne himself to let him know. Certain of his infallible understanding of human nature, Hubbard’s arrogance with regard to Peter Wearne led directly to the Victorian Inquiry.
I wrote about a similar Hubbard quote concerning the Victorian Inquiry a month ago: Hubbard Doing Hubbard.
That particular quote was from 1964, after things had blown sky high, and now Hubbard had a very different take on things:
“And it had never even occurred to anybody down in Melbourne simply to handle Wearne, refund his money and straighten him up.”
Gosh Ron, back the in May 1963 when we were telling you we should give him his money back, you told us not to do it:
“Don’t worry too much about the threats, because the person totally lacks direction. Person will go halfway down the steps and change his mind and do something else, don’t you see? They’re incapable of carrying forward a program that has any cohesion or direction, see.”
In October of 1963, again after things were nuclear with the Inquiry, Hubbard rewrote history in a Policy Letter (which, of course, is NOT followed today as the policy was later modified when too many people were asking for money to be returned), highlights and underlining in red is mine:
This is so typically Hubbard. Assertion of great insight. Blow up. Blame everyone else for following his direction, claiming they ignored him. Re-write history to make himself look good and all-knowing. repeat.
Jon Atack Podcast
Another in the series of talks with Jon is available today:
Loved the podcast. simply marvelous.
I recently believed Scientology, Inc. Was responsible for not following L RON Hubbard’s tech and that a dictator had taken over the Church of Scientology. I believed that the tech worked and Miscavige was the culprit.
Thanks to this latest podcast of Mike Rinder and Jon Atack, I have thoroughly been disabused that Scientology works.
Scientology peddles certainty about lies from Hubbard. All broken promises. One becomes invested with money on account, time served as a slave working for the cult, time spent on courses and auditing.
It is extremely dangerous to be certain about anything L RON Hubbard says especially anything in Scientology
For the Lurkers still in doubt about Scientology, it is safer to put a bullet in a pistol and play Russian roulette than to stay in Scientology.
Get out and stay out.
Getting Clearer – – – Welcome!
“One becomes invested with money on account, time served as a slave working for the cult, time spent on courses and auditing.” That’s an excellent summary!
As often mentioned, Elron paraphrased and plagiarized from some valid sources so it can take awhile to separate true from false and fact from fiction. Speaking for myself it didn’t take too long for some false beliefs I had carried forward to come into view and I put them in perspective.
You are obviously “blown for good” and that’s good.
Thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. Jon provides some interesting insights.
in 1966 when I first got involved I thought Hubbard was more right than wrong. i did get a lot out of the tech and solo auditing. By 1971 , I had been around enough old timers to know that Ron had built on and taken credit for MANY other’s works. By the late 1970s I saw Hubbard solidify the entirety of a useful talk therapy into a rigid and robotic cult. The destruction of the franchises (1982?) did it for me and I have never looked back.
Now, i can’t wait for the cherch to be dissolved. The California legal cases may turn the public and the legal authorities to finally do what they should have done years ago.
O/T. KCRW PRESS PLAY WITH MADELEINE BRAND PODCAST: What the rape trial of actor Danny Masterson could reveal about scientology.
GUEST: Tony Ortega.
O/T. Showbiz 411: Foundation Named for John Travolta’s Forgotten Son: More Tax Free Money Sent to Scientology
by Roger Friedman – May 29, 2021 1:23 pm
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The 2019 tax filing for the Jett Travolta Foundation spells it out clearly. The foundation, named for poor Jett, who was autistic but his parents denied it, is pretty much just being used to funnel tax free donations to Scientology.
Of the $23,635 the Jett Travolta Foundation disbursed in 2019, $17,500 of it was to Scientology groups. Clearly, David Miscavige, the tiny head of the “church,” still has Travolta under his spell. The breakdown: $7,500 to Citizens Commission Human Rights; $5,000 to New Horizon Academy for Exceptional Students; $5,000 to CoS Celebrity Center. They are all Scientology organizations.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
It isn’t so much that Hubbard was ignorant. It’s just that he knew so many things that weren’t so. 😉
Ignorant – A shorter way of saying, “Don’t take any notice of that ant on your leg.”
Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2021: “Scientology’s secrets spill into open in Danny Masterson rape case,” by James Queally, [This article also “headlined” by Yahoo & many mainstream newspapers throughout the USA on May 28th.]
Thank you Mike for the podcast with John Atack. This might have been the best one yet. Anyway it was exactly what I needed to hear.
Hey Mike. I really enjoyed the way you explained how Mr. Know-It-All (my new name for Tubby) sold the idea of the Reactive Mind and then charged people huge amounts of money to eradicate it. He claimed that he was the only person on the planet who could eradicate it. But then when he had gotten all the money he could from his dupes, he told them the RM never actually existed and they had just imagined it. But he still justified taking their money and refused to refund it.
That is a very weak description of what you said. But your explanation was probably the best thing I have ever heard you say. I want to suggest to you that maybe you could memorialize that to text somewhere and make it easy for people to see it. Maybe even put a link on your main web site?
It was just so excellent that I’m sure other people would really enjoy reading it. The whole thing was just the most slick con man trick I had ever heard.
I transcribed the anecdote Mike told and I posted it to the next edition of this blog titled, “”Atlanta: 10X0 = 0X.
O/T. TheThings: Twitter Reacts To Scientology Involvement In Danny Masterson’s Trial.
“Twitter Users Are Appalled At The Claims Made Against Scientology.”
I listened to it this morning at Tony’s and you and Jon make a great tag team! Informative AND entertaining 🙂
The Hubsters grandiosity is only exceeded by his hubris and lack of self reflection. Mismanage will never give any money back to his whales. Whales are for harpooning and bleeding dry. Nothing else.
The Garcias have spent so much money trying to get a few hundred thousand back that if court costs and lawyers fees are ever awarded, that cost will exceed the actual damage award. If punitive damages are awarded, you’ll be able to hear Mismanage’s scream in the Arctic.
O/T. Los Angeles Times Opinion: How the Church of Scientology hopes to quash a lawsuit by Danny Masterson’s accusers
MAY 29, 2021 5 AM PT
* * * * * BEGIN CONCLUSION * * * * *
Hamilton and her clients were especially worried that they would be forced into arbitration before the conclusion of Masterson’s rape trial, which has yet to begin.
“The notion that you would have rape victims testifying in criminal court — which is already stressful — and then be told they have to go into arbitration with their perpetrator?” said an incredulous Hamilton.
That, like so much else about this sordid case, is unthinkable. Or, at least, it should be.
* * * * * END CONCLUSION * * * * *
“La stampa” is one of the most read news papers in Italy. It reports about Danny M case.
Yahoo News is now carrying the Los Angeles Times opinion piece.
Column: How the Church of Scientology hopes to quash a lawsuit by Danny Masterson’s accusers
I all my years in the Sea Ogre I saw only one case where a full refund was given immediately upon request. A fellow from a foreign country came for service back in 1976-7. His family came along too. I met them personally. After a month or so he demanded a full refund (not only for his services but for the other family members too. Don’t recall the exact amount but about a couple hundred thousand. It took Flag about 2 days to do it and the family returned home.
Well, since Missy Cabbage came to town with his relentless lust for money it is no wonder cases like the Garcia’s have come to be. Gee Davey boy, don’t you think it would be more cost effective (let alone “on policy”) to simply give the money back to the donor instead of to all the lawyers? And better yet, make the tech work so there are no dissatisfied customers. Oh wait. You’re a high school drop out who couldn’t even finish auditor training. Never mind.
Glenn, Good post. I had a friend ask for a refund and they told her that if she got a refund, they would turn her out and she could never get auditing again, that she would be jeopardizing her future. That, as we know, is opposite of the way LRH wanted it handled.
Hi Cindy,
So so much today is the opposite of the way LRH wanted it. This is especially true since the Diminutive Midget took over. Back when LRH was around the only staff member who tried to sell services to members was the Registrar. Today, even one’s auditor will lurk outside the Examiner’s office and hit the PC up on exit. This is true by personal experience. Even had a pair of them pounce on me after Exams once.
