A few days ago I did a posting about the fact that Wick Allcock was telling stories about Hubbard in Melbourne: Personal Stories About Ron — Sort Of
When I did the post, I was reminded by my old friend Karen De La Carriere about an earlier post at Tony Ortega’s blog written by Rod Keller Sailing with L. Ron Hubbard
In that post, Rod recounted some of the history of Wick, prompted by another promotional piece where he was riffing on Ron in Tampa.
I wonder what he said about the “research” for NED for OT’s? That Hubbard suffered another heart attack and David Mayo was called from Flag to audit him back to health? That in the sessions, Hubbard — the “preclear” — instructed Mayo “ask me this” and that the foundation of NOTs was a physical cure for Hubbard himself because neither Dianetics nor Clearing nor the OT levels had been able to accomplish making him a “well and happy human being.” Or the “research” on “Super Power” which was of course a cure for failing staff (before the cure of KTL, LOC and FPRD) but was ultimately sold to the public as the great panacea thirty years later — though there was no more “research” from Ron after he moved on to Target Two in 1986?
Of course, Wick knows nothing about these things, he was tending to the motorcycles and cars as the D/Transport In Charge.
Also in that post was an incredible revelation: Wick (Warwick) Allcock, in 2014, while in the Sea Org at Flag, was arrested for shoplifting!
This is his mug shot from the PCSO.
He was found guilty and admitted into a pre-intervention program. This means if he pays the court fees and fines and meets other conditions, the charge is dismissed, which ultimately happened in 2015.
But this didn’t apparently affect him being sent out as an ambassador for Ron in 2016. At least not until it appeared on The Underground Bunker.
He had not been sighted since. Perhaps he was shipped off to ANZO after that embarrassing exposure — he and his two older SO brothers (Richard “Wak” and John) came from New Zealand to the Apollo in the early 70’s.
But now, many years later, he is making some sort of a comeback down under where they probably know nothing about his earlier brush with the law.
Really, the question one has to ask about this is not so much “Why would you possibly use someone who was arrested for shoplifting be the representative of Source?” but “How is it that a 40+ year veteran (in 2014) of the elite pinnacle of the most ethical group in this universe, who has lived a life of pure scientology, and has walked the Bridge to Total Freedom full time for many decades, sinks to the level of shoplifter?” or perhaps “…for many decades, be so damned dumb?” Of course, living on Sea Org wages for 40 years can create desperate circumstances, but if he wasn’t so stupid he should have realized a better target for his sticky fingers would have been the canteen at Flag as if he had been caught they would NEVER have reported him to the PCSO.
The cult doesn’t only steal from their own members but also from society, in the form of criminal theft, lost business income, and higher credit card charges.
I was the Deputy Chief Steward at the ILO for 12 years. Stealing from the staff Canteen routinely came up in staff sec checks. One person who worked in SECURITY in Snr HCO Int had stolen upwards to $1,000 worth of items over the years. Of course this was not made public on any goldenrod. I wonder why.
I worked with Wick on the Ship Project and on the Freewinds for 4 years or so. He was a pretty squared away guy regarding Engine Room mechanical stuff and personnel placement, training and correction. In fact, I took over for him as the Deputy Chief Engineer Freewinds when he went back up lines. He left a post that was easy to step into.
Regarding this other stuff? Is there such a thing as Autobiographical Hagiographic Memory?
No doubt Warwick shoplifted because his low pay required it.
While we are on the subject of desperate Sea Org members stealing, here is a quick story. There was a veteran Sea Org member at Flag who was from a well known and active Scientology family. I had worked directly with him in the past and we were friends. I had looked in his gym bag and found a loaded hand gun. I pulled the string and didn’t buy his bullshit story and I got him to confess in writing to burglaries he had been doing at homes and businesses. What was he doing with the money? Drugs? Women? Gambling? Nope. He was responsible for buildings at Flag and for months he couldn’t get money for toilet paper, light bulbs and basic cleaning and maintenance supplies. He was under pressure to make “things go right” and so he did with the only solution he could come up with. He confessed with the hope of not getting declared a Suppressive Person and thus lose contact with his family. While the police were never notified (as per policy so as not to effect Scientology’s PR) he did get declared an SP. I felt bad about that as I knew his family pretty well. His family eventually left Scientology and last I heard they had moved to Texas and were doing well.
