Valley Ideal Org -- The Biggest and The BestJust a little update on an "ideal" org we haven't heard about for some time, and something from one we hear a LOT about. This is a report from a native Russian-speaker (or perhaps she’s from a Russian satellite) who visited the "ideal org" in Port Elizabeth. Who knew this building was also done and sits empty? Diana reports there is a "Russian-language auditor" and a "soup" at Pt Elizabeth org -- why they need Russian speakers there is anyone's guess? According to her proud pronouncement, this "ideal" org has 5 auditors and 3 sups (soups?) i … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
What Could Be Better? I wonder if ANYONE actually attended this? Kiddie Corner Sad as always... The Chan Man I would love to ask him about being in Power on the 8th Dynamic and what this looks like? Would he say he is God like Nancy Cartwright infamously did?\ Also, I wonder if him being in Power on all dynamics has anything to do with the fact that he is apparently doing "In Org Live Event" in 3 cities at the same time (everyone else has to Zoom In)??? Love that tag line "We audit kids" Still only … [Read more...]
Port Elizabeth Racing to the “Finish Line”
It is happening in Port Elizabeth everyone! After 200 days of renovations they are putting in the drop ceilings. That is "racing".... And this is of course moving Africa ever closer to an "ideal" "continent." The other "coastal orgs" (Durban and Capetown) purchased buildings many, many years ago and have done nothing with them. Harare and Bulawayo remain hopeless and the chance of either of them becomingbideal is slim to none. But that’s not even the biggest joke. Their “continent” will be “ideal” without a single org in 52 of the 54 countries that make up the continent. With a p … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
2022 - It's Going To Be Monumental Like every other year. At the start its always going to be THE year. Coming up on 20 years they have been working on getting orgs ideal. 35 for St Hill Size. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner Columbus is the third best org in the world? Columbus. OMG. Are they recruiting homeless people? It would not be the first org to have done that... Guadalajara is going ideal... One of the smallest and failingest orgs on earth is now going to go ideal. Sure.... What does this have to do with … [Read more...]
Thursday Funnies
Phoenix Rising in Albuquerque They should probably pay more attention to the dead phoenix in Phoenix where the ideal org is a morgue. The Chan Man is going to make their postulates stick -- just watch, Phoenix and Albuquerque will be booming soon. Your Defining Moment? Another one of these seminars that every org needs. Funny how they offer up advice to everyone on how to expand, but can't seem to do so themselves.... Again with the advice... If he was so good making his postulates stick don't you think CC would have at least one new major celebrity in the … [Read more...]
Going Ideal?
Apparently he is already an "Ideal Org Staff", though Port Elizabeth, after 20 YEARS of trying, is not close to even purchasing a building in order to be "ideal." Once again, it is clear that this has simply become a catch-phrase in scientology. And these poor people say it as if it means something. "Going ideal" is as empty a concept as "Clearing the Planet." It means absolutely nothing. How do we know? After 20 years, there is a long list of "ideal" orgs and nothing has changed in the world. During this time, scientology has shrunk. It is a fraction of the size it was in the 80's. … [Read more...]