I’ve also been called into the Ethics Officer and questioned a few times. Each time they try to get me to donate money after I’ve passed their interrogations. Yep, service of value and real and worthwhile results are in the past. It is all about the almighty dollar now. That’s all. Truly! grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I can also attest that PC confidentiality is complete bullshit. What one confesses in session is not protected whatsoever. I once had a withhold I gave up in session used by a Registrar in an effort to get me to donate to some cause. The “look in system” at Flag video records sessions and staff have access to it all. The registrar I mentioned did just that.
So, yes the cult is all about the money. Nothing else matters one iota.
Any of this familiar to you?
Glenn, ALL of this is familiar to me. I once had an auditor call me in for a late session. After chit chatting a minute or two she said (without ever asking for a can squeeze, So she then says that it’s “too late at night for a session, so no session but I wanted to talk to you about something.” Then she proceeded to reg me to pay for the latest money-making release. Imagine that: breaking the auditor’s code by promising a session and not delivering it, and then instead of a session, getting regged for money! A double betrayal to the pc and a double out tech overt.
And yes I’ve had registrars use what was covered in session as a ruin to then use it to reg me for money and if you give us money, that ruin will be handled cuz you’ll pull in all sorts of good stuff when you donate to us.
Oh, and let’s not forget ethics. Once after doing a lot of good stuff to ‘make up the damage’ and getting all the requisite signatures needed for reentry to the group, the MAA read it and said it looked good, but it wasn’t enough and he needed me to donate money so that he’d sign off on it. It was enough done but he had his stat of money brought in, so he made me donate or buy on top of that.
It got to where there was no safe place at Flag Everyone was a registrar and everyone was stalking you in the halls to pounce and get your money. And this is over and above what you paid for auditing.
Thanks so much for sharing all that!!! I’ve never talked with anyone about such goings on before. It is nice to know I’m not alone. But of course it would be quite stupid to think that kind of shit only happened to me, right! 🙂
I never experienced what you did in that “late session”. Wow oh wow! Such a travesty and, like you said so, so out tech and out ethics. Auditors are supposed to be the most trustworthy beings and solely there for the PC’s benefit. Your auditor was certainly in a lower condition; Treason hits the mark to me.
In my honest opinion the constant and unrelenting demands for money (and yes above all one donates for “services”) is what will finally drive all members away and bring the cult to the condition of extinction. I can say this with certainty because that, as well as no real results, is what made me finally wake up and walk away forever.
Oh and here’s another incident on my chain. 🙂
Many years ago I was told I was no longer qualified for service at Flag. I was pushed off to any “outer org” to do services. Well, those orgs make one pay for at least 50% of their services in cash before they will allow any transfer of funds from Flag. So the fact is Flag will keep half your money even though they won’t ever deliver any service to you. Let’s see. Does this sound like theft?
I finally wrote to International Management demanding they send 100% of the money on account to an outer org. A month later I got a reply saying I was now acceptable for service at Flag. OMG! What a total crock of shit. The completely clear point is it is ONLY and ALWAYS about the MONEY. In the end I returned to Flag but already in serious doubt about it all decided to just use up all the money on account. I’d already paid it so may as well get something for it even though the hopes of any real results had faded away nearly completely. Well, no results were had so I decided to take an honest and deep look over my decades in the cult. And in doing so I had to take responsibility for allowing myself to be so duped and ripped off. I like to call that experience as my Truth Rundown. For I confronted it ALL, took full responsibility for allowing it all and woke up and walked out forever. Free, free at last. And I did it myself.
Life is so, so much better now.
Hope this didn’t bore you too much.
What a great story of wake up call, confronting your responsibility in it too, and finally the freeing exit from the cult. Well done Glenn. You did it! You’re free! At last!
Your story and mine are similar. This is kind of like poker: I’ll see you and raise you one!
I had a friend who was declared an illegal pc because she had worked for a short time in college at a psych facility (before she ever found Scn.)