Being a scientologist can create highly stressful situations that cause one to do criminal acts. At the height of the Basics revolution, an extremely sleep-deprived SO member took money off my credit card, without me knowing, in order to meet a quota and be able to go sleep – a few hours. There are many stories of “creative” ways SO members met quotas that were criminal acts.
An intelligent and kind group would have gotten to the bottom of situations like this and corrected them, but not the church of scientology. It has its members do such things and then ruins their lives further with an SP declare. And continues to do the same thing until it makes headlines and maybe – just maybe – then it might change its tactics. But this church always does (abusive and/or criminal acts) what it can get away with for as long as possible.
It doesn’t excuse their behavior or minimize my frustration over they lack of will to at a minimum, QUIT, but I feel sorry for Sea Org Members. They started out with such lofty, GOOD intentions.
So true.
When the Lisa McPherson legal fiasco was happening Flag would go for weeks and even months without having any pay approved for the staff. The reason was that every possible penny was being sucked up to pay for the legal fees which probably ended up being close to 100 million. At one point a representative of the INT Finance Office ordered that the staff be paid that week because an overwhelming number of the staff were reporting in their O/W write ups and Security Checks that they were stealing from the Crew Canteen to have the most basic items. The staff were also stealing things like soap, toothpaste and shampoo from each other and stealing money from the Scientology public in places like the sauna, poolside and even hotel rooms. Uniform parts were so hard to come by that when staff washed their clothes in the staff laundry they had to wait by their machine so as not to have their uniform parts stolen. Yep, the “most ethical people on the planet” also live by the motto of making things “go right” which includes stealing.
Your stories need compiling into a book. (I’ve read over a hundred of your comments worthy of being put in a book.)
Truly, they are so important.
Your content almost always outshines the articles you comment upon.
Thank you. Ya I just need to take the time. We’ll see.
I agree! But what would be even better is if the damn FBI, IRS or Homeland Security would effing listen to you and take action against one of the most vile groups on this planet. For such a small group, it has done an incredible amount of damage, harm or destruction to its own members.
I feel so bad for the dedicated SO members who believed this was normal. That level of impoverishment is sick. They would have been better off in jail getting three squares a day, shampoo and soap provided, plenty of sleep, and for the women, needed sanitary supplies.
The longer I’m out the more grateful I am that I am far from the horrid CofS.
So true. It’s interesting that a common nightmare amongst veteran Sea Org members that left is not being able to find uniform parts to show up for work with. Another is fighting through the pressure of routing out or escaping from the Sea Org.
I could just cry for the rest of my life.
The church of scientology is the worst example about what’s good about the human condition or the best example of what’s the worst about the human condition. It’s on the bottom rung of humanity.
Ya and there is Scientology sitting on $3 billion dollars and the dedicated Sea Org staff have holes in their shoes and clothes and can’t afford things like shampoo, the use of a laundry machine or birth control. Luckily the org is so willing and helpful to drive the woman to free abortion clinics. Then there Is Miscavige that has built up million of dollars of personal wealth, his sweaters are hand made, his shoes are made just for him by the same guy that makes shoes for the Royal Family. He also has the finest foods and liquor from around the world flown in for his private staff to prepare for him. It’s funny how these extreme cults tend to follow the same basic pattern. P.S. Where is Shelly?
@Mat Pesch: I think you have the title of your memoir: “P.S. Where is Shelly?”
As @Chuck offered, you could compile each of your Mat blog posts from here to make for an excellent start to a book.
We know your wife Amy is an excellent communicator and compiler of stories and memories, and she is an author, so you direct access to a ready, wonderful ally.
That said, we know in this blog community that it does take time and energy to produce something like this. Is Dan Koon available who helped Ron Miscavige, Sr. produce his book “Ruthless”?
Bottom line: Know that you are loved and any time you weigh in to the Mike Ringer blog is so highly welcome and we trust you.
(More groaning.)
A very good point. Scientology just does not work. The evidence is everywhere. The poor guy. Hope he makes it out.
It never meant to work.
It’s all about mental conditioning, that’s why you were told aforehead:
* University scholars, Psychiatrist, psychologists, lawyers, Judges, FBI , journalists are the worst enemy , so do not listen and stay away from them.
** if it didn’t work , it’s because of your sin against them.
Only those who have psychological and mental issues and living in fear and guilt can move towards next stage; Stockholm syndrome , the ultimate objective .
It’s all due to the golden era of cold War which open up the Cult industry in USA , protected under the Freedom of Expression covered under the first amendment.
Wait for that time when Uncle Sam releases White Paper on the Cult industry of past century.