Scientology super-OT Michael Lewis, masquerading as STAND writer Martin Landon -- as Tony Ortega revealed on his Substack -- now has Alex Barnes-Ross in the cross hairs of his poison pen. In the world outside the scientology bubble, this is a badge of honor. It signifies that what Alex is doing to expose scientology's abuses is important enough for them to devote time and effort to "dead-agenting" him. There is no need to read the drivel they put out, it a smorgasbord of lies, half-truths, innuendo and idiocy. I've read the stuff they write about me and it's ludicrous. The same for Leah. … [Read more...]
Neil Sarfati Hits the Big Time
My old friend from the Apollo, Neil Sarfati alerted me yesterday that he had finally "made the big time." He didn't mean he had a new number one album of his sax playing, he was referring to becoming a target of the STAND League haters. It's familiar stuff from STAND buffoon Martin Landon. First, if you have not do so, you should listen to the interview Neil did with the BBC Outlook program. I link to it below. It is very even-handed, mild-mannered and rather gentle on L. Ron Hubbard and life in the Sea Org back in the days of the Apollo. But because Neil is a no longer a cult … [Read more...]
STAND League Goes After Another Journalist
The champions of free speech lash out at another journalist who said something they didn't like. In fact, his article takes the NY Times to task over its puff piece on Rebecca Minkoff -- excerpt below: Fashion designer Rebecca Minkoff is a member of a religious cult. She reveals in today’s New York Times that she’s a practicing Scientologist. This is a smart, talented woman raised Jewish. I wouldn’t buy one more thing from her if it was on sale, discounted, or free. She’s crazy. “I think there’s a lot of confusion when people hear the word ‘religion’ — immediately you hear that I pray to … [Read more...]
STAND Unhinged and Undone by OT III
As is their modus operandi, STAND goes after any journalist who dares publish anything they don't like, no matter how insignificant or tangential. They do so with a fervor that is comical, reveling in purple prose and what they consider extremely clever put-downs. This one caught my attention. While claiming this reporter had engaged in "prosecutable libel" in her vicious and unwarranted assault, it made no mention of what the supposed libel was (and Martin, perhaps it's news to you that you cannot libel a dead person, something you should know before you spout off about it with such … [Read more...]
They Cannot Get Over It
Ed Parkin (and his Dear Leader, David Miscavige) continue to be obsessed about A&E. Not content that The Aftermath completed its 3 season run more than a year ago, they are operating on the Hubbard dictum "I never forget, I always even the score" and continue, once a week on average, to write editorials demanding the entire A&E network be exterminated. They literally want to cost every A&E employee their job, also pursuant to the dictates of Hubbard. Everyone who works at A&E is an "enemy" because they are connected to The Aftermath, Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Why does … [Read more...]
Scientology Hates “Experts” — Unless They Are Paying Them
STAND League is a constant source of ideas of what should be discussed about scientology. They accuse others (usually Leah Remini and me) of exactly what they are doing. They rail again anti-Semitism, it spurs me to write about scientology and the NOI. They complain about "anti-religionists" it prompts something about what Hubbard had to say about religion. Scientology is "fun" - brings on a post about disconnection and crush regging. And now I noticed this one. Rest assured, every one of the "experts" scientology touts is paid. Massimo Introvigne of CESNUR., Gordon Melton, Brian Wilson … [Read more...]
The Hypocrisy of Scientology Knows No Bounds
Once again, scientology demonstrates "do as I say, not as I do" -- following the well-trod path of founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Here again we see the so-called "Stand League" (I prefer to call it by its true acronym, STAAD -- "scientologists taking action against discrimination") railing against anti-Semitism in one of their recent blog posts. This is their attempt to present themselves as champions of religious freedom and speech by taking a sure-to-gain-agreement stance that anti-Semitism is to be deplored. How brave. How noble. Old Martin Landon has really gone out on a limb … [Read more...]