For decades she was allowed to train but not get OT Levels due to her illegal pc status. She petitioned it and asked so many times to be allowed to do her OT Levels, but to no avail.
Fast forward a bit now. Her last living parent died and she as an only child inherited a TON of money. Flag got wind of that and sent her a letter that she was now a legal pc and the previous illegal pc status was a mistake or an arbitrary and come on down to Flag, the friendliest place on earth!
So she went and got her OT Levels through I think maybe OT III. All done very fast and quickly. And she got onto OT VII. She hadn’t been on it long before she up and died of cancer. She was not what I considered old either. Probably was 58 or so.
So may 0utpoints in her Bridge progress and handling. And you’re right,, Glenn, it is all about the money.
Hi Cindy,
Yes, our stories are quite similar. It is so nice to hear all that you share. I feel some comradery building.
The story of your friend’s experience is truly saddening. I wonder how the cult found out she inherited a TON of money.
I once had an FSM who was quite friendly (even invited me to parties at her family’s home). I of course shared all my personal information and news so she knew I was due to get a financial windfall after my mom passed. Well, of course she had to have spread this news around since soon after sales folks from not only the org but all the other cult “causes” began to flock to me and hit me up. I cut the comm with the bitch soon after.
Outpoints in bridge progress and handling. I see your bet and raise ya.
I was invited to attest to Clear back in 1980 at flag. The c/s r-factor was I’d achieved it while on dianetics in the past. Mayo was the c/s back then. Knew and trusted the guy. The state truly “indicated” so I agreed and accepted. Also because it tended to explain why my progress in the past had been so slow and with no results.
About 10 years later the c/s at my local org issued another r-factor. She said “it had been discovered there is more to do to get you to Clear so you need to do “the grades” and climb back up to Clear now”. Well, my Kool aid addiction made me accept this and I complied. And, of course this required that I give the org more and more money. Oh wait! Was this really why the r-factor was issued????? I didn’t ask that question back then but truly should have. I would have saved a TON of $$$.
Yes, Cindy. It is truly only about the money.
A question now. Have you ever been on staff or in the sea ogre?
Glenn 🙂
Cyndi, Hubbard’s refund policy says “Forbid the sale of further processing to anyone receiving a refund and make the case known to Scientologists” as point 3. So I really don’t see what is different.
I do understand that you probably experienced a “kindler, gentler” Scientology. I think that was due principally to two things: first, that Scientology was so flooded with “seekers” during the counter-culture era that Hubbard could afford to appear to be generous and benevolent, while still stacking up palletfulls of cash in his Swiss bank vaults )until money got tight later and he had to start to act with more avarice to keep up the cash flow); and second, that all those idealistic young people made the missions and orgs in positive, supportive spaces based on what the thought Scientology could be (until he brought in the Sea Org to enforce KSW and start to turn things into the “Bolivar”, “Kha-Khan” style organization he intended).
What do you think when you read those policies, his Affirmations, the “I will beat their teeth in personally note” ( https://www.mikerindersblog.org/violence-at-the-top-of-scientology/ ), his direction to “bust up” meetings of splinter groups, R2-45, and so on?
Peace Maker and Glenn (there was no reply button for Glenn so I include it here.) I hear what you’re saying. I think we all experienced stuff like this but never spoke of it because we’d be written up and sent to ethics for “being disaffected” or “nattering” when in actuality we had been taken advantage of.
And the Affirmations of Ron’s were surprising to me at first, but now I can see that he did these things probably. It shows a state of mind that he didn’t let anyone see usually.
And my being in the SO is too big a story with too many outpoints and out tech to go into here.
It seems we have so, so much in common and I truly love playing poker with you.
I too have a lot of SO history and would really like to swap more stories with you.
I understand completely Mike’s site isn’t the best place to do it. He has both my email and yours. Lets ask him to share them with us. It would be totally fine with me.
And so Mike. Will you please share my email address with Cindy and of course hers with me?
OK, as long as you aren’t a plant. lol Kidding. When I first came out of the church and was getting active on the sites, people thought I was a plant. I wasn’t.
Glenn, were the people who got a refund by any chance those with the sort of power and influence, maybe back in their home country, to make trouble for Scientology if they were disaffected or even vengeful?
And wasn’t it Hubbard who instituted the infamous monthly price increases – thus spurring on the much-abused phenomenon of advance payments and “money on account” – and then ripped off mission and org reserves with claims of past due royalty payments, and new requirements to keep large stocks of his works (which often later just had to be discarded)? There’s an account by someone close to Hubbard, maybe Robert Vaughn Young or David Mayo, that he once admitted that he could never have enough money – an insatiable lust.
I’ve looked at CofS’ corporate numbers. Funds on account never used or refunded have accounted for a huge percentage of their reserves since Hubbard’s death – money they may now need to survive. I think management fears, probably rightly, that giving in to anyone like the Garcias, would lead to a flood of other claims that could push them over the brink. Giving staff and Sea Org decent pay, health and retirement benefits (5,000 people at $20,000 per year personnel costs is $100 million per year) would probably also quickly put them in the red.
Miscavige inherited an organization in terminal decline due to the dwindling of its prime market of counter-culture youth of the postwar space era, with enormous overhead according to Hubbard policies, and already resorting to strategies of squeezing ever larger amounts of money out of a dwindling number of members – for instance, gambits like “quickie clears” and the selling of “limited edition” collectibles (some supposedly signed by Hubbard himself) were also part of the later Hubbard era. I don’t see what he could have done all that differently, given the hand “source” dealt him.
The family seemed to be wealthy. I have no idea if they had any political or other power though. The father was the only one who followed the “routing out form”. No other family members came with him. I kind of think they were from a county like India where husbands are boss over wife and children.
I never knew Hubbard and never studied his financials. Vaughn and David were/are reliable sources I think.
I have no doubt “management” fears being flooded with refund demands if they ever gave into allowing them. But, if one is selling snake oil one better be able to leave town with the money quickly. Did you ever run across any “off shore” accounts Davy boy has?
Glenn, I think the CofS is more authoritarian regime than snake oil wagon – since at least the 1960s, perhaps marked by the point when the Sea Org came ashore and started to spread out to implement “source”‘s KSW, “fair game” style ruthless and controlling organizational policies. Hubbard seems to me to have abandoned all but the pretense of “kinder, gentler” scientology after his experience running the ships with an iron fist – and drinking of the sadism of chain lockering children, overboarding people unable to swim, and making old men push peanuts around the deck with their noses until they bled.
Totalitarian leaders don’t seem plan for being deposed or having to flee, and history shows that they either hang on until the bitter end (ex. Mugabe in Zimbabwe) or die with their boots on (ex. Libaya’s Gaddafi). I believe that the CofS actually had to stop Hubbard’s practice of hiding money offshore (don’t forget “mankind’s best friend”‘s pallets of cash in overseas bank vaults), as part of their agreement with the IRS, and repatriate it.
That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if Scientology doesn’t secretly own property in a country that has no extradition treaty with the US, for use as a backup base from which Miscavige could run the CofS if things ever got too hot in the US. I doubt DM has any plans to take the money and run – if nothing else he would have the classic dictator’s problem, that whoever took power in his stead might well be bitter and vengeful enough to send assassins after him (think “mankind’s best friend”‘s R2-45 policy and “Bolivar”), sort of like what happened to Trotsky in Mexico, or at least he would risk ending up on the receiving end of scapegoating and vilification in a way his ego couldn’t stand.
I realize that you probably had a limited or different perspective on things given where you were at in Scientology and when you were there. In my view well-intended and idealistic people like you created a positive experience in spite of Hubbard, not actually because of him.
O/T. Christian Scientologist Joy Villa hosts event by Scientology front-group Drug Free World in South Africa.
Memorialized with a screenshot on ESMBR at:
I want to apologize for making several confusing posts yesterday concerning a dictionary containing the abbreviations and other terms used by this cult.
I hope this will be the last post I make on this subject and that it contains some useful instructions how to search and scroll through this dictionary.
Use the following link to access: The Technical Dictionary of dianetics and scamatology (311 pages)
I hope the following instructions will explain how to search and scroll through the dictionary.
1) The fastest way to scroll through this dictionary is to press and hold either the left or right cursor keys.
2) There is a table containing six icons near the bottom of the page. You can hover the cursor over each icon to read what it does. The most useful icon is the first one which is the Search icon and looks like a magnifying glass. You can use this icon to enter a specific term or abbreviation (like MAA). That will take you directly to that abbreviation.
3) Another useful way to scroll through the dictionary appears at the very bottom of each page. There are 16 horizontal lines and you can click on any one of these. They are used to divide the book into 16 sections and so this is a useful way to scroll. Try it and see.
4) You will notice some grey arrow heads to the left and right of each page. These are not very useful. They enable you to scroll by a single page at a time or to scroll to the very first or last page. Good luck.
The following site enables you to find all four of the dictionaries. Just enter “Scientology” (without the quotes) in the search box:https://en.calameo.com
Skyler – I’m glad you found an online reference to the scn unabridged “Technical Dictionary”. I’ve looked several times and was unable to find one. It occasionally comes in handy when a scn term or procedure comes up on a blog and a specific reference can be cited. Good job!
Apparently DM no longer allows its use in scn classrooms. I wonder how that works. Strange
I’ve just been looking through the book he wrote titled, “The New Grammar Dictionary”.
You might get a laugh from scanning through that book because this dork who fancied himself an expert on everything wrote a picture book about grammar.
Can you imagine teaching grammar by using pictures?
The idea that existing grammar needed Mr. Know-It-All to write a new book teaching grammar is very strange. It’s no wonder that people who were schooled in the cult have such strange concepts of Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.
I wonder how Mike ever managed to learn about grammar.
IIRC English grammar was taught in school by an English teacher with daily instruction on the parts of speech, sentence construction and so on. It was a lengthy and continuing process.
I question whether Hubbard wrote that course. It was probably ghost written with some passages from Hubbard and would have been a nightmare. For example I looked at a page at random and this showed up,
“Virgule /
(also called a slant, a slash and a solidus)”
Hey Richard. If you want a good laugh, here is an example he wrote under Pronouns:
“Speech would sound very awkward if we didn’t use pronouns. Paul bought a new book and Paul put the new book where Paul could find the new book easily when Paul wanted to read the new book”.
That’s just a exaggerated example. The copyright is 1990 by Bridge Publications so it’s not Hubbard. Who knows who wrote it and how much is copied from other sources. The table of contents is at the end and has appendices and a complete index with hundreds of grammatical terms and words listed.
All I’m saying is that just because it’s associated with scn doesn’t make it invalid. It looks like a valid reference source with the exception that it’s attributed to Elron. There are probably similar reference sources and grammar courses available in the marketplace.
It’s cold and raining here in the northeast.* I hope it’s sunny tomorrow for Memorial Day.
* I better go check the grammar dictionary to see if northeast should be capitalized.,,,,,,,,,,,,,{joke)
It was compiled by David Phillips and Sue Koon. But it was endlessly back and forth with Hubbard to edit, direct and approve. Me and 3 other Commodore’s Messengers were the first guinea pigs to complete KTL and worked with David and Sue closely. I then remained at the Int base as Hubbard demanded that ONLY graduates of the course could be involved in its export and administration, so I exported it to LA and Flag to get the first staff through so they could then begin training others.
Mike – Wow – Thanks for the clarification.
I recall some people commenting here that they got some benefit from the KTL (Key To Life) course which might be expected from any study of language. I wasn’t sure if KTL was the same thing or directly related to The New Grammar Dictionary which Skyler posted. I was out of scn before that course was offered.
I went to the index in the Grammar Dictionary and located “Capitalization”. It turns out that geographical locations like Middle West and Northeast should be capitalized. I’ll know better next time. haha
P.S. The slide bar in the Grammar Dictionary is located on the right side of the screen. Another mystery solved.
I took another look at that course and it’s actually very comprehensive. Other than insisting that it must be studied using scn “study tech” and word clearing everything some people, like maybe an aspiring writer, would find it useful. Maybe it’s used in scn schools where they don’t have a qualified English teacher. It would also be useful for people home schooling their children.
Hey Skyler – Now we know where Mike got his education on grammar. He’s an excellent writer so I guess he didn’t go past any “MUs”. (Mis Understood words) lol
Hey Richard – He is indeed an excellent writer. More so because most people don’t understand that so much of what is written on a blog is written in the moment. It goes directly from the brain to the keyboard. There is almost zero editing. So, there are all kinds of errors – spelling errors, grammatical errors, language errors.
We have to give a lot of credit to people who post to blogs because for the most part, they are writing on the fly and that kind of writing cannot be nearly as flawless or as polished as when people take their time and read over their posts many times before they publish it.
I often wish that we had a longer time period to edit posts after we make them on this blog. But it’s my own damn fault. I know that I should always write my posts to an editor and save it before I post it. But I often just get emotional about something and post it and just don’t have the time to proof or edit it properly.
Skyler – I agree. When I started reading and posting on the scn blogs in 2015 after watching Going Clear I had no previous experience in composing written messages and none of the blogs I was on had an edit feature. For almost three years the only way I could make what I was thinking make any sense in a post was to write down my comments longhand in a notebook first to see if they made sense! Even as I’m writing this I’m double checking to see if I’m communicating correctly. I still need more practice on brain to keyboard. Lol
Trivia – I was curious about how some people can write such long comments since it would take me forever to check out if I composed a long comment which communicates. I read out loud from a magazine article and timed myself for one minute. It turns out that a normal speaking rate is about 140 words per minute. A lot of people can type 100 words per minute so they are pretty quick on brain to keyboard. I’m getting better. Lol
I just wrote the above paragraph off the top of my head so here goes the “post comment” and I’ll see if I’m making sense – haha
One last comment about the Grammar Dictionary. In typical scn paranoid concern about never ever going past a misunderstood word the authors put the table of contents at the BACK of the book so you wouldn’t get an MU while looking at the table of contents – laughter
Skyler – I just had a cognition from this conversation with you! The only way I’m going to improve my brain to keyboard skill is to just go ahead and write down what I’m thinking. Practice makes perfect. Damn the torpedoes – go ahead!
Table of Contents at the back of the book.
That’s funny.
But I’m curious why that post does not seem to have a “Reply” button. That is pretty strange.
P.S. If you are going to write your posts first before publishing them, I would recommend you write them into an editor where you can save them. I would avoid writing them in longhand. IMO, there is no good reason to write in longhand. Although many great writers always write in longhand. So what do I know?
In addition to this, even stranger, KSW (keeping scn working) has not been at the beginning of all courses for several years now. Removed.
DM wants HIs version of scn accepted. Current scn-ists agree.
For old-time sake I read a few definitions in the tech dictionary which I guess was first published in the 1970’s. To me it seems apparent that a student browsing that dictionary today would see that what DM is currently delivering is not the same thing as what Hubbard/Scn was once delivering. No wonder he pulled it.
That original tech dictionary must have taken an enormous amount of work to compile the definitions for thousands of words and terms and cite where Elron wrote or spoke them. DM wouldn’t have the manpower to write a new tech dictionary to fit his current squirrel version.
I remember being quite happy to buy my first tech dictionary. You never knew when you might need to refresh your memory about the overt-motivator sequence. 🙄
Factually speaking there is so much half truth in the definitions that it was quite possible to accept much of scn as valid.
Hey Skyler 23,
There are also a ton of old Ability Magazines on the scientology books page on that site…Great sources for more self-aggrandizing, contradictory bloviations from Mankind’s Greatest Fiend, El Con Farthard!
Thanks for sharing this!
Thank you Mark.
I’ve always enjoyed your posts here and lately I’ve also been enjoying your posts on Tony Ortega’s board.
Back at ya.
Thanks, again, for your comments and for spreading the word about this evil organization.